The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1101: mobilization

Chapter 1102: Mobilization


Since the formation of a team of soldiers, a solemn atmosphere has been brewing throughout the barracks. Even idiots can feel the coming of war, and the order is about to start a war of external expansion.

Many people secretly lurking near the order are aware of this, but what worries them is that they don't know when Silver City will pick a big attack?

When they learned that there is such a force in order, Silver City mobilized resources to mobilize a number of reactionaries. These people lurk in the order, like eyeballs, and pass everything they see back to the city of Silver City. in.

Originally after a big defeat, these people secretly rejoiced for a while, but when Chen Feng caused a lot of trouble in Silver City and killed many high-level officials, the hearts of these reactionaries began to shake.

Chen Feng is back!

What's next for the other party?

This is something that no one knows!

The fear of all the betrayers came from the return of Chen Feng.

Behind the order stands a true strongman who created this city, even against countless dimensional creatures and evolutionary monsters, and achieved the ultimate victory.

All betrayers know that Chen Feng is not a good speaker. The other party created order, but also executed a lot of offenders in a long time, like not long ago, if it wasn't for the shadow dragon who regretted it, now It has become a dragon corpse.

Lin Biao's dragon has always been for no reason, which made Lin Biao very anxious, so he ordered those betrayers to collect the news of order and look for the trace of the shadow dragon. If he can gain from this, Lin Biao will give a generous reward.

However, many betrayers did not expect that when they ran for their interests, Chen Feng intuitively put the shadow dragon in front of them, and let them witness a "Abandoned Dark Project" from the dragon version.

After seeing that the dragon was finally forgiven, many betrayers even thought of taking the initiative to surrender and win the forgiveness of the high-level, but this idea was suppressed just because it was just born, because everyone knows that even if the high-level forgave themselves, But the group of survivors with a sense of belonging will treat it as **** on the roadside and never ignore it again!

I do n’t know when it will start, and there are more and more believers in Chen Feng. Those who have just arrived are still observing this belief, but for the survivors, they have witnessed the miracle with their own eyes. It is Chen Feng ’s shelter. After knowing their homeland, the believers unconditionally dedicate their loyalty to this truly tolerant divine residence, in addition to the families of those who died in the war ...

If their identities are leaked, think about it, and let the betrayers shudder, they can be sure that those guys will really strip themselves!



At this moment, the sky was bright and bright, and many people were still sleeping, but there were already a crowd of busy soldiers in the dock area.


A serious-faced man arrived, and in front of the leader of the Sixth Division of the Blood Warfare Department, he handed a large knife with a flash of cold mang to the other side and said, "This is the first batch of little dwarves to build. Great Blade, which gave us 300 points. "

This team leader also went through the **** storm to reach this position today. He was not angry with the number of 300. After all, he is now preparing for the war. All soldiers are mobilized, especially the blood war department, like It is this new configuration of weapons that is often divided up as soon as it appears. This time, it is possible to grab three hundred giant blades from the group of tigers. This is already an incredible record!

At this time, the captain held a huge blade, and then easily lifted it, feeling the frivolity in his hand, and mumbled, "Why is the weight so light?"

After waving it casually, the captain found it surprisingly, but he felt light. When the giant blade was cut on the boulder, there was almost no resistance, and the boulder was divided into two.

"That's natural." The soldier who sent him nodded and replied: "I heard that there are some suspended stone powders, which are the suspended stones above the outer wall. The weapon has a certain buoyancy, so it will appear. Particularly light, but the quality has not changed, which is more suitable for some low-level fighters! "

The giant blade is powerful.

However, the requirements for use are also very high, and it requires the talents who are born with divine power. Otherwise, just holding a few waves of physical strength will not be able to support it, and it will affect its own sensitivity. Many professionals can also be regarded as fighters who value strength training, but if those people raise their huge blades in proportion to their distance, they will soon be overwhelmed by weight.

But now it's different. Having buoyant weapons will greatly reduce this physical energy consumption, which means that on the battlefield, this generous giant blade will suddenly become a nightmare for most people!

"This is a magic soldier!"

The captain looked at it, inserted it back, and then turned to the other humane: "This is the real weapon, put it in the warehouse first, and release it tomorrow. I want to maximize the benefits of weapons!"


The soldiers in the back started to move, one by one carrying the boxes with weapons, and started to move in the warehouse.


A flame fell from the sky.

Chen Feng's figure floated in midair, staring at the struggling orcs in front of his eyes, and slowly said, "It's useless."

He waved his hand gently, several flame **** whistled out, and the orc leader in front of him was torn directly with a violent explosion, and then the orcs around him mourned and screamed, and couldn't beat a fight or escape. The tragic look that cannot escape.

"Clean the battlefield!"

Chen Feng landed gently, turned around and glanced at Wei Xun behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Slaves are as active as possible, and order requires more labor."

Wei Xun immediately nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!"

From time to time, there are some dimensional cracks opening. These cracks do not appear as long as the insect world, but only for a few hours, even a few days.

Chen Feng went out of the city today to explore the surroundings, and stumbled upon a dimension crack. The crack was dominated by a group of orcs.

Sturdy, tough orcs are famously difficult to deal with. Some of them are more powerful and clever. They are called chiefs. Orcs are resistant to magic, and the smartest ones are genius warlocks who are good at many magics.

They are symbols of evil. In some ways, they are terrestrial demons. They also lack intelligence and like chaos. For them, the favorite thing is killing and conquering.

It can only be said that these orcs were too pathetic. When they appeared, they encountered Chen Feng. They did not even use the summoning beast. Just a few fireballs were thrown over. The orc leader with legendary strength was killed. This is the first dimension crack that Chen Feng encountered after returning to order. If he can calm down Silver City, he must find a way to explore a few more dimensions!

The piecemeal battle continues.

However, it is no longer necessary for Chen Feng to take a shot. There is no doubt about the ability of the Wei Xun people. In addition, some of his fighters have gradually cultivated.

Everyone is busy and orderly. Under Chen Feng's iron-handed rule, the soldiers in this city have already learned order and law.

Real elites grow up in the killings.


Under the passage of time, a message was passed to everyone's ears, and Chen Feng was going to host a military parade!

one week later.

"It's a mighty majestic"

Looking at the soldiers standing side by side, countless large flags were hunting in the cold wind, even though there were tens of thousands in front of them, there was no noise, and this was the power of order!

Although these soldiers never had weapons in their hands, Chen Feng still felt a masculine slaying spirit spreading over the surface, and he felt a sense of suffocation.

Preparations are starting!

Today's military parade, in addition to Chen Feng's inspection of the order's existing force, is a mobilization meeting, a mobilization meeting opened for Silver City.

The team that attacked Silver City, in addition to staying in this city, totaled 50,000 people to participate in the establishment of this order, the largest war ever.

Chen Feng looked around. Sure enough, on the grain road in the distance, every car was loaded with grain bales, bugs, tame beasts, soybeans, dried vegetables, vegetables and other things, forming a line of dozens of miles, an endless logistics team.

This 50,000-person team is like a behemoth that can never eat enough, constantly swallowing what can be swallowed.

What is the most important thing in war ever since? Not morale, not the bravery of the soldiers. The conditions that really affect a long war are food!

As long as you have food, you can get a chance. Why does Silver City only break into the towering island at most, even if it is known that Chen Feng is not there, it is not chasing the trend and going back to the house?

The senior executives of Silver City knew that Chen Feng's absence was a rare opportunity, but it wasn't bravery or guts that really troubled Silver City's attack, but food!

For the food and even the population and order in exchange for food, Silver City is naturally incapable of supporting a war of tens of thousands of people. With Silver Grain's current food reserves, if the supply also supplies tens of thousands, it has not even come Below the city of order, it will be completely exhausted. At that time, without food, many soldiers will naturally have no strength and will likely cause mutiny. This is the most troublesome thing in Silver City.

Where is the order? As early as the beginning, Chen Feng advocated food. After two years of cultivation, the city's food can completely supply all residents.

The abundance of food keeps the soldiers in a state of fullness.

For example.

In front of Chen Feng, there is a huge square.

On the square, the handsome flag fluttered, with a huge "Wei" character written on it, aggressive and straight into the sky.

And just around Wei, a few steps away, there was a burly giant standing vertically, standing on the ground like a nail, motionless soldiers, a row of such soldiers killing and deterring courage.

"Good guy, everyone here is at least a silver-level master. Among them, those close to Wei Xun have gold-level strength. In addition, there is a legend among this crowd. The strong one, is Wang Xudong? "

Chen Feng has some impressions of His Majesty Wei Xun. The other party is also a hawkish member who advocates offense and killing. If he grows up, he can be considered an extraordinary figure.

"Meet my lord!"

Wei Xun saw Chen Feng's gaze and shouted loudly, his voice trembling, like a thunder!

After two years of transformation, the marks on Wei Xun's face are engraved with knives, and his shoulders are as broad as a mountain. Standing on it makes people feel as deep as the sea, but no one will have any doubt. As long as this person moves, he will be like a storm at sea. , Crushing the existence of resistance into powder.

Wei Xun is no one else, it is the real commander of the Blood War Department!

Hearing Wei Xun's shouting like thunder, Wang Xudong on the side couldn't help but look down, this is the real king!

Originally, Wang Xudong thought that if he had enough strength, he could take its place. But standing here today, tens of thousands of people around him looked at him like this. Wang Xudong found some timidity, but Wei Xun was different, and the other party did n’t. Tens of thousands of people feel a little timid, but still domineering.

If placed in ancient times, the other party is definitely a hero, and such a talent, but willing to serve mainly Chen Feng, has to say that Chen Feng's efforts in the past two years have not been in vain!

In addition to Wei Xun, the left is a group of soldiers headed by Xu Hongzhuang, and the right is a dark part headed by Lu Wei!

That Lu Wei was originally just an ordinary young man, but he was quite courageous. Under the blood sacrifice of Chen Feng, he gained the blood of two demons. Since then, life has skyrocketed and he has become one of the best in order ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ As for the secret members, they often carry out some dangerous tasks. Therefore, if the strength of the blood fight department is the strongest, no one can refute it. After all, the number of blood fight departments is there, and the number of troops is tens of thousands, which is the largest order. A department.

And the dark part is not to be outdone. Even if the number is not as good as the **** part, the number of elites in the dark part is the strongest. The only difference between the **** part and the dark part is that one pursues quantity and one pursues quality.

In addition to Wei Xun, Xu Hongzhuang, and Lu Wei [from the Dragon Minister], there are many powerful professionals standing around. Even if they have not been loyal to Chen Feng for as long as Wei Xunjiu, their awakening ability and Talent is almost the same or even stronger than Wei Xun and others!

These people have not grown up because of resources, and this time, Chen Feng's determination to attack Silver City, in addition to Silver City did something wrong, and the most important thing is to gather Resources, then let the struggling professionals in order to cross the last level and become legendary powerhouses.

Today is the day of mobilization.

Today is the day of ordering the Silver City!

(End of this chapter)

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