The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1250: Powerful sneaker

For example, the blood battle at this level will never know what will happen until the last minute. The Burning Demon is proud but not arrogant. It knows what kind of power it has now. It must also admit that the abyss is terrible, and a slight negligence like the bottomless deep hole will end in death!

The Burning Demon has ambition and judgment to discern victory and defeat. Therefore, at this time, he killed a psychic dragon without any slackness. Instead, he launched a counterattack the next second. Rushed over.

Fire Whip.

A scorching flame pierced the air. Although the orcs were strong in defense, the flame whip of the Burning Demon changed qualitatively after being promoted. Not only that, the whip also had terrible elemental damage. Once close to the enemy, Enemies will take terrible spell damage.

The whip cuts through the cold light!


The bodies of dozens of wolves were directly pierced by flames, no matter whether they were silver or golden. In front of the Burning Demon, they had no resistance at all, and their bodies were torn directly into corpses.

The combat power of the orcs is not as terrible as expected. It's just that their cooperation is quite tacit. Compared to the demon, the Orc Legion is crazy, but it has a clear ability to cooperate.

Orcs like group attacks and know how to use their strengths and expertise to fight. Knowing how to cut and surround important targets, on the contrary, the devil can only rush forward, without a little command.

The Burning Demon has undoubtedly become the most dazzling flash point on the battlefield. Seeing its strength, the half-orcs dodged aside, because they know that, like this master, they are not what they can compete with at all!

No one dared to fight around. The Burning Devil killed the Quartet. The flame whip rolled one roll and one pump, and there were more than a dozen half-orcs killed in the spring. What's more terrible is that under the crazy killing, the Burning Demon's The momentum has risen steadily, compared with before, it became mad and bloodthirsty with blood on his body.

Devil's bones are full of desire and pursuit for blood!

Even in the realm of Burning Demon, you already have the ability to discern right from wrong, but with the accumulation of killings, it will become more or less crazy and become a terrible killer!

However, after the praying mantis caught the cicada and the larvae, it was just when the incendiary monster was killed and he became a bloodthirsty demon. A huge fist fell from the sky. This fist cannot be described. When it fell from the sky, there was a basketball court. That size, this is not a physical body, but an attack consisting of energy!

Fura ’s fists fell into the downwind compared to it. This momentum was only possessed by the epic strong, and when the fist fell from the sky, it was as wide as a sky pillar and directly opened to the sky to burn the flames. We hacked in the past.

At this time, the Burning Demon did not move at all, and did not even dodge, but twisted the flame whip and broke it directly into the air. The breath swelled between the sounds of exhalation, as if countless abyss volcanoes erupted. The sound of waves even covered the roar of millions of dark creatures in the final battle!


It's like the waves hit the reefs. No matter how fierce the waves are, the reefs can't be crushed.

However, the land stepped on by the Burning Devil couldn't withstand the confrontation between the two epic powerhouses. It even collapsed directly, creating a huge pit of more than ten meters.


A wolf roar, the sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the master hidden in the dark issued a howling. Then, a huge figure flashed, and a wolf man standing seven or eight meters tall and covered with silvery long hair appeared. In front of the Burning Demon.

The wolf man looked very big, even his brows fell down, and even the limbs showed different degrees of muscle degradation. Compared to the general wolf man, his body was undoubtedly thinner, but even so, the flame worm could not be ignored. The opponent, because, even if the opponent's muscles are aging, they do not look strong, but the opponent's eyes are bred with unimaginable fighting flames.

That's a kind. The body is just a useless skin. What really can live forever is the will and the soul!

Gnoll Watcher!

But this Wolfman Watcher is different from Erwin before, both in hair and temperament are more than a hundred times, this is a king of Wolfmen, a super master with epic strength!

The abyss battle has too much talk. The Burning Demon knows that the other party has the determination to kill himself, and it also has a reason to kill. Therefore, the two eyes stood up. This time, the Burning Demon made a fierce counterattack. !!

At this time, the Burning Devil did not dare to be distracted at all, and at once made a killing move.

The eyes of the burning flame shrank, and the flame whip in his hand suddenly shrank into a nearly transparent flame sword. Although the flame was absent, the strange thing was that the surrounding void was held by the opponent. The long sword is twisted and even cracked!

The flaming sword changed qualitatively like a long whip. At this time, it was murderous, revealing a lifelessness that sucked out the breath of all life.

However, the epic wolverine watcher is also a super-class master. Facing the cohesion of the Burning Demon, it does not give extra time at all, but kicks with both legs, the force is strong, and even the shock Shock the half-orcs and demons in a decisive battle not far away from you!

The werewolf watcher didn't look at it. With a double fist, the punches broke out in succession, and the boxing shadows flew directly into the air. It was incredible that these boxing shadows condensed and then directly burned the flames. The pierced long sword was wrapped in it.

"The little devil dare to stop my lord's will? I want you to die now!"

The Wolfman Watcher has n’t known how many years it has existed, so that the original dark hair has become silvery white. Compared with the Burning Demon, it is more like a junior who has just been promoted for a long time and does not know the other party. How to exert strength, even relying on his fist to stop the flame sword ~ ​​ ~ At this time, only a little anxiety finally appeared in his eyes. What is more terrible is that under the siege of the fist, it holds the flame The sword's arm actually started to tremble slightly. The next second, the fist no longer detoured, but stood up and hit the sword of the Burning Demon, colliding in pairs. This sword seemed to be unable to withstand the huge fist of the watchman, and it exploded and exploded into a sky flame.

At the same time, the watcher suddenly burst through the might of the Flame Sword, and his body moved to a speed that almost made you think you could n’t react, and came to the Burning Demon. The speed was almost as fast as almost Comparable to the speed of light!

Although the strength of the opponent was not expected to be such a powerful state, the Burning Demon was not unprepared. At this critical moment, the Burning Demon sang loudly, and a thick flame spewed from his mouth, and he coagulated in front of his eyes in a blink of an eye. Become a huge shield!

This shield is extremely red, not to mention that it is close to your eyes, that is, you may be burned several tens of meters apart. Some allies around you are too late to dodge and turn into corpses, but this time the Burning Devil can not consider so much, it is clear, if not Defend in advance, the watchman's fist is enough to penetrate his chest!

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