The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1369: Tempering of consciousness

In the face of Geya's questioning, Chen Feng did not show less concession. It had already made plans. Once the other party really wanted to tear his face with himself, then he did not mind to complete the transformation and kill here. https: //

As the leader of the order, I do n’t know how many enemies died under Chen Feng. In fact, Geya is one step ahead. If it is slower, Lilia and the raging corpse will be summoned by Chen Feng as a sacrifice!

When the human world summons, it is inevitable that there is a **** of the dimension wall, which will cause the summons to fall into some gaps, but here is the abyss, there is no effect of the dimension wall. Epic slaves are summoned!

Chen Feng did not summon for a while, not because he didn't want to, but with the promotion of the realm, fewer and fewer sacrifices can be seen by him, even the legendary rank.

The reason why Chen Feng came to the abyss, in addition to promotion, has an additional purpose, that is, to find a sacrifice that suits himself, so that the number of his army is richer again.

After all, Fura is pregnant with a baby, and her summoned beast is missing one.


This is one of the reasons why Chen Feng stays calm. Geya could not imagine it at all. If Chen Feng wanted to summon the beasts, they would be crushing each other. What about the Colosseum boss? In the end, there is only one way to become a sacrifice!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's gaze was slowly staring, the whole person became murderous, it seems that there is really an urge to kill Geya and refine it into a sacrifice!

The horror was refracted towards the surroundings.

There seemed to be a lot of unbearable harsh sounds on Chen Feng's body. Those sounds converged. Once listening for a long time, consciousness may stagnate and completely become a vegetative without senses.

"What consciousness do you have? Do you really want to be my enemy?" Geya also fell into anger at this time. As the owner of the Colosseum, her industry is far beyond anyone's imagination, not to mention, it is in the abyss There is also a plot in it. The reason why so much money is spent on creating so many killing stars is because Lilia had originally planned to be the most important link.

But now that Lilia has died tragically, without a gimmick as a signboard, how can she keep the plan going?

Thinking of his decades-long plan was completely defeated because of Chen Feng, Geya's heart felt like an unknown flame burning immediately, it seemed to burn everything around him, full of unimaginable oppression .

Of course, if Chen Feng said something good, it would n’t be as furious as this. After all, Chen Feng is the only star of killing. However, after the other party committed this crime, instead of having no guilt, it became worse. The feeling of killing myself.

Geya was very angry, this was the first time it was so angry after it was promoted to the Demon of Delight, and its friendly skin has been worn for a long time. It seems that some people have forgotten what a terrible existence is under the skin!

Geya looked at Chen Feng, and her voice gradually lowered: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"I naturally know." Chen Feng still did not flinch.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Geya said three good times in a row, and then, Chen Feng suddenly felt a huge, vast, overwhelming and terrible will, covering him directly.

It was a feeling of being unable to hide, just like the sky is falling, wherever you go, you will end up with the illusion of broken bones!

Suddenly, many pictures appeared in Chen Feng's consciousness.

These pictures are fragment scenes, but they come alive and are no different from being immersive.

Suddenly, Chen Feng suddenly seemed to have come to an unknown world. There were flames and crying crowds everywhere. Humans seemed to have encountered unimaginable attacks. The ugly devil broke into the crowd to kill and kill, just a few efforts. A village with thousands of people was slaughtered.

And behind all the demons there was a twisted figure. Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, but saw that the figure gradually became clearer, and that was exactly what Geya looked like!

This is the stress caused by Geya!

At this time, he completely became a villager in the consciousness. Once killed by the devil, his consciousness will be damaged. The strength will be greatly damaged, and he can no longer be promoted to the next level. Ground.

It was just a moment that he pulled himself into such a fantasy. There is no such thing as an ordinary demon. Thinking of this, Chen Feng confirmed one more thing. That is, the other party has indeed been successfully promoted and has become Pleasure the demon, because only this high-level devil can unknowingly bring himself into this environment.


Chen Feng had some doubts. The opponent did not cast this ability in an instant, but began to exert this ability after meeting himself, in order to cast an instant on his opponent, causing some oppression to his soul.

Good means!

It is indeed a joyful demon who is good at fraud!

This battle has made Chen Feng feel enlightened. Don't underestimate any master of the same level. They also have their own adventures and their own creations. It can be said that any strong epic is not a small role.

As the energy continued to spread, Chen Feng discovered that there was an unincorporated desert surrounding him, at least tens of thousands, or even 100,000, at a glance, all of them were stinging demons.

The desert ground was full of corpses, and the blood had stained the sand!

And his comrades-in-arms died one by one, and he became a party at the end of the road. A tragic, helpless emotion was lingering in his heart.

But even so, Chen Feng didn't give up. He roared and killed a **** path. Then, the locust-like devil rushed towards it, including the cowardly demon, the bone demon, and even the chain demon and the viper devil. The devil gathered together, like a wolf smoke completely encased Chen Feng in it.

But Chen Feng was standing in the middle of the battlefield ~ ~ He was agitated by muscles. He was clear that this is a war of consciousness. The more you believe in yourself, the stronger you are in your consciousness. If you can believe in yourself infinitely, then The consciously transformed body may also be invincible!

At this moment, Chen Feng was invincible. He roared, all the devils around him were broken, and a terrible blow killed countless enemies by just roaring!


From this, Chen Feng felt a strong, almost substantive will.

This will is "never yield"!

In the real world, even Chen Feng dare not really fight countless devil, because even if he can kill some, once the energy is exhausted, he will be killed by the devil's body without relying on the broken plane to escape. .

But here is consciousness, that kind of immersive feeling makes Chen Feng have a real sense of facing countless devil.

And this kind of unyielding vigor is the realization that Chen Feng could not imagine!

Geya couldn't imagine it. Her original intention was to suppress Chen Feng with absolute fear and convince the other party under her own oppression, but Chen Feng took a different path, instead of dormant, she gritted her teeth and peered out the loophole of this oppression. In one fell swoop, your consciousness becomes more stable, just like a hardened blade, after hardening, it is stronger than ever!

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