The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 268 Farewell to the Red Shadow of Death

"[Rarity]: Rare!"

"[Function]: It can help people recall the past, can be lent to others, and can also forge memories, but it is more difficult to forge memories and requires special methods."

"[Note 1]: Memories generally live in the depths of the Echo Strait, where there are many ferocious sea beasts, and top predators often haunt them, please summon them carefully!"

"[Note 2]: When touching the memory stone for the first time, please carefully control your mental power, and don't be overwhelmed by the endless memory images and cause cerebral palsy."

After recalling, the summoning array also lit up.

Looking at the scarlet summoning array, Chen Xi was very sure that the summoning rate this time was 100% successful, because there were top predators deep in the Echo Strait, and this time the summoning was so violent, the summoning object must be the memory stone A summoning package with top predators.

After a while, the scarlet flames built up high, like a devil with teeth and claws, laughing wildly, but making no sound, making people look terrified.

Chen Xi retreated quickly, and slowly calculated his footsteps and his own retreat position. Less than eight seconds later, his heel hit a hard object. gas.

After being sprayed all over his face, he still retreated calmly until he got to the door, and only then did he hold the door frame with one hand and hold the other hand in the air, aiming at the summoning circle.

At this time, there was a slight beeping sound inside the small cabin ship, "Turn on the radiation!"

A section of invisible radiation injected into Chen Xi's body, and Chen Xi felt a warm current surge in his body, and a high temperature rose from his whole body.

Under this high temperature, Chen Xi's body temperature quickly soared to fifty degrees Celsius, one hundred degrees Celsius, two hundred degrees Celsius.

This temperature has greatly exceeded the limit that a normal human body can withstand, even higher than the boiling point of water, which shows how abnormal Chen Xi's body is after evolution.

This ability is not like that of a human being, but Chen Xi believes that he is still a human being, because each of his organs has evolved to become stronger and higher-end, and at the same time, the original function of each organ has not been lost, so Chen Xi can only It is considered superhuman, not alien.

After a while, the temperature of the human body reached hundreds of degrees Celsius, and thick white smoke rose from the surface of his muscles. If the darkness here was not too absolute, outsiders could see a white smoke covering Chen Xi's body.

The clothes he was wearing were not the earth clothes before, but the technological clothes specially made by the alien spacecraft, which had a very high ignition point, so the clothes on Chen Xi hadn't yet spontaneously ignited.

At this moment, Chen Xi felt a sense of no one being connected, it was a very chaotic consciousness, as if as long as he was connected to it, his mind would be overwhelmed, causing all kinds of discomfort.

This symptom is somewhat similar to seasickness, Chen Xi feels that the whole world is upside down, very uncomfortable.

But how strong Chen Xi's body is, he couldn't adapt to the feeling of seasickness for two seconds, and instantly adapted to the feeling of seasickness, regained his balance, and his thinking was no longer disturbed by the memory stone.

"Is this the power of memories?" Chen Xi murmured.

He just felt seasick not because of anything else, but because of all kinds of memories running out of his mind, like a savage having fun, urinating and running around.

Fortunately, he was mentally strong, and he suppressed it with his backhand, and he no longer felt that dizzy feeling.

A few seconds later, a space crack appeared above the scarlet summoning circle, about one meter in diameter.

Seeing such a big crack, Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know what kind of monster the top predator who followed this time was.

You must know that such a large crack, most predators can follow and shuttle.

No, with the appearance of the stone, the space crack was squeezed even bigger, reaching two meters in diameter and more than two meters in width.

The memory stone itself is blue, and there are ripples of white waves on the surface of the stone, one after another, which looks very beautiful.

When such a crack in the center of the big circle appeared above the summoning array, a scream of a ghost came from the scarlet crack.

It's a stowaway!

Chen Xi clearly felt that the only thing that signed the summoning contract was the stone, and that roar did not belong to anyone, nor did it belong to any stone.

No, when the stone squeezed out of the crack in the space, countless black tentacles suddenly protruded from the opening. There was a little red in the black tentacles, and there was something soft like seaweed when viewed closely.

When the memory stone came to the earth, the space cracks began to shrink slowly, and the absolute darkness also left.

The monster stuck in the space rift obviously didn't expect this space rift to be so heartless, it got stuck there before it got out of the space rift.

So it quickly shrank its body, and its whole body squeezed out from the crack at an extremely twisted angle. After landing, it swelled rapidly, reaching a height of tens of meters in an instant.

Swish Swish Swish!

Thousands of side branches grow on the cylindrical main trunk. The leaves of the side branches are like seaweed leaves, but each algae leaf is like a soft knife. .

Chen Xi looked up, and saw that the body of the jet-black trunk was bursting with red one after another, and the black balls attached to the trunk opened their eyes one by one.

At this moment, Chen Xi saw hundreds of pupils of big eyes all focused on him, with almost no blind spots at all.

Death Red Shadow!

Chen Xi's expression became serious, and his vacant hand aimed at the huge red shadow of death, and he clenched the air tightly.

The red shadow of death was stretching its blade, hundreds of eyeballs blinked, and the murderous eyeballs were fixed on Chen Xi's face, thousands of blades on his body were flowing, warming up.

But it miscalculated, the moment it landed, its body was grasped by an invisible giant, countless blades were squeezed to the surface, the eyeballs were all pinched by the huge force, and the body had nowhere to move.

The red shadow of death wanted to scream, but it couldn't help it. Its mouthparts were sealed by a huge force, and it couldn't make a sound from its whole body. It could only stare at Chen Xi.

On the other side, Chen Xi held his right hand empty, sweating profusely, and encountered unprecedented resistance. Even when he was holding the special steel made by aliens, he didn't feel so much pressure.

It can only be said that holding a dead object is a completely different experience from holding a living body.

"Kill it!" Chen Xi ordered the Qixing ship.

Just when the first syllable of such an order was issued, hundreds of eyeballs of the red shadow of death burst without warning, and the body was riddled with holes.

Afterwards, the high-tech starship quickly built a giant chain lock at Chen Xi's request. After a period of time, the tens of meters of Death Red Shadow's body was seized layer by layer by the giant high-tech lock.

The red shadow of death refused to admit defeat, and his body began to shrink. Various blades and leaves were retracted into his body, and his soft body also shrank.

This is the housekeeping skill of the red shadow of death, but as Chen Xi suddenly grasped the abnormality ability, the direction of all this suddenly became different.

The third update.

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