The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1331: 1 story

Nowadays, the competitiveness of the order is unprecedented, and every day a new genius emerges, challenging the position ahead.

Behind Wei Xun are Wang Xudong, Wang Xudong and Jia Mou and Yi Mo. After all, they are full of flowers, and they are all struggling to work hard!

Wei Xun has never been a waiter. He created the Blood War Department in one hand. Naturally, he didn't want to watch his efforts and was ruined once. He wants to argue and prove that whether it is Wang Xudong or those characters behind him, he is not his opponent. !!

On the side, seeing Wei Xun's reorganization, Feng Hangyuan didn't stop. He opened his mouth, but this time, his mouth began to tear, and his mouth became a snake-like predator!


This Feng Hangyuan has always been hiding his strength!

What made Wei Xun's attention even more was that he didn't expect Feng Hangyuan to come so fast!

He had just reorganized his body, and saw Feng Hangyuan tear his mouth, and then a cloud of energy came over him!

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you failing ?!"

Wei Xun roared, and instead put all his strength into the beast soul. Then, the beast soul's body began to swell and became a giant of a dozen meters. In the face of this horrible blow, he spread out his hands. The direct choice to fight this energy with the palm of your hand.

There are many masters in Stone Castle. At this time, they naturally discovered that a terrible war occurred at the position of the grave post. However, the two energies are so terrible, so there is nothing to dare to stop. This is already a stone castle. The strongest power in town!

"Okay, you can resist my attack, I have to say something to you in the city." Feng Hangyuan saw his energy blocked one after another, and admired the murderer's world-wide ability.

"Haha, what kind of monster are you? You are a monster!" Wei Xun's beast soul became a giant of more than ten meters, and his mouth opened like a thunder. If ordinary people approached, his ears could be deaf directly.

"Did you find out?" Feng Hangyuan sneered, not anxious to attack, but spoke to Wei Xun.

"From the moment you burst out of energy, I admit that it was I who saw it. I thought you were just a legendary master of ordinary level, but who can think that you are already half-epic. You just swallowed the corpse just now. Step, but to break through the epic rank! "

Wei Xun did not hesitate to think about it, directly tearing Feng Hangyuan's true purpose!

I have to admit that Wei Xun has gone a long way. He was still thankful that he blocked the opponent ’s chance of striking a half-step epic. He could kill the opponent quickly. However, Wei Xun was frightened because Feng Hangyuan now has The energy is by no means an ordinary legendary powerhouse, but a wave of epic only half-step.

If it weren't for the entanglement of the beast soul with the opponent, or even just that blow, you might become a corpse and you could not be resurrected.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be a stranger who could see me through!"

Feng Hangyuan laughed loudly, and then the whole face began to twist. His head was three times larger than before, and a bone spur rose from his body. It was an indescribable monster!

This is his body!

"You have been swallowed up by that monster?" Rao Weixun has seen many dangers, but when he saw this scene, he was still unbelievable.

"I was swallowed by that guy? Don't be kidding, yes, at the beginning, I really wanted the other party to have energy, and at the same time sacrificed a lot of men and their relatives to the other party, but this guy is no different from the beast. Only instinct, I do n’t understand what it means to be emotional. Even if I just give it up, it is justified. Even, the other party wants to devour me in order to restore the original strength. "

"It's ridiculous that I am from the end of Feng Hangyuan. I don't know how many disasters I have run through, how could it be a ugly monster, and don't forget that my ability and talent are also devoured!"

"So, you eat it?" Wei Xun asked.

"Yes!" In Feng Hangyuan's eyes, Wei Xun is now a fish on a chopping board, and there is no possibility of escape. Therefore, he does not mind saying something that has not been said to others when the other person died.

"It wants to devour me, and I also want to devour it. The monster ’s brain capacity is much larger than the peach nucleus. I once again gave it dozens of pounds of poison developed by his hands. Although it has some resistance, Poisonous ability, but my strength still suppressed 80%, and eventually I was completely swallowed up! "

"It's a bit of a swallow, but it's just some integration. The other side has changed your thoughts and thinking subtly. Your purpose today is not just those corpses. If I didn't guess wrong, your backbones, after you were promoted, Right dessert? "

"Don't deny it, you have no humanity at all, but you have become a complete monster. For strength, you have to become a monster, in order to become stronger, even to your own confidants, when I just killed those You are indeed angry when you are a human, but not because I killed the other person, but because you can no longer devour the other person! "

"You bullshit, I'm still human!" Feng Hangyuan obviously couldn't accept Wei Xun's accusation. At this time, he was fierce and looked like he was going to eat Wei Xun.

"Are you human? Do you dare to look in the mirror? When you look in the mirror at night, are you sure you will not scare yourself?"

"You have become a monster. Fortunately, I am here. Once you are affected by the monster, I am afraid that you will feed everyone in Stone Castle to increase your so-called energy!" Wei Xun did not give the other party a chance. Make Feng Hangyuan speechless.

"You lie ~ ~ You lie to me again, I am not a monster, I just use the strength of the other party to help me unify Stone Castle!" Feng Hangyuan's spirit was hit, his eyes were red and raised, it seemed Just staring out in a second, there is a sense of inexplicable fear.

"I'm lying? You should know what happened to you. The praying mantis catching the cicadas and the cardinals are behind. Maybe the purpose of that monster is to make you devour it from the beginning. Otherwise, there are so many people in Stone Castle, so many experts , Why did it choose you ?! "

"Because you have the ability to devour, you can swallow it completely into the body. Then, it starts to regenerate with your body. It will gradually replace you and then become Feng Hangyuan and kill everyone in Stone Castle!"

"You are not an ambitionist, but a sinner, a sinner who is very likely to bring Stone Castle to all ruins!"

Every word of Wei Xun was a fatal blow to Feng Hangyuan, like a blunt knife cut on him.

At this time, Feng Hangyuan glared madly, snarling at Wei Xun: "I'm not a monster, it's all you. If I can succeed in the promotion, I can suppress those sounds in my body, all of you are harmful, I want to ... …I am going to kill you!"

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