The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Bestiality

When Chen Feng and his team found the Order Fleet, none of them were alive, which was a cruel fact.

This means that none of the crew members of this voyage survived. Except for some of the deaths and injuries suffered by the storm, the rest were all killed by Mara's sacrifice.

Not counting monster invasion, the damage here was the most serious when the order was established. This time more than 400 crew members were killed and injured, including 30 magic martial artillery, 100 professionals, six silver peaks and one gold strong. By.

Chen Feng stood beside the boat indifferently, staring at his eyes, not sorrowful. After all, this situation is the style of the last days.

Too many people die every day in this world.

Those forces broke through the storm and set up their own base in adversity, but they were destroyed because of the irreversible threat of Mara!

The destruction of a city was so cruel, it was all used as a sacrifice, which is very similar to Chen Feng's sacrifice of beasts and insects. In Chen Feng's eyes, those monsters are only aliens, and there is no psychological burden on sacrificing them. In other words, isn't it true for human sacrifices?

In his opinion, the so-called humans are just their own prey, just like people who raise pigs and sheep in captivity will kill slaughter meat when needed. In the eyes of Mara, human beings are animals that are kept in captivity. When needed, all Open your mouth to satisfy your tongue.

At this time, countless dimensional strong men gathered their eyes on this land. As the Xeon, they saw no human pity and dilemma, only this land can bring much income to themselves.

In this case, only strength can stop everything.

If this happened in order, Chen Feng would not give Mara the opportunity to come, because he knew that with the power of order, he could wipe out the believers of the other party in one fell swoop.

After all, in addition to a number of gold masters such as Lu Wei, there is a fallen angel sitting beside the order. Even if one cannot suppress the Marathon believer, as long as a signal is transmitted, the accumulation of time during the order can naturally save the day.

Strength is the most important thing!

"Prepare a dress and mound for these people, and family members must make proper arrangements." After standing for a while at the boat, Chen Feng said to the side.


The two responded in unison.

Wei Xun can have the current power. In the beginning, he sold his emotions and killed his close friends. Without emotion, he can go further in this end time, and this is what Chen Feng appreciates each other.

It can be said that from the moment he killed his close friend, Wei Xun realized the true meaning of this land and became a real demon.

Therefore, there were many other party's confidants in the voyage of this voyage, but Wei Xun did not show much sadness, but his face was a little gloomy. For him, if this exploration is successful, it will be of great benefit to order. Who would have thought that in the end the entire army would be annihilated!

"But ..." Wei Xun's eyes glowed with a hint of redness, and he sighed inwardly: "It's not completely unharmed."

After Chen Feng solved everything, he gave Wei Xun a signal, even though the deterrent power before him made the two golden strongmen panic. There is a kind of beast facing the torrential flood, and it ’s terrifying. After Chen Feng's signal, he didn't dare to delay too much, and speeded up to pass forward.

When they came to the edge of the battlefield, the two could not help but take a breath. What did they see? There is a lot of scars everywhere, just like the epidemic has come down from the sky and destroyed here, there is a breath of death everywhere, even the land is a black, like a **** scene.

"Do not touch those dark substances with your hands." Chen Feng's faint voice came from one side.

At that time, Chen Feng didn't intentionally scare the two, but the land was polluted by terror after the two legends' self-detonation. Except for Saruman who regarded it as a holy place, any life came here , More or less will be affected.

As a result, the dead land will even spread slowly, transporting germs and plagues to the surroundings. If Saruman can add another leader, this terror will be even better.

Even without Chen Feng's reminder, the two did not dare to touch the land directly with their skin. After all, the two were also golden and naturally possessed good senses. They clearly felt the disaster atmosphere on that land and touched it with their bare hands? Afraid not to be slow!

At that time, the divinity had not yet been collected by Chen Feng. Wei Xun witnessed the energy that made him crazy, and it was hard to imagine how it felt, even if the divinity was extremely weak, like the light of fireflies, but Among them is like having a whole sea of ​​stars, Wei Xun even felt that once he let himself devour those energies, it didn't take much, only half, the monster ghost image of himself could be completely transformed!

Not even becoming an independent life!

By then ~ ~ will be able to step into a new realm of its own strength, and may also be able to leapfrog the legendary stage in the main population.

But Wei Xun knows that the energy is precious, and Chen Feng naturally does not lie to others, and for Wei Xun, this is what he wants to gain.

Compared with these energies, what is the so-called 400 lives?

Wei Xun has a dark temperament and is inherently anti-bone. If it is a normal character, he can't suppress the other party. It is more likely that he will eat the Lord after the other party is strong, because the other party has no kindness and no so-called morality.

But Chen Feng is different. From the beginning, he used absolute power to suppress Wei Xun to make him obedient, not to submit to his heart, but to give a repression to his soul, making him afraid to show his betrayal.

In Lu Wei's view, those who died had many brothers in their robes, and the scenes of their past echoed in their minds. Therefore, even if he was already a strong man in gold, Lu Wei's eyes were still ruddy, he only had the blood of the devil, and Not the whole person becomes a devil, so there is still humanity.

But Wei Xun is different. All he sees is the profit. As for the death and injury? A voyage is no less than a war. If it is a war, where will it not die?

Since grown-ups can gain such energy, their strength will naturally rise to the next level. At that time, the backing of order will become stronger and stronger, and people in the rear, such as themselves, will still receive asylum and will not be affected by outside influences.

Loyalty is profitable.

Compared with Lu Wei's human nature, in a dangerous environment, Lu Wei's human nature has been distorted into an animal nature, acting instinctively, without any emotion at all!

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