The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1332: broken

Wei Xun's loud anger and repulsion formed a huge momentum that almost completely shocked Feng Hangyuan's mind.

In Wei Xun's mouth, Feng Hangyuan is no longer a human, but a guy engulfed and blinded by the monster. Sooner or later, he will become a real monster and then devour the entire castle town.

The warrior who killed the dragon will eventually become a dragon.

Wei Xun is aware of the gap between each other, and must find another way to find the opportunity to kill each other.

And now, just when Feng Hangyuan was completely immersed in the flames of anxiety, and he could not wait to swallow Weixun, Weixun's face suddenly showed a weird smile.

"You are going to die!"

When Feng Hangyuan roared and tried to attack, Wei Xun extended his arm and waved forward, all the energy condensed a little above the fingertips, showing an absolute darkness.

Under the horror of this darkness, like the master of the ordinary golden peak, there is no chance of resistance at all, and he will be annihilated directly and die!

And if the legendary powerhouse is unguarded, if you see this dark on your fingertips with your flesh, even your eyes may be blind.

The unstoppable momentum, the mighty momentum, Wei Xun's fury burst out on Feng Hangyuan at the same time. What else can stop this terrible momentum in this world?

Therefore, Wei Xun's blow seized the opportunity and played the strongest attack. He was very confident that Feng Hangyuan's monster shattered in one fell swoop, making him a human again.

The most important thing is that once you lose the monster's body, calculating that two Feng Hangyuan are by no means opponents of Wei Xun!

Unexpectedly, when Wei Xun assassinated Feng Hangyuan's chest, suddenly a dozen tentacles were automatically suspended in his chest. These tentacles had a thick liquid, so no signs appeared, blocking them. With Wei Xun's fingertips, when the two collided with each other, the extremely strong black mang swallowed up numerous tentacles!

At the same time, there seemed to be something broken in Feng Hangyuan's body. The entire person opened a crack in it, and with the cracking, a kind of extremely harsh, even beyond the screams that ordinary people can withstand, like countless The monster is roaring and roaring!

A thin tentacle of arm thickness exudes a booming ear, and it is picked out from Feng Hangyuan's chest, and shot toward Wei Xun's cheek!

This is an ability born entirely for destruction.

Hearing the sound, Wei Xun felt that this sound was the tragic cry of countless souls.

This is irresistible destruction.

At least, Wesson can't stop it now.

The danger of whimping made Wei Xun feel that his body had cracked without hard-hitting this devastating blow. At the same time, the tentacles passed through Wei Xun's cracked chest, and directly penetrated a distant mountain peak.


A mountain peak was completely penetrated by flesh and blood tentacles!

However, this time, he missed, let Wei Xun dodge the past, and Wei Xun knew that this must not have been sent by Feng Hangyuan. It should be the monster in his body. The other party felt that he was threatened by death, so he no longer hid. , But to give full play to its strength.

This is the best proof that the monster has not died!

The ridiculous Feng Hangyuan thought he had devoured the other person, but who can think that the monster has been living in the other person's body, waiting for the opportunity to break open Feng Hangyuan's body and land on this land again!

"Unexpected, unexpected! Wei Xun, you are so powerful! I hate that I didn't use all my power just now, and I created some extra trouble for myself!"

Feng Hangyuan's body exploded and saw Wei Xun in the sky. The two separated again, each with scruples.

Some monsters who were afraid of each other's chest were shot by Wei Xun, and Feng Hangyuan was convinced by the horror that Wei Xun just showed. He never expected that this stranger had such destructive power.

His face was very ugly.

"Isn't that monster really swallowed by me? I have been living in my chest, and it said when he was dying that it will appear again. I still don't believe it. It's just the other person's fright. Really left some active energy. "

Feng Hangyuan's face moved, and he remembered the scene not long ago.

"You also find yourself deceived by a headless animal? Really a fool, without that monster, with your strength, it is not my opponent at all!"

You are worse than me!

Wei Xun's posture was raised again, and the entire face began to change, turning into an indescribable form of fear, like a combination of countless beasts. At a glance, the blood was blown out, and physical fear could not be suppressed.

Wei Xun has noticed some weaknesses of Feng Hangyuan. Although the monster did not die, he was severely damaged. Otherwise, he would not be able to devour Feng Hangyuan for so long.

The monster was obviously unable to help, so Wei Xun was not ready to wait, but used the fastest time to attack, so that the monster would die in front of him if he could not prepare.

With a slash from the palm, Feng Hangyuan even had a dull feeling. The tentacles hanging down on his chest were unable to wave, his momentum was completely covered, and his thoughts were shocked by the strong sword.

For the strong, the momentum, despite the blink of an eye, can already tell the difference.

Feng Hangyuan also tried to make a counterattack, but Nai Weixun's attack was too fierce and too fast, and this sturdy smash hit Feng Hangyuan's shoulder.


Feng Hangyuan's entire body, like porcelain, showed a cracked appearance.

Feng Hangyuan ’s physical body has already reached its limit ~~ ~, which is naturally self-defeating. However, although Wei Xun ’s fist is horrible, he has not broken Feng Hangyuan ’s body, but he is overwhelmed The crack has been seriously injured.

Feng Hangyuan's body slammed into this palm, not knowing how many thoughts were broken, but he sent out a sharp wailing, his body flew upside, and moved out.

At this time, Feng Hangyuan finally discovered one thing, that is, Wei Xun had already killed himself. No matter what the price was, the other party would let himself go.

No matter where they are, they will still follow them and kill themselves.

And just as Feng Hangyuan seemed, in the middle of the air, a huge palm bombarded.

In the warehouse, Feng Hangyuan welcomed him with his palm.

Two palms collided.

Crackling! Crackling!

Feng Hangyuan's body was completely exploded, and countless flesh and blood scattered around, only a squirming, twisted body appeared in place, that was a monster monster!

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