The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Giving Divinity


Chen Feng and his party did not return to the camp. After all, Chimera, who was able to shuttle in space, had been killed by himself and lost transportation. Chen Feng could only find a chance to return slowly.

However, this is not something that Chen Feng needs to worry about right now. For others, in a strange environment, they will naturally feel fear and despair.

But Chen Feng has a lot of legendary masters, what else can be done in the wild? Even Chen Feng has explored the place like the abyss, let alone the familiar territory of human beings?

For Chen Feng, at this time he paid more attention to the divine belonging!

Chen Feng spread his palm, and two gentle rays appeared on the palm. The light seemed faint, but if he looked carefully and stared for a long time, his eyes would feel a burn.

This is the divinity of the horse, which is full of the original energy belonging to the other party.

Once it is absorbed, it is even possible to obtain the ability of [Hunting] and [Tracking]. At that time, the fighting skills will be extended to the strongest!

If this is the case, Chen Feng's strength will even be close to Fura. What does this mean? Once he devours the divinity in front of himself, he can even be comparable to a boxing master.

This is simply a pie falling from the sky.

But ... Chen Feng couldn't absorb it, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't!

Chen Feng is inevitably sad at this time. He obviously holds heavy treasures in his hands, but he is unable to use them. Whether it is the vegan eye or the current divinity, it takes half a foot to enter the epic to merge. May be lost under that huge power, and eventually become a fallen person.

A legendary fallen man?

A summoner of the fallen?

A fallen man who owns an entire city?

Once Chen Feng becomes a fallen person, the so-called destruction is not only directed at himself, but also the entire human world!

Chen Feng is different from inferior monsters. The latter is a pure mutant creature. In the long evolution, the opponent's ability to swallow has been strengthened to the limit, so even the divinity can be fully integrated without any side effects, but Chen Feng is different. He has no experience in this area, so he can only wait slowly and wait for the day when his strength is sufficient.

So that you can only keep the treasure and not use it until you are about to be promoted?

After thinking about Chen Feng for a while, he shook his head and went through a malayan accident to make Chen Feng clear that the land had already become quite uneven.

Believers in the Sun God appear today, and Mara will slaughter the city tomorrow. What about the day after tomorrow? Is there a more powerful presence here, and then prepare for advent, and even, the so-called advent has been completed.

Mara is just a weak and divine deity, who almost killed all the legendary masters. What about those more powerful terrorists? For a long time, those guys don't know how many cards they have. It can be said without exaggeration that just pulling out a leg hair is better than Chen Feng's.

Once faced with a true epic strongman, it is not Mara's reliance on divine ascension, nor is the lava monster old and weak, but it is in the pinnacle. When the time comes, will you only have the road to death? ?

After all, in the face of absolute power, the so-called conspiracy is simply unrealistic. The two sides are like a stone touching an egg, and it will be completely broken in one blow.

So in this case, Chen Feng must improve his power, even if he can't, it is the same to increase the power of summoning beasts.

Wanting here, Chen Feng started calling, and as a hot temperature pervaded the surroundings, the figure of the legendary burning flame appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Master ..." In the abyss, the legendary Burning Demon is a demon lord, but here he is just a humble slave, so that when he saw Chen Feng, he was half-kneeed on the ground with one leg.

Chen Feng stared at the legendary Burning Demon. The opponent was originally very powerful. After fusing the plasma of the lava giant, he was further away from the epic, and the other party was fully capable of blending divinity.

However, this kind of treasure is very rare. Given to the other party, Chen Feng will inevitably be reluctant.

But in order to prevent possible dangers, this is a step that must be taken.

At the same time, the legendary Burning Demon discovered the divinity suspended in the palm of Chen Feng. At this time, his breathing became somewhat cramped. He remembered clearly that it was the loot obtained by the owner after hunting Mara.

he wants!


This mood does not need to be hidden at all!

For the legendary Burning Demon, that is his shortcut to Xeon. Once devoured, his strength will enter a strange and powerful realm.

However, just like Wei Xun's idea, he is only a slave to the other party. The legendary Burning Devil dare not ask Chen Feng for this kind of treasure. Anyone will take it in his hand and will not easily send it out.

"If I gave you divinity, what would you do?" Chen Feng looked down at the legendary burning flame and said a little.


give me? !!

The legend of the Burning Devil doesn't seem to believe his ears at all ~ ~ But as a legend, his hearing can even let him hear the low-pitched sound of insects more than ten meters away. , The host did say to me!

"I swear by the abyss, if the owner gave me, I will be loyal to you forever. Once betrayed, I must not be born into the river!" The legendary burning flame voice said almost tremblingly.

The demon swears by the abyss, which has a strong symbolic meaning. It is a last resort. The legendary burning flame demon will not do this, but before him is a ray of divinity. As long as it is absorbed, he can step into the dream. This is his ultimate desire, therefore, he would not hesitate to prove to Chen Feng with such loyalty.

There was a contract between each other, and the legendary Burning Demon ’s swear was nothing more than protection. In order to strengthen his own power, Chen Feng had no choice at all. At this time, when his arms were raised, the divinity fell towards the body of Burning Demon. And go.

Everything ends in an instant.

The legendary Burning Devil's expression is dull at this moment, and everything that just happened is just an instant change.

Even he didn't even figure out what happened, he just felt that a little white light fell into his body, and then the whole person's mind changed dramatically.

It was as if the mind suddenly opened up, and many things that could not be understood were now taken care of, and some combat skills were inexplicably added.


At this time, the legendary Burning Devil raised his arm with some shock, and his eyes were a little lost. He has never been better than this, and he has never been so close to the epic!

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