The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 989: Accident

The rambler was just an episode in the journey. After that, the fleet encountered some deep dives. Chen Feng had summoned a deep dive before. This is a living creature in the water.

Their bodies are a dull green, although their belly is white. Most of the body is shiny and slippery, but with high scaly ridges on its back. The figure had the vague features of a human figure, but the head was fish, with never closed, large, protruding eyes.

This is an ugly creature with trembling gills on both sides of the neck and webs on long hands and feet. They jump forward chaotically, sometimes using only hind legs, sometimes on all fours ... their hoarse, sharp throat sounds ... convey all the dark feelings beyond their face.

Deep dives are enclosed in the deep sea, which is meaningless even time. Their arrogant lives are full of cold beauty, their cruelty is incredible.

When the fleet traveled halfway, they encountered a group of deep dives. Their overall strength was not as good as the one called by Chen Feng before, but the physical body could also be compared with the professional. If there are more than hundreds of deep dives on the large sea They have a strong sense of territory.

When these deep divers encountered the passing fleet, they instinctively thought that the other side had invaded their own place without any sign, and they launched an attack.

Xu Hongzhuang stood on the back of the legendary giant whale, staring at the wavy sea in front of her, where there were several shadows one after another. She stared silently at the front, as if waiting for something.

There are many expedition members on the fleet, and they have done a survey of surrounding creatures long ago.

The deep dive had already made an attack before, but the number was not large, and one face was killed by the fleet. However, according to exploration and research, the attack was just a test. Under this deep sea, many deep dives are still hidden. They wait before the surface for the best offensive time.

Xu Hongzhuang stared silently at the front, as if waiting for something. Xu Hongzhuang has always been a very patient person, so she waited very calmly, but looked up occasionally to the sky.


A thunder crossed the sky.

Along with the thunderous thunder, every drop of rain fell. At first it was only a light rain, but it quickly became a rainstorm.

The ship at the top of the fleet was led by Wang Xudong. At this time, he saw a faint smile when he saw the limbs of the monsters looming in front of him, but it was cold and cruel. He gently waved his hand on the deck. Professionals are quickly operating.

This time the mission is lightning combat, so there are very few ordinary soldiers. Most of them are elite elites led by professionals. Wang Xudong is an orc. In his bones, he has blood flowing crazy. Most of the time, he likes hunting monsters!

Usually during hunting, Wei Xun can feel his blood is boiling, he is like a collecting habit, especially when hunting monsters not seen before, the throb in his heart is stronger.


The violent storm rain shrouded the sea, and the thunders passed across the sky. It seemed that the storm rain had only temporarily stopped, and it was just beginning now.

The sea was rough and the undersea was still surging.

The dark sea cannot obstruct Wang Xudong's sight. He can clearly see that there are at least hundreds of ugly deep dives hidden under the deep sea. They have no weapons. In fact, arms and teeth are the best. Assault weapon!

Dark sea water.

A group of grim-looking deep divers appeared. They raised their sharp claws slowly upstream, and gradually approached the sea.



A thunder passed across the sky, and the waves shook the hull.


A professional in a formal outfit cursed, then stood firmly at the bow of the boat, yelling, "There are a bunch of poor bugs trying to sneak attack under the sea!"

"These ugly people want to ambush us!"

"We are the blood war department, what shall we do if we meet the enemy?"




The three thunderous [kill] words were spoken from the mouths of many soldiers.

At this time, there was a fog all around, even though many soldiers were full of fighting spirit, but at this time, they could not help frowning, and the white fog affected everyone's vision.

Very weird weather.

Theoretically, it is impossible for fog to appear in such a storm. The soldiers on the eight ships are all elites, and the consciousness tells them that something is not good, so the stewards on each ship began to drink: "All wake up Point! This mist is weird! Maybe those monsters are about to attack! "


Almost immediately after the warning of many people fell, a sound of piercing the skin sounded, followed by a scream of sorrow. This sound is definitely not human.

On the sea.

An ugly figure emerged, a horrifying figure wandering in the sea water, and some screaming screams could be heard faintly ~ ~ This is a call of charge!


Another flash of lightning across the sky.

Under the dark clouds, the waves on the sea are even more astonishing. In the deep night, there seems to be a terrible monster, watching these ships silently, waiting to devour everything on it at any time.

And at the moment when lightning appeared, Xu Hongzhuang's eyes tightened suddenly, what she saw, dense crowds of deep divers gathered together, like grasshoppers in the farmland, hundreds of them gathered in one place, let Goosebumps can't help but rise.

If the rambler is just a team, then the deep dive is enough to describe it as a tribe. This number can completely support a tribe. What is more terrible is that their ugly faces do not have any fear expression. There is no doubt that the fleet's deterrent It's not enough for them.

Xu Hongzhuang knows that the sea is not calm, so she did not entrust it, but she brought a whole eight battleships, and masters such as the fallen angels and the legendary giant whale!

But despite this, Xu Hongzhuang still found some potential dangers in the low seas. After traveling only halfway, she was in great danger. No wonder the ship overturned when the population was transported before, because under the deep sea , Hiding too much terrible existence.

But despite this, it does not mean that Xu Hongzhuang can be defeated in this way. When the deep dive was about to move and started the attack, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly jumped from the legendary giant whale. This jump was seven or eight meters, tight. Then she lifted her knife downwards, like Dapeng spreading her wings. As it fell, the blade of the handle also gradually enlarged. With a bang, the sea not far from the legendary giant whale was suddenly divided into two. At the same time, scarlet Plasma and broken limbs undulate along the sea.

After encountering so much trouble, Xu Hongzhuang was obviously angry!

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