The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1100: Refining

On the high fortress of the fortress, Chen Feng stood alone on the corner of the city wall, looking at the stars in the sky, the lights in the distance, and the wilderness farther away. gas.

The wilderness night was extremely cold, and the strong wind was blowing his clothes.

He was standing in the wind like a cast iron, motionless.

The inferior demon next to him turned around as a little girl. It no longer needs to eat and then sleep for a long time. Now the inferior demon likes to spend more time with Chen Feng.

In the hands of the evil demon, he held a rag doll, and the evil devil cuddled in his arms, like a treasure, very much.

Chen Feng looked at the big golden spider, and smiled slightly. The evil demon suddenly jumped happily, leaped fiercely on Chen Feng's shoulder, and passed the puppet to Chen Feng: "Master ... I like this gift very much."

"You are no longer a pure demon. I like to inject enough divinity into you one day and then turn you into a real flesh and blood instead of heresy."

Chen Feng took the puppet and carefully watched it in his hands. The evil demon heard all this, but felt dizzy. He never doubted Chen Feng's promise. Regardless of demons or human beings, the evil devil had less attention than expected. But as long as the host gives it, she will treat it as the most precious gift,

"The night is deep. I cooked some honey for you. Let me rest after you drink it."

At this moment, Mata emerged from the high room and gave Chen Feng a wide robe.

Maita is the leader of the semi-elves, and also her Majesty Chen Feng. The biggest bet that Maita made of those dimension indigenous leaders was to dedicate herself to Chen Feng, and this time, she is undoubtedly a bet!

Not only did Chen Feng give the semi-elves sufficient privileges, but also gave Mata considerable rights. It can be said that those who absorbed and settled in the dimensional life were more afraid than Chen Feng, which seemed to be a gentle Mata, because the other party really dominated The life and death of those dimensional life.

"Meta, you can rest, too." Chen Feng smiled and put his clothes on his body. Sure enough, he felt a warm body. Although he was an epic strong man and cold wind, he couldn't bear what he did, but Chen Feng also Not a beast without clothes, as a human, he has become accustomed to the warmth of wearing cold clothes and clothing.

"Maita, you go down, I'm idle and hone my martial arts."

Maita retreated, but the evil spirit still sat on the edge of the city wall, and it was lethargic in the past. At this time, it seemed energetic. As long as it was with the master, it seemed to have endless vitality.

Before speaking, Chen Feng pulled out a blade, which is not an endless sword, but also a sharp weapon created by the ore excavated from the island of dreams and the island where the Naya people lived!

The Naya people live by hunting and fishing. Even when fighting with monsters, most of them are made from local materials, or thick trees or the bones of wild animals. These ore can be created even with the power of the Naya people. , But it was not popular at all, so it was buried in the land.

Chen Feng saw the preciousness of those ores, so when he came back, he fully loaded with playground ore on the damaged surface. These ores were replaced with weapons of sufficient order. Later, Chen Feng considered to eliminate the weapons and the Naya. In exchange for more useful things.

There are still too few dimension planes ...

Chen Feng has eaten the blessings of other planes, and naturally it is clear that even the barren planes may have treasures that the human world never had, like an island of dreams. In the eyes of the Naya people, those ore are simply chicken ribs, It has no effect at all, but when these ore are transported into order, they are refined into sharp weapons to fight the enemy!

"It seems that the insect world can be considered." At this time, Chen Feng hit his idea on the insect world again.

The insect world has always been a good place for Chen Feng to fleece the wool. Before fleeing the wool fiercely, Chen Feng sealed the insect world and surrounded the undead army set up by Saruman. It is to slay those insects that come across the borders, so as not to let the other party wanton in the human world!

The reason for this is because Chen Feng found that there are also many strong people in the Worm World, and his breath even breaks through the legend, which is also an epic rank. Now, not only has Chen Feng been promoted to epic himself, but even the evil demons, Saruman, and The Burning Demon has also become a half-step epic powerhouse. If you attack the insect world, you may be able to dig deeper.

At that time, if an epic bug can be found, it can be killed by siege. At that time, Chen Feng can get a powerful sacrifice to summon, even if the bug finds its own trace, but because it is a different world In addition, Chen Feng's most annoying bug is living on that land. Therefore, under the condition of siege, Chen Feng can summon the atrophy without any scruples.

For a long time, the shrinking people have not eaten well. Once entering the Worm World and encountering the strong ones, Chen Feng will summon the shrinking people without hesitation. At that time, the two tigers will fight and Chen Feng will just leave.

Of course, this is not the time. For Chen Feng, the most important thing now is still Silver City!

The previous beating was not enough. Thousands of people died on the towering island. It was not the life of a dragon and the brotherhood of the Brotherhood. What Chen Feng had to do was to make all implementers fuxi, even if they attacked the insect world. Only by holding Silver City in your hands can you consider things in the Worm World.

Chen Feng is practicing over and over again.

Between the swords flying, a trajectory was drawn to form a mysterious picture.

During the exercise, in Chen Feng's idea, all the moves to meet all the enemies were revealed!

Even though Chen Feng is not the arrogant son, his long-term promotion has given him a lot of talents. Some of these tactics were discovered from insects, zombies, and humans. He also held different weapons, such as insect tentacles and zombies. The sharp claws and the attack of the beasts have become the material of Chen Feng, helping him to get through and master a unique and lethal move!

The realm has risen too high. Chen Feng instead feels that cold weapons are much better than hot weapons. Nowadays, Chen Feng encounters only some primitive planes, such as the insect world and the island of dreamland. As for the technological world that is far beyond the human world We haven't encountered it at all. Therefore, the weapon has developed to the extreme. For example, the magic weapon cannon is already in the extreme state, and there is not much possibility of promotion if it is specialized.

But cold weapons are different. Even if they are smelted and built, there are no limits to the casters.

Chen Feng is no longer a pure summoner, he absorbs everything that helps him, such as combat and higher-level weapon moves.

In the past, Chen Feng did not observe the beasts, zombies, and fight with Fura, in order to develop a martial art, a sword that is extremely lethal!

Chen Feng had already jumped off the city gate. In this aimless drill, suddenly, Chen Feng entered a state of being unable to think without thought.

All thoughts condensed into a ball, flying out, and the body with only an empty shell was constantly making corresponding actions.

Nowadays, Chen Feng is transformed into a mutant tiger, invincible, and the enemy can be frightened when he fights.

In the next second, Chen Feng will turn into an evolutionary zombie full of toxins. It ’s incomparable. With a punch, the enemy ’s head will be directly blown away. At this moment, some of the sword moves happened. Qualitative change.

The sword in the hands of Chen Feng is a beast and a zombie. It is also a powerful human or a dimension creature.

Because of the sword skill that Chen Feng is studying now, all rely on the most powerful fighting intention of those enemies.

Observing and any memory of the enemy when fighting with himself, in this Chen Feng's refining, he constantly walked and watched like flowers, and went out with his life.

Chen Feng's thoughts felt these fights, his mind moved a little, and a kind of thought that integrated these indiscriminate fights into one furnace was created.

He knew that if he could combine these cruelest fights into one furnace and turn it into his own thing, then create a new sword technique, and cooperate with his endless sword, Chen Feng could even join the atrophy. Compete.

"I will encounter more enemies and more dangers. From now on, those dangers will become my sword opportunity!"

Chen Feng was thinking.

All kinds of memories resounded in my mind. Each frame is so precious. Promoted to epic, Chen Feng has an unobtrusive ability and clear thinking, so that Chen Feng has enough time to sharpen his own Kendo technique!

Nowadays, the order is brightly lit, but it is a real wilderness on the outermost land!

After two years, earth-shaking changes have taken place here, the asphalt road has been covered by weeds, the original hard cement was torn apart by weeds, cracking huge cracks, and telling the surrounding prosperity before .

As for the water conservancy stations and power plants, because human beings have not been repaired for a long time, they have long become a stable habitat for wild animals. As for the dams built in the peace era, for a series of reasons, many of them started to break the embankment.


This is a real disaster!


On this sentimental night, the surrounding cold air vents blew through the first line of defense, blowing his clothes, adding a little solace to his mood.

The mood of Xiao Suo can only be relieved and reconciled with hot swordsmanship, so Chen Feng practiced the killing trick after encountering all the enemies on this night!

Chen Feng raised his head, and then saw the fortress at his feet. The wall of this fortress is dozens of feet high. It stands like a mountain. Even if it is a shooting star, the meteorite cannot be destroyed.

Such a base was created by the efforts of countless people. Even a small periphery has stored countless grains, fresh water, clothes, armor, and weapons.

And the surrounding wall is not simple. It is a defensive artifact made of special materials. Even if it is a weapon cut by a magic weapon, it can only leave a mark. It is harder than the flower class rocks, durable and will not weather.

This is the real hero!

This city was highly anticipated by Chen Feng. This is where he survived the doomsday. Therefore, there are even seven such portals in order to stop monsters from attacking the city and plunge the order into the water.

At this time, the surrounding temperature was very cold, and the order was also attacked by the cold current. Chen Feng looked away from the male pass, then took a deep breath and spit out from his lungs and throat!

Chen Feng never gave up his chance to become stronger. At this time, he tried his best to unite the things in his head. At this time, Chen Feng was waving his sword faster and faster, and his moves became more and more. The more tricky, with every move, the illusion of a monster or a beast rushed towards the face!

At the end of the drill, every action and every momentum of his move immediately appeared a sword move, and he reached the point where he wished to control the momentum.

With the passage of time, the blood of Chen Feng's whole body was beating rapidly, clamoring ~ ~ The sound turned out and made a rattling, rattling voice.

No one knows what happened to Chen Feng, not even himself, but when the blood rushed to the extreme, a terrifying breath rushed out of his head!

This is the feeling of integration!

"Finally, I cleaned all the moves I saw and merged them together to form a clean kendo."

Seeing all this, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction, returned to the body with an idea, and regained his control.

Chen Feng will never forget this. Although he now has a certain strength, it is also clear that the allusion to lean on the mountain and run on everyone, so Chen Feng must rely on himself.

Take a deep breath.

All this shows that his sword moves have really improved.

At that time, with the endless sword and the meaning of killing in mind, there are almost no opponents in the same level.

As soon as the sword was closed, Chen Feng stood and felt that after this exercise, the kind of lucid clarity had eased a lot, but it has enriched his life experience even more.

Too many things are destroyed by the doomsday. It is like a barren field outside the city wall. There is no one to refute. Situations like this are always happening all over the world. There are also countless animals who want to feed on wild animals.

Everything Chen Feng is doing now, no matter how extreme and dangerous sometimes, but one thing that cannot be denied is because of his existence, this city can be preserved.

"No one can touch here except me." Chen Feng raised his head, looking at the city of order in front of him, like ripples in his heart, unable to calm for a long time.


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