The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1296: Capture the fort

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The Abyss Summoner of the End of the World Chapter 1296

Of course, in addition to Burning Demon's own men, there are some mercenaries from the abyss level.

There are mercenaries in any war. They drive forward for the sake of their interests, and they don't care about their lives and safety at all.

Perhaps this is the value of demons. In a way, they are not just for the soul, but simply to enjoy this killing.

The cannon round fired a dozen times, and the Burning Demon waved to stop the continued bombardment.

The landlord's family had no food left.

Although there is Chen Feng behind to rely on, the Burning Demon is also clear about the value of these enhanced versions of the Demon Cannon. It does not hope that when it conquers a fortress, all these valuable ammunition will be exhausted.

Relying on the cover of artillery fire, the demon rushed to the edge of the fortress. At this time, the Burning Demon also raised a sledgehammer to participate in the battlefield.

Secondary artifact!

This is a commendation given to the burning demon, Chen Feng's weapon to the other party!

This weapon was the weapon seized during the rescue of the dark area. The original owner of the weapon has been killed. Now, this weapon belongs to the Burning Devil!

Chen Feng previously snatched the endless blade from the Burning Demon, but now, he has given the opponent a secondary artifact, so that the Burning Demon who has long been subdued at this time was even inexplicably moved, and immediately swore that he would be loyal to Chen Feng forever Will not betray!

"All rushed up!"

The Burning Demon screamed, and then, numerous Fire Demon rushed forward from the rear. They were the warriors under the Burning Demon, knowing how to please their master.

The flames ignited the flames. As if a sharp knife was inserted into the opponent's front, they could not grasp both the Fire Whip and the Fire Sword at the same time, because they were just the appearance of the Burning Devil.

In the raging fire, countless flames rushed out, they have a pair of horns, a burly body, and a cow-like hoof.

The biggest difference between the Fire Demon and the Burning Demon is that they have no demon wings, at this time they have not learned to fly.

But even so, they still have extremely wild explosive power, they ignite a fire around them, and then trap the enemy inside and burn to death.

In addition to the flames, there are also many terrifying demons around, such as some cowardly elites, succubus, and even dark elves and gray dwarves from other levels.

The army of the Burning Devil looks messy and has no effective rules at all, but this is the atmosphere of the abyss, and the discipline of orderly execution of the army cannot be performed here!

Because the Burning Demon is not a human, but a group of demons who don't have much wisdom and always keep crazy!

At this time, the Burning Demon also rushed out. It raised the secondary artifact in its hand, a rotation killed a defender on a wall, and then a flame whip entangled a six-armed snake devil, directly Dragged it in front of himself. Then the target was devoured by the fire around him, but the effort in the blink of an eye had been burned into a piece of coke.

This is the means of burning the demon, terrible and extreme, and any enemy close to it will become a dry scorch in a few seconds.

This is the orthodox Fire Devil's fighting method. They love to drag their enemies to their side and use their eyes to burn them.

"Burn them!"

"Let the flames purify everything!"

The eyes on the entire battlefield were attracted by the flames that seemed to be advanced.

At this moment, his entire body looked like a huge human-shaped flame burning, making the temperature of the entire battlefield seem to have risen a lot, and it seemed to be close to the hot lava area.

Many hostile demons are filled with despair. Actually one after another began to lower their arms, kneeling on the ground and trembling, "We are willing to submit to you! ... Serve you as the master! ..."

It seems to be a chain effect. After the first demon surrendered, a large number of enemies soon surrendered. In the end, even the violent demon standing on the city wall became more and more disturbed.

But the battlefield didn't end there. The demons were a group of crazy creatures. Although the raging demons felt a little flustered, they did not intend to surrender.

Those betrayed allies will pay the price, the raging demon swears that he will kill all the demons who have no confidence, and before that, it needs to think about how to defend this battle.


The war did not stop.

Although the Burning Demon has a destructive devil cannon and assistance from humans, this raging demon legion belongs to an ancient and powerful fortress. The other party has been entrenched in this land for hundreds of years!

It is obviously not a simple matter to easily capture this fortress. The war lasted for three days, and in the evening of the third day, a mass poisoning event suddenly occurred in the Demon Legion of the Burning Demon, and many demons were killed. .

"the host."

A demon goblin humbly lowered his head towards the Burning Demon, and then sank: "It can be confirmed that there is something wrong with my food."

"Many soldiers became sick after eating, and all of this food was planted with vicious spells."

"If it was not for the help of His Excellency Saruman, we would not have known all this, and those infected would even have signs of becoming undead!"

Not only did the Burning Devil hire demons to capture the raging demons, but in this intertwined life and death, the raging demons also linked to some foreign aids, but not the demons but the more strategic demons!

Compared to the reckless behavior of the devil, the devil is obviously more proficient in calculations and conspiracy.

Just a few days ago, there were more and more sick soldiers in the camp, people finally found out the problem, and more serious is that these sick people eventually became undead, and those who were attacked by them also infected the corpses. poison.

This is a very weird ability. For the devil, this phenomenon does not occur, but the devil is different. The other party has some strange means, and the summoning of undead and poison is also one of the trick points of this devious race.

The devil likes to change the structure of polluted land.

Because many demons are immune to toxicity, and the most common thing they do when attacking the bottomless abyss is to change a piece of occupied land to change the plane rule. Transform the chaos law of the abyss into the law of law.

A force full of filth has eroded this land. Whether it is plants, soil, or rivers, it has been eroded by this force. Although it seems that there has not been much change, as long as the people living here, If you eat something here, you will slowly get sick. Eventually it is likely that the undead plague will become undead.

The Burning Demon could not help but fall into meditation.

All this is what Saruman told it. There is more than one Lich in the abyss. It can be said that in this chaotic land, it is not difficult to find a Lich who has lived for thousands of years!

The devil knows how to do business. When they go to a piece of land, they often like to draw some powerful creatures!

There is no doubt that the reinforcements of the Rage have invited an extraordinary character, an undead controller who is good at making revival magic.

"This plague must be brought under control."

"Otherwise, there would be a lot of dead people!"

The Burning Demon thought for a long time, and finally confirmed that the control of the plague would not continue to worsen, and this needed the help of Saruman.

From the first day of the incendiary attack, Saruman was summoned by Chen Feng on this land to help the incendiary take the fortress together.

Facts have proved how correct Fan Li's decision is. Compared to Burning Devil, Saruman is undoubtedly more calm and has more ability to predict death.

The Burning Demon decided to launch a beheading operation, unless the one in the fortress who was good at necromancy spells existed. Otherwise, the battle will likely be halfway.

"Can you lock it in place?"

The Burning Demon said to Saruman aside.

The opponent is most likely also a Lich, which makes Saruman nervous, but also has some expectations. After all, a Lich that is not weaker than his own strength is undoubtedly a good material for making undead!


Saruman thought about it, and then said.

"Tomorrow I bet on everything and start to attack, we will take the opportunity to kill the Necromantic Master on the battlefield!"

"it is good!"


Chen Feng's order has been issued for too long, and even urged several times. Facing Chen Feng's blame, the Burning Demon can only speed up the pace of capture!

For this battle, the Burning Devil even asked for some reinforcements from the human world. After all, he has witnessed the strength of human beings. Those wearing armor and holding weapons will undoubtedly have more powerful defense and lethality!

At this time, a large number of masters have gathered under the raging fortress, and many of them have participated in humans, because they are special aids, these professionals have a golden rank in strength.

Everyone was wearing shiny shiny battle armor and holding various steel weapons in their hands.

Not only that, the Burning Demon ordered the firing of artillery shells again. Once the magic martial artillery cannon with horrible lethality was released, it immediately burst out a blood-stained skin and flesh in the hostile group!

At this time, the Burning Devil ordered the general attack. This is the last chance for Burning Demon. What it has to do is to end this meaningless dispute today!

Countless demons ran up, and the human legion behind them was giving super firepower, so that the enemy did not dare to come forward.

Many of the human warriors were selected by Chen Feng and came to this land. Wang Xudong is one of them. According to his words, he wants to see the power beyond the epic, because he can recognize his power. Case.

At this time, Wang Xudong's shot was simply to kill all the enemies who rushed to the front. All the deaths of the ground did not even hum, let alone rise up and resist!


The raging demon stood on the edge of the fortress like this, he concentrated on watching the situation on the battlefield.

At this moment, there were a few strange figures on the side, a devil and a skinny lich.

At this time, under the guidance of Saruman, the Burning Demon also saw his inspirational target to kill!

"Go ahead!"

Saruman nodded, his pale cheeks became extremely pale at this time, and saw him raise his bone scepter and mumble, and then a crack appeared around him, and then the lich standing next to the raging monster suddenly appeared in In front of myself.

The Lich didn't know what was happening, but felt that the surroundings were like watercolor paintings, and the colors were very beautiful. When it appeared again, it turned out to be hostile.

The wrinkled and dazzling eyes were shining brightly, and an extremely deep contempt erupted between the crickets, as if in its eyes, the Lich and the Burning Demon in front of them were a group of dead men without resistance!

This look, even on his own land, the Burning Demon felt a strange sense of oppression, as if a sharp sickle stand around his neck, but it was more like a sharp dagger pierced In his back heart, with just a twist, the heart will be crushed into pieces!

Since being promoted to a half-step epic, this sense of oppression has only been experienced by Chen Feng, but the other party has several pets, and the evil spirit is even more extraordinary!

Is this the main culprit that caused his team to suffer heavy losses?

Before Saruman talks to him, the muscles of the Burning Demon gradually expand like a boulder, and his hands are like a billowing dragon, hissing, shaking, and **** fiercely!

Kill the Lich anyway!




At this time, Saruman has been promoted into a half-step epic, and has learned a series of spell abilities. After working so many times with the Burning Demon, they have a certain understanding with each other. At this time, just before the Burning Demon. When he rushed over, Saruman immediately cast some spells!


The Lich from the raging demon camp, at this moment, twitched his turbid and wrinkled eyes, and sent out a burst of mental storm with his mental strength, screaming at the burning demon beside him!

Soul Storm!

There is no doubt that the Lich is planning to let the Burning Devil die here. No matter what kind of creature, once it is unconscious, it is a complete waste!

However, the Burning Demon would not give the Lich a further chance at this time. I saw its cheeks swelled, and apparently was brewing some energy, and a black wing on its back was infinitely close to the Lich's. not far away.


The Burning Devil said something in the language specific to the abyss ~ ~ Then a brain rushed over. The Lich didn't seem to respond. At this time, he opened his eyes wide because he knew that he couldn't escape the madness of the Burning Devil A hit in state!


With a loud noise, the Lich's body was pierced through. This was not the end. As soon as the arm of the Burning Demon struck, the entire flame rose, and then the sledgehammer swung down from the top with a click, and the Lich's body was smashed. Become flesh, it is impossible to be alive again!

At this time, Fenyan Demon raised his sword and issued orders to the surrounding comrades. Without the suppression of the undead, the Fenian Demon Army launched a general attack.

And one hour later, what made the Burning Demon excited was killing the raging demon. This is the end. Chen Feng's order to the Burning Demon has been perfectly completed!

As for the next step, it is to take away the slaves, and all this is obviously for the human world, for the order itself!

Abyss Summoner

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