The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1251: Way of Devour

It's not that Fenyan Demon is timid now, but after receiving each other a few times, Fenyan Demon knew that the other party was definitely not just promoted, but fully mastered the power of epic, and even, faintly broke through the next realm spearhead!

The opponent is simply an old monster!

One thing that Burning Devil has to admit is that the other party is indeed stronger than himself!

Therefore, at this time, the Burning Devil dared to have a slight disdain, and spit flames to form a shield in front of the chest. Not only that, this shield has a strong ability to devour. Just after it appeared, the scattered bodies around it were devoured by the shield, like Just like a large amount of coal was put into the stove, the shield even doubled in just a few seconds!

Countless flesh and blood seemed to have given the shield more power, so much that it revealed a thick, majestic, and indestructible power.

However, when the Burning Devil finally took the time to observe the actions of the enemy, his body suddenly trembled, because the watchman did not know when he had appeared in front of him, and there was no gloom at all in the old face. He grinned, and seemed to laugh at his own power!

This old monster is stronger than you think!


The fists and shields intersect, and the watchman boxed at the center of the shield, shaking in pairs, and the strength of the fists quickly dissipated. The entire giant shield squeaked and fluttered, as if it was about to fall apart!

However, the watchman didn't really break it with one punch, so it can be seen that the shield is very strong!

"Your breath has been chaotic. It seems that you have just been promoted shortly. Unfortunately, if you can be promoted like me for hundreds of years, the giant shield created is definitely stronger than it is now, but you are destined to have no chance to specialize in research. Enemies against our Lord must die! "

The watchman did not break the flame shield with one punch, but did not stay in the slightest, but issued a sound full of boundless domineering sound, exhaled, and roared out his fist again.

Its arm was raised high, but the original thin arm began to expand at a horrible speed at this time. In just a blink of an eye, it became a dragon-necked arm, with a hammer on its back arm, which could almost be seen by the Burning Demon. , The energy seeping from the other side!

This was an unstoppable force. For a moment, the heart of the Burning Demon even resigned, and there was a feeling of wanting to escape.

"not good!"

When this feeling just appeared, the Burning Demon's eyes suddenly shrank, and it exclaimed. It was clear that in this attack of the Watchman, in addition to the pure physical attack, there were also some [Jingjushu]!

Compared with the general wolfman, the watchman also has a spell attack at the same time. The Burning Demon let the other party take advantage of the negligence without even expecting it. Even the enemy, the Burning Devil can't help lamenting the other party's fierceness and power!

The master battle has always been instantaneous. The Burning Devil could not help but take a half step back when he was scared, and this is the half step, which makes the watchman's momentum once again strengthened, with a magnificent fist, and smashes again. To the thick shield.

The thick shield, almost as fragile as an egg, disintegrated directly, then exploded, numerous flames flew, and the meteor fell to the ground.

In front of the thick shield of flame, the shocked face of the Burning Demon appeared.

Although there was a hunch, the Burning Demon still did not expect that the strength of the opponent was so strong that the thick shield of all his energy was destroyed, shattered and destroyed!

The Burning Demon entered the epic stage without losing a defeat, but the sudden watchman crushed himself from the beginning. When the thick shield was broken, the Burning Demon's body was twisted, and he wanted to directly break through the dimensions and escape directly. , But the watchman is destined not to give it this chance.

The watchman gazed at the Burning Demon, but just raised his eyes, and seemed to find the way of the Burning Demon to escape. He held his fist around his waist and suddenly made a force, not only the fist, but also the entire chest swelled at this time. It seems that the big ball inflated shows a slippery circle.


[Fear! 】

The watchman is good at performing physics and spells at the same time, a whistle, the body of the Burning Demon becomes stiff again, a huge air flow, a syllable mix explodes, and at the same time, he punches straight forward.


The watchman has been in the epic for hundreds of years, and the fighting skills are extraordinary, accompanied by the hard push of the fist.


With the watchman as the center, the air around a dozen meters was completely blown out!

At this time, the Burning Devil couldn't care too much, and bit his tongue sharply, then opened his mouth wide, and the magma spewed out of it!

In the realm of the Burning Demon, each drop of blood is a few hundred dollars higher than the ordinary inflammatory plasma, but these are its hard work, and every drop lost to it requires a long time to recover, but at this time The Burning Demon had been so afraid of it, he bit his tongue severely, and the blood turned into lava, which was directly wrapped around his body.

The watcher did not evade the attack and continued to punch. At this time, the fierce sound waves, blood, and air flow were disturbing, and it became a chaos completely, showing a kind of chaos that never happened.


In the next second, the watcher directly blasted the lava and punched it on the face of the Burning Demon. As a hegemon, the Burning Demon bleeds in seven holes, and the whole head buzzes. The punch was blown, but fortunately the lava cushioned the watcher's punch, otherwise it would die!

The strength of the watchman has surpassed the imagination of Burning Demon. If Burning Demon had the possibility to escape at first, then its retreat has been completely blocked and there is no possibility of leaving anymore!

"This is not a war that you can participate in. Our Lord's plan has been planning for decades. You devil is just looking for death. Let me send you to the Styx River to continue to become a worm. Come again!"

When the watchman saw that a single punch had not killed the Burning Demon, he taunted him, and then the body disappeared again. The next second, he appeared on the head of the Burning Demon. At this time, his fist was facing down and the target was pointing directly at the opponent. Forehead, don't doubt, if this hit, the Burning Devil's head will be torn immediately. At that time, even if Rose is close, it will be impossible to save it!

The Burning Demon also seems to have given up the resistance, so he looks straight ahead, the watcher right when the opponent has lost the courage to confront himself, his face can not help but be distorted, no matter how old, the abyss creatures always carry out mad In the end, the old body is just a camouflage of the watchman. It has not tasted the flesh and blood of enemies of the same level for a long time. The flesh of the devil is relatively dry, but it is also delicious and delicious!

The watcher has stayed in the epic rank for hundreds of years. Although it still has a long life span, if it is possible, it still hopes to take it to the next level. Since the understanding is not working, the watcher has sought a different promotion. Way, that is devour.

Consume more flesh and blood ~ ~ Someday, its power can accumulate success and complete promotion!

The watchman seemed to think of something, his face became a little flushed. At this time, his fist was hammered severely, and there was only one purpose, which was to kill the other party and devour flesh!


Just as the watcher was wirelessly close to the top of the Burning Demon, a loud noise came from his chest. The watchman naturally knew that it was the sound of his ribs breaking!

"how is this possible……"

The Burning Demon curled up in front of him, the other party could not attack himself, the watchman bowed his head in amazement, only to see when a petite figure appeared on his chest, the other party had a porcelain doll Like a face, with a pair of dragon wings behind her, she seemed to feel her eyes. At this time, she suddenly looked up, looked at her with a smile and said, "Although I am a bit older, I can barely eat ... Can eat ... "(https: //)" Apocalyptic Summoner "only represents the author's unwarm view, if you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it, https: // 'S position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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