The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1326: Vengeful Soul

"If you want to scold, just scold, anyway, this is also your last word of mouth!"

Putian Qiang stood quietly in front of several men, without a trace of emotional fluctuations. In those eyes, a cold needle-like cold light appeared, as if a drowsy owl suddenly opened a dazzling pupil like a copper bell at night!

"The last chance?"

A few people hesitated for a moment, and then there was a moment of silence, but soon they laughed wildly as if they heard any international joke, and yelled at Tian Qiang's mask:

"Tian Qiang, Tian Qiang, do you really think that if you can conquer a single dragon, you will turn over the salted fish?"

"To tell you the truth, your brother was killed by us. He temporarily grabbed his trouser legs and asked me to let him go, but I still blasted his head with a stone. If you want revenge, come to me for revenge! "

Several men have long been accustomed to profanity, and opened their mouths and closed Tian Qiang into a dead end, plus their impression that Zhong Tianqiang has always been a small lamb slaughtered by others, and it is impossible to turn up any storms, so even if they knew Knowing that the visitor was not good, he also ridiculed and ridiculed.

This is like a **** raised in your own house. It is raised only for crowing, but suddenly one day it becomes angry in front of you and rushes to the crown. You will definitely feel funny to get revenge on the eggs you eat.

What kind of threat can a single attack pose to humans?

怎么 "Why don't you talk, where did the previous momentum go? This is the zero headquarters. Do n’t even want to leave when you come. Your brother is dead. Now if you die, the so-called Tian family will be extinct immediately!"

Seeing that Tian Qiang did not respond for a long time, he immediately winked at each other. Among them, the man with a pocky face was even more provocative. He directly stretched out his hands and grabbed Tian Qiang's collar.


Unpredictably, a clear cold light suddenly shone ...

It was Tian Qiang who was holding a huge curved blade with a curved handle on his backhand, and across the chest, the sharp blade of mang also exuded a bit of cold air, which was particularly noticeable in the dark night!

The action of Ran Mazi's face stopped immediately. He froze, apparently also seeing the extraordinaryness of this weapon, and then he laughed again:

哟 "Oh, where did you get the weapon? You have a good weapon, but do you know how to use it? Don't hurt yourself!"

Tian Qiang, who has completely evolved his mind, looked at the clown-like jumping Mazi face calmly and said, "I naturally know how to use it, because this weapon was originally used to kill people ..."

A cold wind blew, and Tian Qiang's voices were superimposed on each other at this time, not to mention that there was such a sense of coldness, but ... I was accustomed to everyone who despised Tian Qiang. Throw out of the body, and then their eyes looked more and more interesting to Tian Qiang, they did not want to let this Qiang continue to clamor!

"Do you really think you have become a god? Do you dare to kill, come here! Why do you let me kill you, do you dare?" Asako's face looked fierce, regardless of the blade of Tian Qiang, Continue to stretch your hands directly to Tian Qiang's neckline!

However ... his voice has not fallen.

Sudden change suddenly emerged!

The sound of Ramie's face stopped abruptly, because he saw his hands falling to the ground.


The obese palms were separated from the wrists bloody, falling on the marble floor and splashed with red blood beads, and the air was full of acrid **** smell for a moment!

视觉 The visual impact of this scene was so shocking that everyone was stunned. When Mazi's face widened and her face screamed with twists and turns, the remaining men did not react!

Cut hands!

This is a lively beheader, but ...

怎么 How were the hands cut off? They clearly did not see Tian Qiang waving the blade in his hand ...

All of this can only be blamed for the weapons being too sharp. In the dark night, there is no need to force, just a random wave can separate ordinary people and even professionals into five horses!

Are you shocked?

They are naturally shocked, because this is Wei Xun's sword. As the master of Chen Feng in order, Wei Xun naturally has a lot of resources and rights.

武器 This weapon is the magic soldier he robbed after killing a dimension stowaway. I don't know how many years of training. As long as he adds a little divinity, it can be comparable to the endless sword.

However, such a treasure of divinity is impossible to find, but in the human world, this weapon is a real horrible killer. The most terrible thing is that I do n’t know what is involved in it. There is no weight at all, even a small child can Waving, unconstrained.

Wei Xun was ordered to look outside for a new city and collect new survivors. The large army was not far away. He came only to disrupt the stability of the stone castle city. When the forces attacked, he could quickly occupy it.

This approach is exactly the same as the original order of the devil invasion. It also disrupted and then sent troops to occupy, but the forces and forces have always been so disgusting. War will kill people, either in order or in Shibao City. Weiss naturally chose the second.

"Ah! My hand, my hand ... Tian Qiang, did you chop Lao Tzu's hands, this is impossible, how could you have such a skill!"

Asako's facial features were twisted together, and he was trembling all over. He screamed and screamed, while trying to hold his hands on the ground with his **** wrists. The fine cold sweat had leaked from his forehead. .

But just then ...

Still without warning ...

The head of Ramie's face suddenly turned 360 degrees, and he even saw his ankle before he died!

Then ...

In front of everyone's eyes, an arced head fell with blood on the incredible eyes and fell to the ground!

Putian Qiang has vowed to kill all the evildoers in zero, and now is the time for him to take action!

"Tian Qiang! Why do you dare to kill people! Opposite, oppose! Why are you looking for death!"

I saw his brother's hands being chopped down and being Yan. Among them, the look of the professional was dignified. He waved a wave of energy all over his body. In the next second, he rushed to Tian Qiang like a cheetah, and his pair of fists carried the momentum of downhill!

"Hmm! The light of fireflies dare to compete with the sun and the moon!"

He sneered, and saw Wei Xun standing behind Tian Qiang glaring, and an invisible shackle trapped the action of the professional!

相比 Compared with Wei Xun, this professional is still too young, it can be said that there is no fighting power at all!


With Wei Xun's order, Tian Qiang finally moved! He did not hesitate to kick out, kicked heavily on the chin of a motionless professional, only to hear a "click", the professional's body flew from bottom to top, his head leaned back, his chin was broken and his neck was serious. Strained, the body of one hundred and thirty pounds flew half a meter high!

Putian Qiang looked at the weapon in his hand and felt the power flowing in his body. He just felt that all of this was like a dream, and he even couldn't believe it.

If he has this kind of strength in the past, he will naturally not worry about the many masters, but in fact, he can still have the strength to rely on Wei Xun!

Wei Xun gave the other a potion, do not underestimate this potion, but the life potion extracted from a legendary strongman.

The tyrannical army siege the city, countless dead legendary powerhouses, Wei Xun as a hero, this only got a few.

These medicines can be swallowed to release pure energy of life, even if a bronze like Tian Qiang directly jumps to the peak of gold and its strength has been strengthened several times, but this method that goes against the sky also has some for Tian Qiang The small sequelae is that after exhausting life energy, there will be a week of weakness, during which he can only manage some physiological problems, even running.

But as long as you can get revenge, don't say it's such a sequela, even if you die, Tian Qiang is willing!

The professional stood up from the ground. He thought back just now. He seemed to have been hit by an iron ball. His body was crooked as if he had no bones. The most ridiculous thing was that his mouth was still ten A few **** teeth!



Just kicked his chin with a light kick, crumbled his teeth, and the whole neck was not twisted naturally ...

This, how is this possible!

Don't say that the professional didn't know what happened, and the rest of the gatekeepers around suddenly felt like their heads were short-circuited, blank ...

They never expected that Tian Qiang, a guy whom they were so despised, had such a terrible power!

The rest of the guards, some people were hesitant, some people were stunned, some people pointed at Tian Qiang's nose and threatened ...

Putian Qiangqiang took a step forward. The weapon that was not contaminated with half of blood still shone with the cold cold light of death.

"I am a ghost, a vengeful ghost who crawled out of hell! I want you to die! I want you all to die!"

Putian Qiang's eyes became extremely sharp, and the whole person turned into a white smoke, terribly fast, and rushed to a guard in a blink of an eye.


There was a squeak, and the blade and the guard passed by.


The guard sent out a scream of screams, and blood and water spewed out like a faucet. His palms were cut off and his limbs were still there. Only the most important part of the palm was destroyed, like a horror. The weird clown in the movie is full of ironic death!

Seeing his companion "噗通" fell to the ground, his mouth was still full of blood, and the remaining people finally felt the biting fear!

They didn't even see Tian Qiang's wielding action, and his companions were directly dismembered. You know, don't look at the other side, there is nothing to fight, but in a peaceful era, they are the leader of a security company. Karate has trained black belt!

Putian Qiang said that kill and kill, one-shot spike, fast speed like a thunderbolt ... This kind of speed is not mastered by the so-called bronze stage at all!

叫 "Come on, cry a few more, I like to hear you screaming ..."

Putian Qiang's voice suddenly became hysterical. Previously, he had been suppressing the grief and shadow in his heart. Now revenge is in sight. The fire of hatred in his heart has been completely ignited, and the blood of the killing has followed.

In the face of Tian Qiang's almost death-like face, where are the previous arrogance of several men, they have long been disturbed by the thorns in the back. If they say that Mazi's face was crushed, they still feel incredible, now it is true Amazed at the strength of Tian Qiang!

The situation is not good!

I must never deal with this crazy man Tian Qiang, hurry up! Just run back to the building, there will be reinforcements to solve Tian Qiang!

Don't say that Tian Qiang is fierce and evil now, but he has a great career. Among them, I don't know how many masters are hidden. As long as those masters make moves, don't say it is one Tian Qiang, even ten Tian Qiangs must die!

Xun Zheng can be described as scattered sand. Looking at Tian Qiang's invincible posture, the rest have already scared his courage. No, I just want to run back to the building quickly to avoid Tian Qiang's pursuit.

"I said ... tonight, all members of Zero will die! Give me all to hell!"

In the face of Tian Qiang's concession, the remaining men looked at each other and fled their heads. In fact ... At this time, they could do nothing but flee. Knowing that he couldn't escape, he also held in his heart the luck that escaped one by one.

But ... no use!

Putian Qiang can't make them have a good life!


Her feet took another step forward, devouring the life potion of the legendary strongman's body. He immediately turned it into a white smoke, and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, his speed was getting faster and faster, and he appeared in vain ten meters away. A fleeing man was chopped on the back with a knife, and then fell to the ground without movement. This knife can be seen in the bone ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Directly hit one life!

Putian Qiang undertook his foot again, and then chased dozens of meters, causing a man to be stubbed off his tendons and hamstrings. The whole man trembled like a dying toad, and his spine was severed!

There is one last gatekeeper.

And at this moment, after seeing his companions being killed one after another, the gatekeeper did not run away, but instead fell to his knees on the ground, hoeing his head, begging for mercy, and screamed in tears: "Please let me go. I didn't know anything about your brother, so I was transferred here for a month."

Putian Qiangdan appeared in front of the other party, and then stood with a knife edge, he stared at the other party coldly without saying a word.

The man felt the sharp chill, he screamed as if he had beaten chicken blood:

"I, I know you hate it, but you can't help killing me. As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to change to the court and take refuge in your lord!"

This is the bottom-most scum, there is no loyalty at all, as long as it is under the temptation and threat of interests and life, it is impossible to suffer from secrets.


While the other party has not finished his position, Tian Qiang killed him directly with one move. He said that if he wanted revenge, no one would be spared!

"Did I kill too many people ..."

"Stop killing by killing, only killing and blood can make you sublime, go, I want you to make this place into the most true Jiuyou prison!"

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