The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1333: Last words

Defeat! ?

???????? Real defeat! ?

Feng Hangyuan, who claimed to be the first person in Shibao City, was completely defeated by Wei Xun this time!

Feng Hangyuan was angry! His eyes were like a gushing volcano, and an extremely violent lava was scattered from the world. He roared suddenly, and the stopped wind roared again, but at this moment it was like a blade, shaving his face.

Do not!

To be precise, he is no longer Feng Hangyuan, but has become a downright monster. His head is still Feng Hangyuan's head, but his body is a huge body like a hill, wriggling and moving.


Feng Hangyuan stepped forward and then step by step, he lifted his tentacles from his body, the space broke, and he wanted Wei Xun to die, no one could stop him!

Feng Hangyuan was faster and exceeded Wei Xun's expectations. In the next second, he was broken. The body crushed by the cracks in Feng Hangyuan's space was scattered around by black dense fog. For a moment, only a moment, Wei Xun's soul of beasts The will of the composition was just destroyed!

"Even if it really turns into a monster, I will hesitate to kill you. No one can stop it!"

Feng Hangyuan said lightly, but the combination of words made people shudder.

Feng Hangyuan twisted his face and laughed hysterically, and his eyes showed a look that was unique to a lunatic, even the pupils were shaking and turning, as if those two eyes would bulge out anytime and anywhere!

"I just want to live on this piece of land. I now know how important power is. Compared with power, the so-called body is not worth mentioning at all!"


Feng Hangyuan has gone crazy!

At this time, Wei Xun, who was hiding aside, saw Feng Hangyuan's sore heart. Although he had always maintained his saneness, but after being smashed by himself, causing the monster to reoccupy each other's body and memory, it had become incoherent It's up!

"Come! Come here! Don't you want to kill me? I give you a chance, come and kill me!"

Feng Hangyuan growled and growled, and then stepped forward, the shuttle tentacle stabbed at Wei Xun.

Degenerate ...

He has completely fallen, completely blackened, his last sense of reason and persistence have collapsed, and he has fully transformed into a demon. At this moment, there is only evil in his body, and no goodness at all. He just wants to take what is in his heart. All evil is vented on Wei Xun!

At this moment, Feng Hangyuan not only wanted a small universe to erupt, he even burned every inch of power in his body.

He is desperate!

He abandoned the human body and turned into a monster-like physical feature in an instant. How ugly and horrible would it be once it grows up?

Boom boom! "

A wave of turbulent black energy made the air tremble endlessly, and his only complexion turned completely red and even his muscles swelled to the limit. He was raised high and the blue tendons were exposed, as if infinite Endless destructive force is surging under the muscles.


This is my enemy!

Since you are serious about fighting with me, I will not let you down!

"come on!"

Wei Xun man smiled indifferently, the direct speed accelerated again.

Although Feng Hangyuan is terrible now, when he just attacked, he had already broken off some of the opponent ’s physical body. In addition, the monster became the host, and the human wisdom became the auxiliary.

Therefore, don't look at Feng Hangyuan's horror now, but the real strength is much weaker than before!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun's fist instantly merged with his own power, rapidly expanded and mutated, not only became dark but also prone to spines, forming the strange and terrifying right of all beasts!

At this time, Feng Hangyuan's desperate blow arrived at his chest.


The violent fists of the two professionals exploded together, and suddenly the energy and suffocation of Yi Tian's presence in the heavens and the earth, the stones on the ground were scattered rapidly.

With a punch, Feng Hangyuan and Wei Xun each stepped back a dozen steps because of the shock.

However, just after a second, the two met again.

Feng Hangyuan's eyes were also covered with bloodshot eyes, his forehead was black and black, and his body was permeated with intense blood to the extreme, and the power that erupted was a must!

Feng Hangyuan was crazy, and he waved his fists fiercely. With each wave, it seemed to break the void, leaving an indelible mark in the void, and even a huge gully appeared on the surrounding ground. Let the dirt under the ground be more violent.

"Hahaha, you want to pull me to death, you can't do it!"

The Weison man laughed loudly. He had previously used a barbed fist to collide with the opponent. The sharp stab on the fist punctured Feng Hangyuan's fist, leaving a few drops of blood. What he wanted most happened to be this simple. A few drops of blood.

Wei Xun smiled, and smiled very strangely. He looked at Feng Hangyuan who was crashing towards himself. He moved his soles of his feet, but took a three-inch dagger from his arms, wiped Feng Hangyuan's blood on his hand, and directly toward the heart Go in!

Seeing Wei Xun take out the dagger, Feng Hangyuan's pupils shrank fiercely, and he gradually fell into the void of his mind, and appeared to some reason for no reason.

But everything is too late.


The reunited Wei Xun sprayed a dark mist on the dagger, and saw that the dagger was directly inserted into his heart. As a result, he suffered an extraordinary trauma, and his eyes suddenly became unconscious, and he was about to die.

"It hurts! Extreme pain!"

Feng Hangyuan, who rushed to the halfway, stunned his heart. It seemed that the heart could stop beating at any time, and it was extremely painful.

It was an energy of somehow, as if it had crossed space, Feng Hangyuan could not avoid it!

"I can't die! I can't die yet!"

The unimaginable pain didn't stop ~ ~ but it was getting worse. Feng Hangyuan's eyes were full of unwillingness, but full of helplessness. He glanced at Wei Xun who fell to the ground, and the expression of hatred was critical. .

At this time, he could not wait to kill Wei Xun by turning into a monster's body, but unfortunately, he could not do this anymore.

"Not willing, I'm not willing!"

Feng Hangyuan opened his eyes suddenly, his distorted body and human face. At this time, his facial features were violent and wicked, his anger was trembling and twisting, and he was extremely ugly. He squeezed his fist fiercely and looked up again. To the horizon.

"I curse you!"

At this time, Feng Hangyuan thought of something and yelled at Wei Xun: "I will curse you forever! Even if it becomes a ghost, I will invade your dream and kill you!"

"This injury is nothing to me, as long as I can support it ... I can support it ... At that time, I want to bring the entire stone castle together and everyone will die together!"

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