The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1260: Immortality

"Hungry ... I'm so hungry ..."

Just after the barbarian had finished his surrender, and after he swallowed the dark elf grandmother directly, the second personality hidden in the inferior body began to wake up. It was not a little girl with a sweet appearance and a princess dress, but a whole body Undead sin filled with mud and broken limbs!

The Burning Demon masters many characteristics, including epic strength, epic speed, and epic power, but no matter how powerful it is, it is not as bad as the fact that the evil devil is the evil. As the evil, the evil devil holds the most peaks of countless planes. One of the characteristics is that it is immortal!

Divine iniquity possesses the spark of divinity. Therefore, unless they are destroyed, they are almost immortal.

Compared to this inferior man in a sweet coat, the inferior man at this time is the true self. At this time, a huge dragon claw protruded from the inferior man, and a lightning strike struck him fiercely. A person's chest directly broke his exoskeleton!

Terrible attack!

The moment before, the Burning Demon couldn't break the barbarian's defense with all his efforts, but the bad demon just blasted its bone out of the crack with a simple punch. This comparison is too clear to be strong and weak!

Before, the bad demon was directly hit by the inferno with a secondary artifact, and even the external flesh was detonated. Although the gods have immortality, they also rely on a lot of energy to restore their injuries. After too much energy passes, the bad demon Naturally feel extremely hungry!

Compared with the evil demon attack, the bad demon attacked one heaven and one underground, attacked fiercely and hotly, devoured countless souls, and fused countless genetic chains. In one move, it broke the barbarian defense. Some of its external bones were damaged.

After he succeeded, the bad demon didn't feel satisfied. It even extended a lot of pale limbs from the body and pulled the bones that fell on the ground directly back to the body. In the next second, it opened a small mouth and spit out instantly. The purple poisonous smoke, this toxin is extremely strong, and even has hallucinogenic energy. The barbarian is shrouded, and only feels that there are countless climbing and twisted corpses in the front, so dense that it is impossible to kill them all!

The barbarian was subjected to such a calculation, and for a while, the skin inside the bones emitted acrid thick smoke.

"What kind of power is this, how could you not have died? Why haven't you died? Impossible, this is simply impossible!" The barbaric wondered that the evil devil did not die. At this time, the painful roar of men and women mixed in the mouth, the tone, respectively From skeletal barbarians and flesh dark elf grandma!

It was as if the dark elf grandmother hadn't died at all, but was integrated with the savages, making people feel numb and grotesque.

At the same time, the savage knew that he was at the critical point of life and death, and refused to keep it. When his left hand was crossed, the sledgehammer held in his hand raised.

The bad demon had suffered from a sledgehammer before. At this time, it was natural to take precautions. The dragon claws that had been swung out directly retracted, and the body disappeared in situ, leaving the secondary artifact empty.

The barbarian forced the bad demon back, but was unable to dissipate the toxins on his body. The toxins sprayed by the bad demon still eroded the physical body of the dark elf grandmother, visible to the naked eye, the body penetrated by the bones began to rot, sores And even pus!

"It hurts!"

"It hurts!"

The wailing mixed with two tones is spoken from the savage population. It shakes the body madly and tries to use its energy to drive out the toxins in the body, but these toxins are like the bones of a cheekbone, no matter how hard the savages ca n’t However, I can only watch the flesh eroded little by little!

Bang Bang!

Just before the barbarian was healed urgently, several loud noises came, making it almost cracked.

It is a barbarian army, directly defeated by the bad demon!

Barbarians are also devoted followers of the God of Slaughter. This level of war, in addition to the half-orcs, is the second largest army of barbarians!

Witnessing the damage to the leader, many legendary barbarians immediately gathered around, and came over to rescue the leader, but the evil demon who flashed aside suddenly changed direction, perhaps because of too much hunger, came directly to a barbarian, his body swelled, It was directly enveloped in the flesh.

The barbarians who came to the rescue were all strong, but compared with the qualitative bad demon, they became flesh and blood buns, one by one, swallowed into the body by the bad demon, and directly refined.

The barbarians are not without wisdom. Seeing everything in front of them, masters of barbarians know that they can't be defeated, they roar, and flee around with fear.

"It hurts!"

How similar to the evil devil before, the barbarian wrapped in exoskeleton is now suffering unbearable pain, and after witnessing his loyal soldiers being slaughtered one by one, his heart rises with endless hatred, step on it, then The whole man bounced and rushed forward!

The bad demon has devoured many powerful people and no longer feels hungry as before, so his reason has recovered a lot. It has followed Chen Feng for a long time, and naturally understands the terribleness of the sub-artifact. At this time, it does not face the difficulties, but instead disappears again. Stayed in place, hiding aside.


But this time, the barbarian seemed to have been prepared for a long time. It wouldn't let himself make two mistakes. Just when the bad demon drew into the shadows, the barbarian projected two scarlet rays, and instantly locked the position of the bad demon. Then he lifted his head and waved, and hit a hammer on the spot where the bad demon appeared.

The inferior flesh is powerful but still has a lot of gaps compared with the sub-artifact. It was directly bombarded, and the exposed dragon claws could not withstand this blow. It was directly blown off, and countless bright red blood fell on it like raindrops. Every corner!

The bad demon was severely damaged ~ ~ But this time, it was not hit by flying. The body that had been hit by the deformed body suddenly surged. Then, countless arms extended from it, and no one knew that it was bad. How many undead souls are in the devil's body, these dense arms climbed on the sledgehammer and made a pull with the barbarians!

The strong suction came out, and it was absorbed on the sledgehammer. Maybe the barbarian hit the bad devil and let it suppress some physical pain for a short time. It sneered: "This is the weapon my Lord gave me. Although you are strong, you can't do anything with me! "

"Its true intention is to hold you back and make me sneak attack!" The smoldering voice of the burning flame sounded again, and the next second, it dragged its tired body over the barbarian's head again.

In the previous battle, the Burning Demon saw the shortcomings of the barbarian, lost his physical body, and could not rely on bones to fight for a long time. Therefore, he would devour the dark elven grandmother, and what he now needs to do is to destroy the opponent Physical!

As soon as the voice of the burning flame fell, a flame sword rose from his hand. Then, it relied on the space above the opponent's head to complete the cohesion, and then stabbed the sword into the barbarian from top to bottom. In the skull! (https: //)

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