The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1261: All surrender!


The sneak attack of the Burning Demon is a full-battered blow, which has spent its lifetime strength, and its purpose is to succeed in the sneak attack!

The barbarian is extremely powerful and possesses a secondary artifact protector. If he is restored, he may complete the comeback. Even if the bad demon has immortality, he will surely die under the revenge of the opponent!

"Dare you hurt me!"

The barbarian is indeed a master appreciated by the God of Slaughter. Facing this sudden attack, he was able to react, with his left hand facing up and a fierce blow, and he hard-wired the Flame Sword of the Burning Demon!

Palm sword collision.

The Burning Demon only felt that he had been subjected to huge resistance, but only penetrated half of the palm of the Burning Demon, and the sword no longer advanced!

Not only that, but perhaps after successive attacks, the savage flame of the barbarian has accumulated to the extreme. At this time, it roared, and the sledgehammer in his hand suddenly burst into an endless black awn. The arms caught on the sledgehammer have moved away, It broke directly!

In addition, the black mang ’s lethality is extremely powerful. It enters the body of the bad demon along the arm. At this time, the bad demon's body is like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in September. Numerous faces and limbs Crazy, but also accompanied by the wailing sound of horror to the extreme.

"not good!"

Seeing all this, the Burning Demon knew that the barbarians were desperate, and it wouldn't take long for the sledgehammer to break free from the shackles of the bad demons. By then, everything would be a foregone conclusion.

But the more such a time, the Burning Demon is clearer and less anxious. After thinking for a second, it seems to have made a certain choice, and the eyes are about to stare out. The next moment, its sword is no longer barbaric. People tangled, but waved upwards and chopped down towards their demon horns.


The fragile sound of cracks sounded, and the devil's horn broke at the same time. At this time, it was not the blood that flowed out of the fault, but the billowing energy. That was the origin of the Burning Demon. Recovery period, then the loss of these causes, it will take years or even longer for the Burning Devil to recover from its peak.

But now is a special time, and the Burning Demon knows clearly that if the barbarians break free, it will not be as simple as a serious injury, but it will definitely die!

The two are trivial and they are clearly distinguishable!

The demon flame had a decisive breath, it waved the sword, and then grasped the broken devil's horn, from top to bottom, pierced again towards the barbarian's head!

At this moment, even if the barbarians were incapable of defense again, the palm of the original dark elf grandmother was pierced at once, and the head of the head was sturdy and struck. For a moment, the barbarian celestial cap was pierced. At this moment, the arm of the Burning Demon suddenly turned red, and together with the body and the horns of the demon, it even transmitted the infinite flame power into the grandmother's body.

A terrible scene appeared, and the flesh that had stood upright actually dried up at this time, just like a flower that lost moisture, and became directly dried up. Not only that, its eyes and mouth also burst into flames. For a moment, The elf grandmother was burned. Only the strong body was not burned, but because the blood was evaporated, there was only a skin.

"Do not!"

The barbaric roared, but at this time, there was only the barbaric's own voice, and the voice of the elven grandmother no longer appeared.

The Burning Demon is expected to be good. The barbarian has died at the last moment, and only the skeleton that has been descended by God can only maintain the combat power by attaching to other flesh. Now, the flesh of the elf grandmother is destroyed, and the barbarian cannot move at all. .


A bone-breaking sound sounded, and I saw the bones attached to the elf grandmother were broken directly. Then, these bones rushed to the allies in a strange state!

At the last moment of his life, the barbarian begged for a surrender to the divine residence, so he obtained this strange and immortal ability, but this immortality is naturally inferior to the inferior demon. The skeleton is like a plant, only the soil consisting of flesh and blood is inserted. Only then can the vitality be gained. At this moment, the barbarians don't even care about the artifacts. The only purpose is to complete the parasite as soon as possible and obtain a new corpse.

It is not important whether the physical body is strong or not. The energy of the barbarians to exert their strength mainly comes from the bones. As for the physical body, it is more similar to the host of the heterogeneous parasite, and it can also obtain some characteristics of the host during the parasitic process.

This barbarian is a piece of cake. As long as he can obtain a new body, he can control the artifact as before. He swears that he must be careful when attacking this time. He must increase his suffering by a factor of 100. To those two guys!

The Burning Demon has no strength, but the bad demon is always entangled with the barbarians. At this time, the opponent leaves, it immediately discovers the clue, the bad demon's body flashes, the ghost appears, and when it reappears, it flashes directly to the barbarian. Over the people.

The evil demon's body began to swell, just like a giant mountain pressing it directly under him, and immediately filled it into his own body.

It is obvious to the naked eye that the inferior body suddenly starts to vibrate, as if there are bombs detonating constantly, and it cannot calm down at all.

The bad demon also changed its normal state at this time, a rare dignity appeared on his face, and he tried to devour the barbarians.

Once devoured, the inferior benefits cannot be imagined!

You know, the barbarian will accept the power of a part of the divine house after begging for God to descend, although it is not as strong as the full deity ~ ~, but it also has half of the divine energy. For the bad demon This divinity is undoubtedly a delicious supplement. If it is devoured, not only will the losses since the battle be recovered, but even endless benefits will be obtained!

After a while, there was a scream of shriek inside the bad demon, and then, the fluttering flesh had no other movement.

There is no doubt that the evil spirit successfully devoured the barbarian and completely surrendered the strong man directly.

The master was suppressed at once, and the sledgehammer that had fallen aside seemed to feel something. Suddenly a spin, flying into the sky, seemed to escape the place.

Deserves to be a sub-artifact, even if there is no spiritual intelligence, but can perceive blessings and make some prejudgments when necessary.

However, this sledgehammer nearly shattered the bad demon's body twice. The bad demon's spirit will not let him leave so easily. At this time, the bad devil's body was raised again and his mouth was opened. Swallowed into the stomach.

The secondary artifact is no more terrible but dead, it just struggles twice and then it doesn't jump. It seems to be fate, and it seems to be in a certain dormant state. When the time is ripe, the wind and rain will appear again! (https: //)

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