The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1327: Keep climbing

Affirmed by Wei Xun, Tian Qiang's eyes were completely covered with blood.

It was only half a minute before and after that, the five goalkeeper men fell to the ground, their broken limbs lying on the ground, blood rushed to the ground, the moaning and screaming like ghosts and screams, already ringing the entire restaurant!

At this time, I heard a rumbling footsteps of leather boots, followed by a dozen members from the staircase of the restaurant hall, all armed and murderous, holding the knife and fork stick sword in their hands, all of iron arms!

It is not the same as order. There is no gun factory in Shibao City. The main reason is that the leader here is not Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng gained control of the order, the first thing was to search for talents, which is the main reason for the prosperity of the order.

However, the stone castle city is different. The strength here is uneven and there is no unity. It is just a piece of sand. Although there are many talents, they are scattered among different forces. Therefore, some work has not made much progress.

The flint castle city still has a portion of its firepower stored, but it is used in critical periods, as for some, it is cold weapons.

These people apparently heard the screams underneath, knowing that someone had come to the door.

"Look for death!"

The leader is a muscular man with a tiger on his arm. It was also a hegemony in peaceful times. He did all the bad things, but sometimes, the more such a person is able to live in the last days, plus he is still A professional at zero is also considered the number one person.

At this moment, when he saw the terrible companion at the door, he immediately became angry as lava erupted and yelled in his mouth, and the tiger on his arm was as if resurrected, and his eyes were widened.

But ... he has been immersed in society for a long time. He has already passed his impulsive age, but he still kept his heart palpitated, but instead suppressed his anger and arched his hands and muffled:

"Who is your Excellency? Come to my headquarters to kill people wantonly, do you really want to stir up a dispute?"

"I came here for one purpose only, and that was revenge!"

嗯 "Huh? Where do we seem to have met?" The man muttered to himself, and a younger brother exclaimed immediately, "Captain Liu! Isn't this Tian Qiang? The traitor who fled the branch at the beginning."

"Tian Qiang? How is it possible! How could he be Tian Qiang ..."

The stupid man looked at Tian Qiang, who was slightly masterful, and looked at the twisted body full of limbs. He couldn't help taking a breath, because the opponent was completely different from the coward in his own image.

不可能 "Impossible! Why Tian Qiang has such a strong strength, I think you have misunderstood ..."

But, as soon as the voice fell, the man suddenly shot. He opened his mouth, and a hot breath sprayed toward Tian Qiang's face.

The man who can walk to the present day is relying on the four characters of ruthlessness, so on the one hand, he stabilizes Tian Qiang's emotions, on the other hand, he suddenly shots.

However ... At this moment, Wei Xun took a step forward, and there suddenly appeared an energy in front of his figure. The next moment, that energy was put aside!

"You're hot, but I'm sorry to have met me ..."

A dozen 喽 啰 s were all stunned, their eyes widened in astonishment, so far they haven't figured out yet, the man in the black robe in front of him could bounce the boss's attack aside.

At this moment, Tian Qiang's heart was already like Rakshasa, he did not hesitate to raise his weapon directly towards the man's head and stabbed in the past!

Suddenly, a scarlet red mark appeared on the man's eyebrow, and then the red mark spread into a bloodstain. The degree of cracking of the bloodstain became larger and larger. In the end, the entire head was divided into two halves like a broken watermelon. Immediately A large amount of blood and brain was spilled, and the smell was overflowing ...


Seeing the man's head cracked from side to side, all of the dozens of 喽 啰 are frightened and the liver and the gall are cold!

到底 What the **** happened just now!

Why is Liu Lao Assembly, who is still a strong man, suddenly met at the headquarters? Tian Qiang! It's Tian Qiang. When did he have this strength?


"Boss Liu!"

不 "Not good, Tian Qiang is really a ghost!"

A dozen of them have all collapsed. Even the sturdy, golden boss Liu Bo was killed on the spot by a single stroke. What qualifications do they have to face Tian Qiang's anger?


Putian Qiang no longer wants to listen to this group of scum crap, he smiled coldly, and every step out, the body will turn into a ghostly arc, each wielding knife will wash away a cricket life.

All of the dozens of crickets were pale and frightened, and all of them were sorrowing and trying to escape to the restaurant to rescue the soldiers, but Tian Qiang was too fast, in less than three seconds ... these dozen crickets were all Lying on the ground like a dead dog,

Leap seckill!

All are spikes!

Listening to the painful screams, Tian Qiang only felt that it was the most excited sound he had ever heard, as if most of the grievances in his heart had spread, and the haze that suppressed her soul gradually subsided.

"How are you feeling?"

Wei Xun's voice sounded. He could understand Tian Qiang's mood. This was what he used to be when he was crazy ingesting the beast soul.

He had a hunch.

If you can train Tian Qiang well ... maybe he can make a blue sky in the blood fight department.

"These people care about their lives ~ ~ I don't know how many people died in their hands. I want to destroy here and completely remove the tumor in Stone Castle!"

Putian Qiang bit his teeth, almost squeezing out the sentence between his teeth, and then he walked into the restaurant hall with heavy steps.

"Brother ... Too late for this day, I am too late for revenge ..."

Putian Qiang's vision was blurred, hissing and wailing, but his footwork never stopped.

Putian Qiang said softly, but the long-awaited throbbing pain was like a volcanic eruption, and his breathing was unbearable.

"Da da da……"

At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps in leather boots at the stairs, apparently reinforcements arrived.

Downstairs, there are seven or eight people, all of whom are senior league members. They are real strong men who are equivalent to [zero] elites.

Among them, the leader has awakened successfully and has the ability to transform into a Titan. Don't look at just the golden peak strength, but after transformation, the true strength is close to the legend!

"Who! How dare you ... uh ..."

When the muscular man saw Tian Qiang, he shouted conditionedly, but when he saw Wei Xun standing behind Tian Qiang, he closed his mouth immediately, because he could see that Wei Xun was not simple. At least, it's not something you can compete with.

The strong man has the ability to perceive danger. This is the strong man. Before so many thugs did not see Wei Xun's strength, only he saw Wei Xun, his eyes were like being punctured by silver needles, and felt endless Oppression.

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