The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1368: Desperate resistance

Lilia is dead. https: //

Without even the most basic struggles, he slumped to the ground without any interest.

Chen Feng's attitude towards the enemy has always been this way. In his consciousness, there is no distinction between men and women, only threats and potential dangers.

Although Lilia didn't do it herself before, the dark enchantment and the raging monster were undoubtedly the opponent's display and challenge. Chen Feng couldn't forgive the other party, so giving the other party death was a good thing from the beginning.

And just after Chen Feng had just killed these enemies in front of him, suddenly a few terrible energies appeared from the surroundings.

Several bone demons came to their place. There are indeed many demons here. I don't know what means Geya used to make the demons live with the demons.

"What are you doing, who allows you to fight here"

"Well, the raging monster Larry and the succubus Lilia, they are all seed players, why have they died here"

"It's you, you do all this"

"Don't resist, we are going to arrest you now"

For a time, these bone demons were all in a state of anger. They were responsible for the security work here. The reason why this place is popular is because security can be guaranteed. Once the customers know, even the hot players in the Colosseum are killed. For the Colosseum, this will be a fatal blow.

These devil are all Geya's confidants, more or less knowing some secrets, once they really affect Geya's plans for decades, their end is even worse than death. Because of this, they only then Will hate Chen Feng, in their opinion, all this develops into this way, all must blame each other

"Arrest me"

The breath of the abyss is like hallucinogens, which affects normal thinking all the time, which is the corrosion that even angels cannot avoid.

After Chen Feng came here, the reason why he chose the Colosseum was to rely on slaughter to alleviate his desire for killing. come out.

As the leader of order, how could he let several bone demon arrest

My own purpose is to promote myth. If even a few bone monsters need to be treated in a humble manner, how can they break into a higher rank?

If in the human world, Chen Feng may suppress his emotions, but here is the abyss. Because of the special nature of energy, coupled with the killing of sex, Chen Feng ’s emotions are undoubtedly polluted.

The mood changed, and Chen Feng's eyes gradually became scarlet.

All the demons present were trembling in their hearts

They all locked their eyes on Chen Feng

how is this possible

This is the Colosseum, a place under the jurisdiction of Geya. In the past, even epic masters came here to be respectful. The other party obviously has only half a step of epic power, how could it be so violent?

What's even more incredible is that Chen Feng's body bloomed with a touch of red light, as if there was an energy sweeping from its bottom. What's going on? Isn't it just that he just killed the madness and lust? No matter how strong, at the same time play two masters of the same level, can not be without any damage.

"You haven't arrested yet"

The surrounding bone demon roared loudly, and even strong swear was sprayed out of his mouth. It was aggressive and seemed to erode the world, spraying it directly on Chen Feng's head.

The visitor wrapped the bones around his fist, forming a bone sledgehammer, less than half a meter away from Chen Feng's skull

In a blink of an eye, Chen Feng, who has the experience of a lifetime, will fall here.


Another loud roar

Suddenly, the body of Chen Feng seemed to crack a huge crack suddenly.

Subsequently, an incomparable force suddenly emerged from his body. The crowd had not yet reacted. Chen Feng's fist was like a huge wind blade, like a fifteenth hurricane.


The upper body of Bone Demon was instantly annihilated into powder, and the iron fist in his hand was directly thrown away, but the power of Chen Feng's fist was not weakened, and the opponent's body was completely destroyed.

The power of a blow was so terrible, such terrible lethality. At this moment, Chen Feng was weird and mysterious, but he had a mighty hegemonic power over the world. In silence, he declared that it would dominate everything.

Especially the blood-red arms extended, with an absolute domineering, it seemed that the sky could cover it

And those eyes, which are different from humans, are exuding a sense of oppression like **** abyss just above the ground, making people creepy, as if in the blood of the sword mountain

The power in the body broke out in an all-round way, Chen Feng finally broke the limit of power, and even released some of the epic power.

Previously, Chen Feng was greeted with turbulent energy, and the scene of killing and killing on the battlefield was imprinted in the bones of the devil's mind. How can it not be dissipated. They came here only to catch criminals fighting in the Colosseum. , Actually angered Chen Feng, causing what happened

"Rebellion to kill this bastard"

"Crashing him"

"No way here, I want you to die"

The two sides are fighting, endlessly, the bone devil has no choice at all, here is destroyed into this look, they always have to explain

They clenched their teeth, squeezed the last trace of energy in their bodies, and rushed to Chen Feng with despair.

A close encounter is coming, and Chen Feng seems to feel a strong storm, only to feel a choking-like fear coming.

This is the first time he has faced such a large number of bone demons

The air was completely ignited at this instant

"Bang Bang"

The first one to rush out was a bone demon. It strode forward. When it appeared, it was a powerful move. He immediately rushed towards Chen Feng. He was about to arrest the opponent and calm down in the Colosseum.

"Good job"

Chen Feng is not a good man. He is an evil emperor who advocates violence. He is full of blood. His favorite is this kind of slaying in trouble.

Explosive feet suddenly stepped out, Hao Xiong rolled forward like a tank, and thundered and grabbed an enemy's mouth with both hands. The unstoppable force immediately pulled the enemy's mouth with blood.

"Ah, let me die"

If Chen Fengru grabbed the enemy's mouth madly, he lifted up the devil with more than 200 pounds, and turned it around like a heavy hammer. He "banged" twice, and even wanted the other two The enemies who attacked him also flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and kept wailing.

At the same time, more enemy worms rushed in all directions. At one time, all the main battlefields were full of gladiatorial battles, and the blood and sweat on both sides began to flow.

In the blink of an eye, a red blood mist visible to the naked eye has been shrouded on the first front, and the sound waves formed by the sounds converge for nine days.

"Stay steady"

"Can't let him leave alive"

"Only by killing him can we get rid of punishment. So many people have died. Even if we go back, there will be no good results."

"Should definitely not allow this guy to do anything even if I am broken to pieces today"

All the soldiers went mad, and their blood was boiling. Everyone had red eyes, took the power of feeding, and collided with Chen Feng with fierce sparks.

At this moment, the hearts of the devil were finally sublimated again. For their own responsibility and the anger in their hearts, they became fierce and did not fear death. They used flesh and blood to stop the raging of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slaughtered all the bones and demons that came over, while the surroundings were some elite cowardly demons and desires.


Chen Feng is experiencing the killing experience just now, but at this time, an elite cowardly demon struck over. Don't look at the cowardly devil without any surprises, but once the epic is promoted, some physical changes will occur.

Chen Feng creaked a bite of steel teeth, slamming his huge chest muscles fiercely, and slammed into the elite cowardly.

Suddenly, the explosive power exploded out of thin air, radiating a burst of vitality, and the small stones that swept around all overturned the body.

Don't look at the elite timid devil's short stature, but his speed is extremely fast. Chen Feng was knocked back for several seconds before fighting with him for a few seconds. His body could not maintain balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Haha, you are nothing like this"

The elite timid monster chased after the victory, and while Chen Feng was unstable in the set, he sharply flung the sharp blade on his hand. The sharp blade was abnormal, like two thick and long forests, and the surface was covered with hard fall. Spikes are incredibly powerful

Among the flashes of light, Chen Feng's body was marked with many bloodstains by this blade.

At this moment, the other person suddenly opened his mouth wide, exuding a sharp chill, and there was a tendency to bite Chen Feng into a broken body.

This is not an ordinary timid demon. Chen Feng finally found some clues. He has lived so long in the last days. Where is it not clear what the devil will look like? At this time, the appearance of the elite timid devil has changed. In addition, it seems to have mastered the devil's thinking.

What the **** is this

To find out the truth, Chen Feng struggled.

However, where can I get rid of

Seeing the blade in the hands of the elite coward and the fangs in his mouth getting closer, Chen Feng couldn't help but get a cold sweat, his pupils contracted violently

Unavoidable, no need to avoid

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, he suddenly waved the flame sword in his hand, and saw a hot blade, silently rubbing the gnomes' cheeks and flying over

The gnome froze.

The next moment, he stepped back instinctively.

Chen Feng was a generation of evil emperors. At this time, the dwarf felt the suffocating energy on Chen Feng. He was afraid, and he immediately wanted to take his steps and hide away.

But it's too late

"call out"

The fierce fire blade directly broke into the head of the elite cowardly, destroying his soft tissues, and then fell to the ground without breath.

"What wooden management is dead, **** it, you really committed a felony." At this time, witnessing the elite cowardly death on the ground, the surviving garrison no longer dare to take a step forward. They saw the means owned by Chen Feng. It is clear that even if you go up at this time, it will be a dead end.

Where did Chen Feng, who killed the red-eye, care about these, he jumped, and when he was about to smash a chain demon's head with a palm, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.


The visitor is Geya.

Although Geya has seen a lot of worlds, at this time, after seeing His Majesty ’s gift, even before half an hour, he killed all his favorite men, not only that, but also caused a lot of fighting. On the market, this situation made her seem a little strange.

Geya looked at everything in front of her, her voice trembling, and began to question Chen Feng, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Chen Feng nodded and "know"

Goya gasped, taking a step forward "Why did you kill them all"

Chen Feng said indifferently, "That's because their original goal was me. Lilia, you know, we meet each other. I didn't even think about killing each other, but she would provoke the raging demon to attack me. If it wasn't for me, Already the head of a raging demon hit his head with a fist. "

"How can they kill me? Can't I kill each other? Is there still this rule in the Colosseum?" Chen Feng directly asked Geya.

Geya narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, although Lilia they **** it, then these fighters under my command, why do you see these law enforcers ~ ~, and kill the killer, not even a living mouth? stay"

For Geya, it is impossible not to be angry now, and all the players who have managed to train themselves are killed. Not only that, even the law enforcement team has been attacked.

These law enforcement teams can be said to have been created by Geya for a long time. This has a crucial role in the plans that began later. But now, this general strength is at the peak of gold. I don't know if I can stand for myself. The team that has gained so much battle has actually injured and injured the public, and the person who started it is not someone else. It is the human being in front of him.

Geya was curious about Chen Feng before, almost just instinctively, because humans rarely saw them in the Colosseum, but when she contacted for a while, she couldn't help but wonder, is this really human?

In Geya's inherent thinking, shouldn't human beings be more generous, because the means are not as cruel as demons, often in the melee, the first person to die is human.

And what is happening to this human being is crazy to the extreme. There is no mercy at all. In the face of the enemies who will threaten himself, there is nothing he can do.

The other party not only killed the raging demon and Lilia, but even slaughtered his Majesty, leaving him alive.

Abyss Summoner

Abyss Summoner

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