The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1453: Come to an end

At this time, Wei Xun was completely at the peak. Rao was a terrible monster, but it was difficult to shake his confidence. Not only that, the black projection floating above his head, now also burst into super power, just a punch, just Shatter the surrounding space completely, from which I don't know how much rancid energy flows out.

Although there are countless dimensions outside, there are very few planets as rich as the human world.

Most planets do not know how many years have existed. In the long journey, those planets had once had life and there were countless intelligent creatures, but time was ruthless. On the day when a planet always has resources exhausted, it is extremely consumed. As a result, some nations that are more prosperous than the earth's technology in the past are eventually annihilated in the long history.

Just as human beings get seriously ill, the body will produce poisonous sores, and pus will also flow out of the poisonous sores. Such a rundown planet has not been operated for many years in the dark universe. Under the continuous accumulation of time, its toxins Increasingly.

At this time, after Wei Xun's inner spirit ran away, one punch directly shook the space and sprayed out those broken pus.

The power of one punch is simply terrifying.

Even more terrible is still behind. After the pus flows outside, it has eroded many spaces in this world.

It's like a hive. It makes people look like their hairs are erected. There is an unspeakable nausea lingering in many people's hearts. They can't understand what these ghosts are.

Fan Zhiteng, who stood aside, lightened his eyes, as if he had found something that surprised him so much, he couldn't help walking a few steps forward.

But just a few steps, a pair of big hands behind him directly attached to his neck, and the next second, he said with telepathy: "Dammit, do you want to die? Like this small character, next second It ’s going to be a puddle of meat, do you understand? "

Uncle Gao is also going to be fifty years old. Although he was equally astonished when he was experiencing the last days, after all, he has lived for decades more than young people. He has rich experience. Compared with Fan Zhiteng, who knows nothing, In fact, he is more sophisticated.

How can he not see, now that Wei Xun has given all his strength to the existence of the other party's level, a shot may be really legendary, the child of the uncle Gao died in the last days, and Fan Zhiteng is not the same age Big, even the personality is surprisingly similar, and also so frizzy, maybe fate, when you first saw each other, the father's love in Uncle Gao's heart could not be released freely.

Fan Zhiteng doesn't know one thing yet. He treats the other party as an uncle, and the other party treats him as a son.

The delicate father-son relationship makes relatives have lost Fan Zhiteng. He instinctively treats Uncle Gao as a life instructor. He has never seen each other, and he has blushed. Even if he accidentally commits several major events, the other party is also a major event. The trivial matter disappeared, as if with the old thing, has always accompanied him with the tolerance of the elders.

But what's going on now?

Seeing Uncle Gao's almost twisted face, Fan Zhiteng just felt that his heart was beating.

Of course, he also knew that the other party would not harm himself, or he was a little reckless. When he saw something strange, he always couldn't help but want to go and take a look.

"I know Uncle, I won't dare next time."

Fan Zhiteng is now a pitiful egg. Although he is also a professional now, he is not admired by ordinary people, but he also knows that in his entirety, there are no one like him and eight hundred.

How long does it take for him to have everything he wants if he mixes in the usual way?

Although Fan Zhiteng seemed a little ignorant, the more such a person, the heavier his mind, and he knew what he needed most, and that was strength!

Only strength can keep you alive.

Fan Zhiteng knows that his dream is very shameful. His parents were killed, his relatives were persecuted, and he vowed to become stronger one day. The inspirational plot for revenge was different. The killers of his parents were zombies and bugs. Those zombies and bugs did not know Where they went, maybe they went further, or they died in the hands of the development team.

But no matter what, Fan Zhiteng must accept the fact that he can no longer avenge his life, that worm may have become a pile of monster's feces, and the zombies were accidentally crushed to death, and then slowly rot. , Fermentation.


Don't make a joke, the world is big. As early as Fan Zhiteng had no courage to stop the monsters from escaping, he was no longer eligible for revenge.

It is for this reason that Fan Zhiteng will yearn for his power more and more. He wants to live, only to live well.

Everyone in the last days may be very ordinary. They do n’t have the appearance of Xu Hongzhuang, the strength of Chen Feng, or even the opportunity of Wei Xun, but they are still struggling. In this world that is not a pure land, It's like a winter dog panting.

Fan Zhiteng is different from everyone else. He has no ambitions, but just wants to be rich and live his whole life.

Thinking of this, Fan Zhiteng's head was lowered, his eyes narrowed and his eyes became red. He was really scared. He couldn't help thinking, how could a timid person like himself be so strong that he could make himself stronger? Take this risk?

Uncle Ga looked aside and knew that the other person really had remorse, so it was not good to say anything. He just patted the other person's head lightly and said softly, "I understand, I understand everything. "

On the one side, Wei Xun is already fighting against monsters, and the momentum shown by both sides is no longer what ordinary professionals can bear. They just stare at everything in front of them. Some people even breathe. Have become cramped.

Because in the constant confrontation, the surrounding space has been distorted one after another. Many people took a breath of air and could hardly believe the scene in front of them.

The monster has a small part of his mind. With wisdom, he has the hope of living. The monster was originally only for killing. However, as wisdom continues to accumulate, it finds that it has retreat in its heart.

It didn't want to continue this entanglement with Wei Xun.

It wants to live, to live well.

Whether it is a person or an animal, once there is fear, once it is afraid, then it is not far from death. It is like a good hunter, and will never leave the back to the enemy.

Because the hunter knew that when he was facing forward, he could use weapons and a blade to cut the enemy's neck, but once he left his back to the enemy, he could only wait for his passive attack.

Wei Xun is a competent hunter. He knew a long time ago that he possesses the most valuable qualities of being a hunter. He has the same ruthlessness, and will not leave his back to the enemy even in the most extreme. It was with this fierce determination that he came to where he is today.

No one can, take him Weisson seriously.

No one except Chen Feng!


Wei Xun coughed a blood, and punched hard, and in the constant confrontation, he admitted that his body had been affected.

However, all this is still within his range.

Men cannot say no, this is the truth!

At this moment, Wei Xun panted fiercely, but his gaze was like a wolf, hungry and cold!

"I ... I can't fall!"

Wei Xun did not expect this monster to be so resistant. If it was changed to normal, he and his own shadow would become one, and if they shot together, the enemy would have been beaten on their own. Where is it now? There is no response at all.

This will not work!

Wei Xun's mental strength has been consumed more than half, and his head was like drinking seven or eight pounds of white wine, and the film was completely broken. He had no consciousness alone.

But unlike Fan Zhiteng, Wei Xun has always been dissatisfied, and it is precisely because of this that he can go step by step to the present.

At this moment, the shadow above his head had become almost transparent, and Wei Xun himself was about to bite his teeth into pieces, but even so, his eyes remained cold and stubborn, covered with strong murderousness and determination.

Some human wisdom is shining on the eyes of the monster. This is a freak with the ability to capture wisdom. It just merged before. It seems unusually ignorant and ignorant. At this moment, it is different. During the battle with Wei Xun, it was constantly Adsorb the memory fragments left in your mind.

Don't look at Wei Xun's miserable look now, but it is monsters who really feel scared and afraid. That's right. Unlike before, monsters with more wisdom at this time are actually afraid.

Because in the monster's vision, Wei Xun was like a madman who constantly attacked him. Rao was that he had been ready to escape countless times, but still could not successfully escape from the opponent's hands.

How can this be!


Be sure to leave each other far away!

And Wei Xun saw that the other party had resigned, and the originally drooping eyelashes suddenly raised. Not only that, but the corner of his mouth grinned with an elusive sneer: "You want to run? Haha, you guy want to escape? I Let you run! "

Wei Xun roared, and the appearance was almost fierce than Li Gui.


Wei Xun felt that he had found the weakness of the other party, and there was something unhappy in his mind. This monster was several times more powerful than he thought.

Wei Xun admits that he has made some mistakes in his estimation, but he has fought so far. Apart from his blood, Wei Xun is not without any gain. For him, the real gain is that he has practiced in the blood battle again. At the level of Wei Xun, the usual fighting is no longer in sight.

It ’s like Xu Hongzhuang. In order, her status is even stronger than that of Wei Xun and Lu Wei combined. It is not the strength, but the other side is the orderly and well-known Valkyrie. For most soldiers, Xu Hongzhuang It is the true leader in their hearts, only a little worse than Chen Feng.

But is such a terrible existence, the woman who has the supreme glory in order, is not for strength, willing to follow Chen Feng to the abyss?

Doesn't she know that the abyss is terrible, and the threat of death is everywhere?

And all this, to say the least, is not for the word power.

In the last days, power has become all of professionals. Professionals without power have no gap with ordinary people.

Wei Xun wanted to protect his position, to protect everything that was not easy to obtain, and for this, he naturally dared to compete with Xu Hongzhuang.

In Wei Xun's mind, there was a masculinity. He often lamented that even women like Xu Hongzhuang dare to go to the place where they were destroyed. As a man himself, how could he be willing to fall behind?

Do not!

I won't give up!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun murmured in his heart, and the shadow above his head seemed to react. In the next second, he turned from a terrible monster directly into a black machete.

The next second, Wei Xun took the machete in his hand, crossed a clear arc, and thundered and fell on the monster's heavenly cover.


There was a buzz of tearing the strip.

It's like cutting a watermelon. The seemingly horrible monster was split directly into two, and a thick stream of blood was sprayed on the ground. There was no beauty at all.

Using this trick obviously has a lot of pressure for Wei Xun. At this time, he has fully concentrated his strength.

When holding a machete transformed into a shadow ~ ~ Wei Xun even fused the spirit of spirit, but even so, when the monster touched, he was still shocked like being bombarded by Wan Lei His face was as pale as paper, his body flew dozens of meters toward the back, and his footsteps rubbed a ditch close to the feet on the rolling loess!


Another sip of black-red blood spewed from his mouth. Wei Xun wanted to stand still, but he did not have this ability at this time. At this time, he was more like a toddler than a famous strong man.

However, Wei Xun still did not fall. He looked at the monster that had become a corpse, but because of the powerful vitality of the monster that had not died, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Damn guy, it's really hard to hit you." After that, Wei Xun snorted and looked like that, as if he might fall at any time.

The soldiers on the side saw that the victory and defeat had been divided, and they dared to wait and see. At this time, they were all like tigers going down the mountain and rushed towards Wei Xun.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Where are the members of the medical department? Adults need treatment!"

"Chen Huifang, you roll over for me. When you need you now, where did you hide for me?"

Looking at Wei Xun's weak face, many people sent greetings of concern. After all, they knew that they could survive, and the first thing to thank was Wei Xun.

The strength of the other party undoubtedly saved many people in disguise.

"Don't help Lao Tzu."

Wei Xun broke away from the support of the crowd, and then walked to the monster alone. He stretched out his arms, which was visible to the naked eye. This circle of black energy was absorbed by him.

At this moment, a noisy battle came to an end.

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