The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1452: Cause and effect

At this time, Wei Xun had already exploded all his power, and the purpose of all of this was just to prove one thing, that was that Wei Xun had plasticity and could be entrusted by Chen Feng. Roles.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Wei Xun's palm was vigorous and he stabbed his nails into the flesh. When he was in this state, any part of the body could be used as a weapon for killing. In a moment of penetration, he made his palm The flesh is blurred.

How could I be defeated by this disgusting monster in front of me?

He himself, but a talent selected by the adult himself, is also the first experimenter to participate in the blood sacrifice in the camp.

Everyone just saw the side of Wei Xun's scenery. In front of everyone, the word Wei Xun was originally a symbol of strength, and he was the symbol of the entire **** war department.

But who can think of him, he was just a little man in the past, a man who was too small to be ignored by anyone. If it was not Chen Feng, he might have died in a wasteland.

All of himself was given by Chen Feng, but for Wei Xun, he wanted to get rid of the shackles that ordinary people gave him.

He not only has to prove himself to Chen Feng, but also to prove himself like everyone else. He Weixun can kill monsters of this level alone.

Suddenly, Wei Xun's bulging eyes almost glared out, and the corners of the whole row of eyes were filled with dazzling blood beads. The boundless anger made him rush to the crown.

"Today, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

Wei Xun growled loudly in the sky, hurriedly took a step, and rushed forward, at this time his body was filled with all kinds of negative emotions.

"I didn't even let go of my good friend. I'm optimistic about you, and go with me."

"If you want to be a dog, I may give you a chance, but the risk of this opportunity is not small. If you cannot afford it, you may die in the next second."

"Of course, you also need to keep in mind that once you die, you may not even be able to leave the whole body. After all, I ca n’t control my energy, have more energy, or live my ordinary life like this. I leave this choice to you. "

When he heard this news, Wei Xun had hesitated. At that time, he had become a professional and had the power that ordinary people could not match. However, Wei Xun had ambitions. After seeing Chen Feng's strength, he firmly believed That is, in this cannibal society, if you want to live well, you must have your own capital.

It is for this reason that Wei Xun chose the last proposal and merged the blood of an arrogant son. It was from that moment that he truly had his own life.

Wilson spent the first half of his life gambling, and most proud of him, he gambled every time he gambled.

Whenever night falls, he still dreams of a familiar face from time to time. In the last days, Wei Xun is second only to Chen Feng. He doesn't know how many women have been entangled. The dream of those people is nothing more than There is only one point, that is to take refuge in Wei Xun and get the other party's asylum.

But for Wei Xun, those faces are just acting on the scene, and it is not worth his attention at all. In addition, Wei Xun also knows that the world is terrible. Because of this, he did not even have a choice to rely on, and has always relied on Unique way to put yourself in a lonely position.

This world has changed, and everyone, including Chen Feng, knows that Wei Xun's mind only has strength and promotion, and there is no family or emotional concept at all.

But such an almost unforgiving person dreamed of a face that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with, and the identity of that face was not someone else, just the best friend that Wei Xun had killed in the past.

He will never forget each other.

"Hey, I'm in the eighth class, and you have just transferred. Which class are you, eh? You are also in the eighth class. It is really a fate. Meet me, my name is Chen Qi."

It was also that day that Wei Xun had his first friend in school.

"Wei Xun told you, you are just too timid, it's normal to like this kind of thing, the class next door hasn't known how many pairs have been, why did you get timid like this when you got this? This matter Do it boldly. I support you. What are you afraid of? "

"By the way, did you remember the last time I told you? You're good. You don't even recognize your friends, do you? I told you a long time ago. In any case, the camera must be borrowed from me. day."

"Well, isn't it just a woman? If you don't find another one, why are you trying to find a living? I'll tell you, just because of this, don't tell anyone to know me. What is this thing? See, no, my neighbor, who just moved here this morning, how about it? Would you like me to introduce you to each other? "

"By Wei Xun, we are about to graduate soon. Which school do you fill in? Hi, I ask you, how can you pretend to be dumb with me, you can do it now, don't you say it? Your kid school Anyway, it's not good. Fill in what the school can fill in. "

"The exam results are coming out. Are you going to Meizhou? Coincidentally, like the school I filled, graduated, how about it? Would you like to go out and take a lap? Don't be old-fashioned, nowadays, self-driving tours are popular. You must always think so , Do n’t go out to college in the future, just go directly at your doorstep? ”

"This is the last class meeting in the class. I would like to say a few words. I thank my parents for providing me with room and board and raising me as an adult. I also thank my teacher for taking care of me. Without a teacher, I can say that I ca n’t even pass the exam. In the end, I want to thank my best friend, Wei Xun, for being with me when I need someone most. "

"Take one, let's take one together."

"What's going on with Wei Xun? How did the people outside look like this? Those people are like devil, they bite when they see someone, and they spit, even the flesh on their neck is torn directly, Let me tell you, we must find a way to live, we must! "

"Run, what are you doing stupidly? You don't plan to run now, when can you escape these monsters. We must be consistent. Once dispersed, I guess we may not survive for an hour!"

"Come on Wesson, you can, this is just a few steps, and you just lost? We did get a lot of monsters from us, but most of them are still with me. These foods support us. Worship is not a problem. "

"After we Wilson, let ’s eat a little less. This is the last piece of toast. If you eat all of it, what else do I eat? You know, all of these are what I am looking for. There is no one here. It's impossible to live here. "


With a scream, Wei Xun stood aside, still holding a dagger in his hand. At this time, where did he still have the slightest bit of vino, but his expression gradually became vicious,

"Why are you doing this to me? Aren't we friends? Didn't you mess with Wei Xun, why did you start working on me suddenly?"

"You are not Wilson, I swear that you are not Wilson, and say, where did you hide the other party? Or do you really eat the other party? Dress up as the other party? Tell you the truth, I do n’t believe , My friends will suddenly hit me. "

"it's me."

Rao Weishen at that time was already hard-hearted. Under the eyes of his close friends, he couldn't help telling the truth.


"Why is this?"

"Aren't we friends? We eat all over the street. As long as we have the courage to find the food we need, but why? Do we have to kill to survive?"

"Why? Aren't we friends?"

Those other words were like sledgehammers. At that time, they exploded on Wei Xun's chest. His family was not rich. After school, he had no friendship with his classmates because of inferiority. Tattered by oneself, some students even take the initiative to avoid each other, such as Wei Xun, a schoolboy from a remote place, has no small circle of his own.

The appearance of a friend, for Wei Xun, is undoubtedly like a ray of light in the dark. It is the other party who has made himself confident now. It is also encouraged by the other party that he no longer has low self-esteem. Courage to pursue your beloved girl.

It was the other party that completely changed Wei Xun, and even told the other party to never trust others, especially in adulthood.

They lived up to the trust of the other side and gathered too many zombies outside. Because of food shortage, they could only leave plenty of food and chose to starve. ’

But this is not the way to go. Two people consume more than one person.

At that time, Wei Xun and the other party had enough food for one of them to live for three days. However, if the two of them got one point, they could only persist for a day and a half, and they would die directly. There was no turning point.

It is for this reason that Wei Xun is a killer when the other party is not prepared. He not only poisoned the other party ’s food, but more importantly, when the other party reacted and tried to reason with himself Perhaps Wei Xun was afraid that such a thing would be exposed, and he directly gave the other side a knife.

The other party is still dead. The little character who doesn't abandon himself and shares his own troubles eventually died in this complicated world.

At that moment, Wei Xun only said one word to the body: "Why? Because I want to live."

It was also from that moment that Wei Xun always dreamed of the other's bones, and the other was snarling at himself, snarling at his timidity.

In this case, in order to live, he even killed his friends.

Wei Xun had such a means in these disturbed days. Since then, he has had a nightmare. Whenever it is midnight, he will be awakened by all kinds of dreams. Then I remember that the scene of killing his friends may be portrayed in his mind forever.

Today, Wei Xun has only one thing to do, and that is promotion as soon as possible! Only after living stronger and stronger can one say nothing to these so-called nightmares.

It is for this reason that Wei Xun chose to be here, to face the incomparable enemy in front of the battle!

Seeing the monster constantly changing his appearance, Wei Xun was not scared, but clenched his fists, because he was confident that he could kill him with a single blow.


At this time, the monster has begun to pay attention to its own defensive power. After several confrontations, Weisson, who understands the monster, has super strong defensive power. Because of this, it doesn't plan to bump into it, but shrinks itself. In a shell, patience awaits Wei Xun's attack, weakening, and finally collapses.

And just after the monster thought he had mastered everything, Wei Xun's fist had condensed to a substantial state.


With a loud noise, Wei Xun's fist had hit the enemy.

In this short period of time, the monster's body shook violently again, and it was as if the defense on his body was broken easily, and the aftershocks scattered on the ground were like a turbulent stream of time and space. A word of mouth ~ ~ give me death! "

With a roar through Jiuxiao, Wei Xun rushed into the crack of the enchantment. At this time, he almost turned into a giant bear. Raising his arms, he slammed into the opponent with a slap.


And just when the monster thought that Wei Xun's attack was not good, even if he suffered some injuries, he was still harmless. When there were no problems, Wei Xun's hidden cards were lifted by him one by one.

On the side, the weak Carter roared, and the object of his protection was killed, and he was still a soldier in his own name. This was a strange shame for him. At this time, he tried to kill Yang Shuo in order to cleanse him. This unbearable humiliation!

The epee saw the trophy at his fingertips destroyed, and at the same time killed Yang Shuo. The coward in front of him ruined a humiliation ceremony against the church. He must die!

Suddenly, Yang Shuo attracted the collective attack of the two who were never dead. No one would survive in this situation, but Yang Shuo might be excluded. When the offensive distance between the two sides was less than one meter, he took the lead. , Chose to exit this world.

Everything turned grey.

He faintly saw that the soldier named Harvey was hit by two energies, his body was torn apart suddenly, and with that kind of injury, it was impossible to survive!

The memory of that world came to an abrupt halt, Yang Shuo's head became heavier and heavier, as if he had not slept for a few days and nights. Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, he faintly saw a series of vague words.

[Round Table Samurai]

Harvest: Healing

Do you study?

With his last instinct, Yang Shuo nodded and muttered to himself: "Learn!"

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