The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 988: Rambler

"do you have any plans?"

The first person to speak was Wang Xudong. Because Wei Xun was out of order, he was appointed as the management of the Blood War Department. In addition, his style of work was well-known by Wei Xun, so many main battle factions took his lead.

Wang Xudong and Xu Hongzhuang are just personal complaints. He knows that things are urgent, so he said at this time: "It is not so easy to deal with those monsters! We must make a detailed battle plan!"

Xu Hongzhuang heard a smile, and then turned her eyes to other bosses.

Obviously, many people have already moved.

Baiyin City has a large population, and everyone knows that Chen Feng's favorite is the population. Their status is inferior to that of Chen Feng's confidants, because there is no credit for it. Now, there is an opportunity for everyone. Naturally a little bit emotional.

Just like Wilson.

Who is Wilson?

At that time, it was just a poor man who died in the end, because Chen Feng's promotion has become a benchmark character all the way.

There is tens of thousands of fighters under the sole control of the Blood War Department, and there are countless firearms and ammunitions. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are more than 10,000 people under one person. The other leaders present in the peace era are also full of pride, and their strength has been promoted along the way, and many of them have reached the golden peak. They may not be really convinced of Wei Xun. In the past, Xu Hong makeup was under pressure, and everyone could not make use of force to make contributions. Now, Xu Hongzhuang ’s unprecedented claim against Silver City is a rare opportunity.

Chen Feng's internal fighting is strictly forbidden. If you want to break into Chen Feng's line of sight, you naturally need to make more contributions!



The day passed quickly, and Xu Hongzhuang's figure came to the port again.

On this day, Xu Hongzhuang was dressed in a black coat. Under the support of her clothes, she made her skin look whiter. Behind her was a stern face. The fallen angel stood motionless behind her, her wings tight. Closely, even if the opponent did not intentionally reveal the breath, the deterrence of the legendary strongman still shrouded the Quartet.

Xu Hongzhuang's figure gradually moved towards the sea.

She marched on the sparkling water. As she approached deeper waters, a huge black shadow appeared from his feet. The sharpest bone spurs first appeared on the surface, and then it was huge. Back. Xu Hongzhuang stood on the head of the legendary whale and gradually entered the deeper waters as it swam.

This whale was originally a deep-sea beast that Chen Feng had conquered from Poseidon House. When he first took refuge, the other party also had some repulsive order, but after living for a while, he became familiar with the sea area. In addition, Chen Feng ’s intentional cultivation also made the other There have been many abnormal changes, the most noticeable point is the growth of sharp thorns.

Before Chen Feng went to the sleeping place, there was a ribbon road, so before leaving, he put the fallen angel and the legendary whale into the hands of Xu Hongzhuang and let him manage it.


There was a loud noise from the rear, and eight giant ships began sailing away with the legendary whale.

Each of these ships has hunted giant sea beasts, perhaps because they killed too much and were contaminated with a lot of blood. These ships exude chills.

Xu Hongzhuang stood on the legendary whale at first, and she raised her head to look into the distance, and condensed, "Go forward at full speed!"

"Woohoo ..."

The legendary giant whale moved and broke through the waves at a fast speed. Behind him, a huge whistle sounded, and those giant ships were pulling a lot of powerful professionals, heading towards the island where the monsters gathered!


The sea is not calm.

Just like the land, there are some dimensional spaces appearing in the ocean from time to time. Among them are some unlucky eggs. Those monsters have powerful strength. If they just pick up one, they have no less strength than the bronze order. But they are terrestrial creatures. The energy flowing into the dimensional cracks broke into them impatiently, but unfortunately, there were no birds and flowers around them, and some were just scary sea water.

Some shallow water areas are better. Those dimensional creatures may not die the first time, and they can struggle to get out of the ocean floor to enjoy the air of a whole new world.

But there are also some dimensional spaces located in the deep ocean. Just after taking a step, the terrifying water pressure shattered them into a broken body and became the food of some deep-sea giants.

These are unlucky eggs. Of course, there are some lucky ones. Those monsters were marine creatures from the beginning. They were used to living in the water. When they appeared, they were like fish and water. They quickly accumulated their strength and dominated the sea.

Order is so invincible, but it is dominated by land. In the era of peace, several large countries spent countless funds and science and technology, and they could not explore it completely, let alone order. This can only be considered as a semi-industrial city that can conquer!

Because of this, every time when sailing, people always like to arrange Naga as a guard, or invite a few beastmasters to bring their maritime partners on alert.

Terrestrial creatures are inherently awed by the ocean. Even a legendary strongman, when fighting at sea, his strength can only play about 70% to 80%, and the strength is greatly limited.

"Woohoo ..."

Some whining sounds came from a distance, and Xu Hongzhuang waved her hand to stop the legendary giant whale from moving on, but it didn't take long for more than a dozen strange-looking creatures to appear in front of everyone.

Their bodies were originally completely transparent, their bodies were huge, and their main body texture was like a pulsating jelly. Numerous and continuously fluctuating linear tentacles protruded from a crimson core. There were suckers at the ends of these linear tentacles. These sucker-shaped The mouthpiece opens and closes with a ghoul-like greed.

The expedition has a record, this is a creature called [Wanderer].

They use their huge claws to grab and tear their prey, and use those suckers to **** the blood of the victim.

Human eyes can't see their specific shapes, but when they **** up blood, the body will appear bright red because it is full of undigested blood, thus temporarily showing its external form—the stroller has no head and no face Even without eyes

These guys are marine and terrestrial amphibians, but more often, they live in the ocean and feed on the blood that swallows fish.

They often appear with a supernatural ticking sound, which announces their advent, and is the only signal that humans know that danger is approaching. They will leave immediately after sucking the blood of the prey, while leaving behind a weird and terrifying laughter.

There are so many monsters in the doomsday. If other marine creatures mutate, there can be some traces to follow, but the monsters in front of you are unprecedented, there is no trace to trace, so it can be concluded that these monsters come from other dimensions and belong to Another dimension space.

The whine heard before originated from the other party. If it was unusual, most of them were in a hidden state, and at this time they were naked, and no doubt they had just finished eating.

Perhaps it is the idea of ​​Xu Hongzhuang. Above the sea, a huge shark suddenly floats. Those sharks are also mutants. The longest one has even exceeded eight meters. It is even more amazing that the other party It's not regular gray skin, but golden yellow ~ ~ It's like a layer of gold foil sparkling under the refraction of sunlight.

The ramblers saw the fleet, they stopped the weird laughter, and instead floated on the sea, waiting quietly ...

These monsters have no features and eyes, but Xu Hongzhuang still feels a wonderful feeling of being closely watched. If they act alone, these guys will not hesitate to launch an attack. Previously, a rambler was captured in order. It was more than three meters long. After the incision, the blood storage volume soared far more than the body could bear. It was heard that the research department spent a whole day to clean up the blood.

what does this mean?

There seems to be a dimensional space for storing blood in the opponent's body. They do not understand hunger and hunger at all. When the situation allows, these dozen monsters can even absorb the blood of the soldiers on the eight battleships.

Xu Hongzhuang stared at the front, and made a look to the fallen angel aside, who nodded her head and spread her wings to fly into the air. The fallen angel stared at these monsters, and a ray of black halo bloomed beside her. The breath began to spread, and the body of those ramblers began to tremble slightly. After confronting each other for more than ten seconds, the monster slowly dived into the sea, and then lost its trace.

Xu Hongzhuang saw a sigh of relief here. She was not afraid of those monsters. Once fighting, the winning side would only belong to the fleet, but their purpose this time was [the barbaric giant] on the island. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Xu Hongzhuang let the fallen angels use intimidation to force the other person away from himself.

"Keep going!"

When it was confirmed that the rambler really lost his trace, Xu Hongzhuang gave another order, and the legendary giant whale tail swayed, and the speed began to accelerate suddenly, while the rear fleet also accelerated at the same time, like a sword blade. Travel in the sea!

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