The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1297: Ilmat

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The Burning Devil overthrew the demon fortress of the Raging Demon. With the Raging Demon being smashed by the Burning Devil with a hammer, this means that this land has become the place under the control of the Burning Demon. Think-free-fees-watch-end-complete-version-please-hundred-degree-search-

The demons quickly expressed their allegiance. Demons are a kind of creature that follows the masses. Their personality determines that they will not have too much loyalty to any lord, even if the flames now rule them, but as long as the flames If they lose one day, then they will also forget the Burning Demon as fast as they can now, just like forgetting the raging demon now!

However, the Burning Demon did not expect these demons to work for themselves, the aggression was only a small purpose, and for the Burning Demon, he did all the final reasons for it, just to transport more slaves in order!

The forces of the tyrannical **** may invade order at any time. The divine residence does not like to wait, especially Chen Feng has given the other party a lot of humiliation. As a divine residence, it is bound to give Chen Feng some punishment at the fastest speed.

The devils who are loyal to the Burning Demon have not expected that their fate will change suddenly in the near future. The lucky ones may survive the battle, but most of the demons will become a member of the corpse.

Construction requires enough demons, but the heyday does not need demons. Even if a large number of demons will survive the war, they will lose their lives in endless labor.

The action of the Burning Demon has attracted a lot of attention from the demon lords around it. On the one hand, the reputation of the Burning Demon has greatly increased, and many demons have taken refuge in the radial direction. .

The wind surged.

In the dark abyss, a conspiracy against the Burning Devil is quietly conspiring.


The tyrannical **** has become the biggest worry for Chen Feng at present, but the order of growth has given him enough confidence to cope with this disaster.

Everything is quietly continuing, but Chen Feng cannot explore the mind of the divine house, but he is ready to wait until the army of the tyrannical **** is driven out of his own territory, and he is in the abyss himself, exploring a higher level when.

As a divine residence, it is impossible for Rose to deliberately come to the human world to deceive herself.

Just when Chen Feng's expression was tense, after Rose, the order once again ushered in a mysterious visitor, and another divine residence came to this land.


Compared to Rose's fierceness and trickery, after Chen Feng's exploration of the abyss knowledge, he learned that this divine house turned out to be a righteous party belonging to the orderly and kind.

Faction: Lawful and Good

Priesthood: patience, suffering, martyrdom, and perseverance.

Believer: disabled, oppressed, poor, monk, paladin, slave, serf

Pastor camp: lawful goodness, neutral goodness, lawful neutral

Divine Realm: Kindness, Medical, Lawful, Torture.

Favorite Weapon: An Open Hand (Unarmed Attack)

Ilmat is a kind-hearted, gentle, peaceful, and peaceful God who volunteers to bear the hardships of the entire suffering world. However, although the crying **** has a very gentle personality, when he is angry, he also displays a very fierce and cruel side. Take great care of all children and young lives in the world, and fight against those who dare to harm the object of protection.

Is the image of a man with scars all over his body. These crisscross wounds symbolize his suffering and torture for the world. Although there is only a waist cloth around the lean and short body, and it is still slightly bald, its handsome face always has a comfortable and gentle smile.

Although many people have misunderstood the doctrine of the Weeping God (and even more ridiculed), the church in Ilmat has many of the most faithful followers across the Ferenc continent. In this cruel reality, many victims, patients, and the poor rely on the help of the church in Ilmat.

The people of many regions respect the Church of the Weeping God, and pastors often receive many generous aids when they practice medicine for free everywhere. Some people do not understand why there are people in the world who are willing to endure torture, so they often misunderstand the church in Ilmat. Those who despise the weak mostly think that the believers of the Weeping God are a bunch of weak people-but it is clear that these tyrants and rogues have underestimated these good believers.

It is not difficult to see from the information held by Chen Feng that Ilmat is a strange mansion considered by countless people!

The priests of Ilmat pray in the morning to obtain divine magic, but they pray to them at least six times a day. There is no holy day in the Church of the Weeping God, but occasionally the pastor asks God for a rest so that the pastor can rest for ten days and temporarily let go of his oath to the Weeping God in order to avoid the pastor's burnout in faith or The priest can perform actions that are not recognized by Ilmat.

Every priest Ilmat will try his best to persuade the deceased to accept Ilmat's idea, so that they can get the blessing of the crying **** before he died (this kind of dying prayer does not make the dying person convert to Il Matt). As the faith in the weeping God has increased year by year (even before conversion), the medical power has grown stronger. Many priests of the Weeping God will learn to make potion feats to avoid a dilemma when someone needs medical attention.

Of course, the followers of Ilmat are not all civil servants. Among the believers, the most powerful group is called the broken!

They are a fighting group that believes in the God of Weeping. In addition to the monks, the members of the group also have many boxing masters. In addition to protecting all believers and temples, members of the group are also responsible for punishing those evil acts that brutally hurt others. Some of these monks can be part-time priests, or advanced occult believers, holy warriors, divine believers, divine seekers, and saints without being penalized from leaving the profession.

There are a lot of monks in the abyss, but there are even some masters of boxing in the list of allegiance to Ilmat, which is very surprising. After all, compared to monks, the number of masters of boxing is undoubtedly more scarce. .

And the reason that Yilmatt was able to find Chen Feng was, in a way, relying on Fura!

Do not think that the existence of lawful goodness will not set foot on the abyss, even if the abyss is full of darkness, but the abyss also has countless levels of creatures gathered here. They communicate and trade together in an attempt to gain more powerful power. The devil seems to be the capital of the killing, and for the lawful and good warriors, the strength is to protect the weaker.

Ilmat does not stop his subordinates from working in the abyss, so often we can see some strange monks or boxing masters walking in the trading market on some levels.

From time to time, Ilmat also disguised himself as some embarrassed wounded wandering on many levels, trying to rescue the souls exiled by the abyss.

In Ilmat's eyes, he can even treat demons equally, which shows that the kindness of the other person has risen to a certain level!

And Ilmat happened to pass by the fortress where Fula was. He originally wanted to check out this emerging force, but when he met, he discovered the fact that Fula was a master of boxing. This made Ilmat A little curious, but a master of boxing hasn't let Ilmat show his morbid appearance. He chose to stay only to see the orderly movements in the fortress, and he has already been a good abyss inhabitant. .

The abyss is a complex and barren land on which most demons feed on similar species.

But even so, Ilmat did not discriminate against these ugly demons, but he did help.

Because this is inseparable from the teachings of Ilmat.


Helping all the wounded in the world while suffering for others is the most sacred act. If you suffer for others, Ilmat will provide you with the courage and strength to sustain it. No matter what kind of pain and danger you suffer, you must stick to the right principles. It is a glorious thing to die for the right belief. Stand up against the tyrant and stop all unrighteous atrocities. Attention should be paid to the ascension of the soul, not to the physical feelings.

Priest and Temple:

The priests of Ilmat share what they have with all the poor, soothe the worries of the depressed, and take care of the wounded; they also stand up for the oppressed and point out the lost Provide directions, relief and shelter for hungry and nomads, and collect herbs to make medicines that fight disease;

In addition, they will bury unknown bodies, consult patients for free, and give food, water, and firewood to poor residents. Although they believe that life is sacred, and that suffering is a kind of good deed, they will not force others to accept their beliefs, let alone condemn the beliefs that others choose.

Whenever war is about to erupt, the priest of Ilmat will do his best to prepare stretchers, spades, gauze, tents, splints, bandages, various herbs and medical medicaments to help those who have suffered a large number of casualties from the war. . They will also go to wealthy countries and cities across the continent to raise funds to ease the financial burden of the church.

The temples of Ilmatt are usually located in the countryside, close to all major trade routes, so that weary travelers can take a break here. Most temples are named after saints in the church (the Church of the Weeping God has named many lofty believers saints). Many shrines are farms with chapels, stables, and vegetable gardens, and protective walls are built around them. All temples will do their best to help and take care of the sick and wounded. Larger temples will also have a library, a martial arts training ground, or a barracks for members of the Weeping Knights.

Ilmat's priests usually wear thick gray robes and trousers, or gray robes. They also wear caps that are gray (ordinary priests) or red (high-level priests) (similar to those worn by Jews when they pray), but apprentice priests who have not yet been approved do not wear caps. The priests would pin the emblem of Ilmat (or the necklace of the emblem) around his heart. Some high-ranking priests also wear gray teardrop tattoos on their faces (both left and right eyes).


Originally, Yilmatt only spent a few days in the fortress ruled by Fra, but over time, he found a lot of creatures different from demons (scientists dispatched by the order) except these people. In addition, the most amazing thing about Ilmat is that there are many foods planted in a lot of open space!

Those foods never appeared in the abyss, but the output was surprisingly large, which made Ilmat curious about countless levels, so he finally appeared to Fura.

No one dares to be right with Shendi. Even if there is Chen Feng behind Fula, she still shows a little nervousness when facing Shendi. After all, she is not alone now, and the baby in her belly has become Treasure she couldn't let go.

After a period of conversation, the baby ended up in the belly after receiving the blessing from Ilmat.

Ilmat finally got the information he wanted, and those foods were called potatoes and corn!

Compared to the food in the human world, the abyss land and environment are actually not suitable for planting original ingredients, but scientific and technical personnel from the order have broken through these situations. They use wisdom and hands to sow seeds in the abyss land, relying on the vast land The demonic fortress ruled by Fura, in addition to meeting the needs of all fighters, even did foreign trade business, selling food to neighboring neighbors, and even the devil in more remote areas!

The creatures in the abyss are also flesh and blood, not made of steel, so they also need to eat. There are too many demons in the abyss. The so-called worms simply cannot satisfy tens of thousands of demons. Therefore, some hidden rules are in In the Devil's Legion, the weak will be swallowed up by the strong.

It is for this reason that the Demon Legion has always been on the verge of collapse. That is because in the unknown corners, countless demons have gathered together. They kill and devour, for one of the simplest reasons, which is to fill up. belly.

And now, with Fula giving his men a lot of even abundant food ~ ~ The spirits of the demons have reached a new height, which is also a proposition studied by Fura and some wise men of order.

When the devil is full, will it fall into a certain stable state, and from the current research situation, subsistence does relieve some of the demon's madness.

Food is an extremely important existence in any dimension. As a side of the good camp, Ilmat is committed to making the lives of poor people better for many years. Now, a turning point to alleviate hunger, Ilmat Special nature will not easily give up this difficult opportunity.

Therefore, on a calm day, a giant from the abyss came to Chen Feng's room.

Suddenly seeing the flash of divinity, Chen Feng's nerves were tense immediately. When almost all the combat power including the atrophy was summoned, he suddenly found that the person who came was not a tyrannical god, but a **** with a strange breath.

Ilmat has been born for countless centuries. Although he is friendly, he cannot change the fact that the other party is a god.

Ilmat didn't delay, he quickly stated the ultimate purpose of this visit, that is, he wanted to make a deal with Chen Feng!

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