The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Deer who died


Chen Feng's disillusioned Demon Demon exploded suddenly, and then, an endless stream of "power" surged out in the air. Pang Mu's figure rushed out directly under the palm of his hand and blasted towards Chen Feng!

Chen Feng used the tiny avatar transformed from the origin, even without supporting it for a second, and was directly broken by Pang Mu. Not only that, the other party launched an offensive a few seconds later, and pressed towards Chen Feng!

"the host!"

Just when Pang Mu's bombardment was about to reach Chen Feng, the evil monster screamed. The legendary giant whale had been sneaked into the residual blood by it before. At this time, the evil spirit could not make waves, so after seeing Chen Feng encountering danger, he waved Raising the wings of the dragon, heading towards Pang Mu!


In all directions, an extremely powerful idea came again and ferociously condensed, and the entire space clicked and opened a long crack!

The power of Pang Mu's **** and the evil spirits collided violently. The strong wind trembled. The strong wind seemed to condense into substance, like an invisible giant hand that disturbed all the surrounding atmosphere, even the sea level. It was a tumbling wave and countless waves!

The tremendous damage caused by this fight was earth-shattering.

"The bad demon ... will kill you ..."

The evil demon's body stayed in the air, as a god, its strength could faintly compete with the half-step epic, and was not destroyed by a blow.

"Kill me? Hahahaha, I feel the energy I need in your body. As long as I swallow your soul, I may really be able to step into a mysterious and mysterious realm. I was only in curiosity, but now I understand that you It's my blessing at all, kill you, I will truly dominate here! "

At this point, Pang Mu, who had changed his appearance, stood in place, his face was somber, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Where he hovered, the area under his foot stopped flowing, as if it was completely banned.


Just then, the evil spirit suddenly raised his neck and spit out a breath from his chest!

A very powerful tornado erupted from the evil demon's mouth. This tornado actually appeared a kind of black but not black, mixed with countless grieving souls, and it was enveloped by Pang Mu!

This is not enough, the Son of Darkness took a step forward, the vines on his body began to sway, and ordered the worm to attack. Within a few seconds, the worms condensed together and formed a twisted giant in mid-air. The giant was composed entirely of worms, densely intertwined, and even made some strange noises.

The strange scream made people feel shocked. The gloomy atmosphere before has been strengthened several times, just like the combination of all the depressed emotions in this world, accompanied by the evil breath of dragons, have covered Pang Mu's head one after another!

Even when reading the demon standing on the side, at this time, I also pointed out a finger, and a circle of purple light came out from my fingers. This is a kind of soul attack, which breaks the soul by the principle of shock. At this critical moment, Mind-reading attempts to disintegrate Pang Mu's soul and put it into a dumb state.

Chen Feng's summoned beasts also usually cooperate. In addition to the sons of darkness, the evil demon and the mind-reader already have three or more joint confrontations. At this time, several summoned beasts shot together in order to suppress Pang Mu and not give each other even a sip. Respite!

"Huh? Can you use all sorts of means to make me surrender? No! I am destined to go, any suffering will not make me sink, but will make me more and more brave, today I will swallow you all!"

"Explode me!"

In the face of these three terrorist offensives, Pang Mu did not want to, and raised his hand to the air. A ghost image of the divine residence appeared directly. The divine residence held a trident and waved it in midair. Slashed past!


With a loud noise, the dragon's breath was scattered, and the worm giant was cut into two pieces with one blow. The so-called soul shock also dissipated in the air, and even Pang Mu's body was not touched.

This is not enough. After making the defense, the divine residence stared at the front again, raised the energy-concentrated weapon in its hands, and threw it towards the pedestrian!

Facing this horrible blow, the evil spirits and their team felt instantly covered by a boundless momentum. It was a feeling that they would be caught up no matter they escaped to the ends of the earth!

Can't avoid it, just face it!

Seeing this blow, even the inferior demon with an eternal face has changed his face!

In this deadly moment, the bad demon had no other choice. The body suddenly began to swell. Then, a giant carrion about six meters appeared in the air. Mu's counterattack, it was forced to transform his dark form!

On that carrion and mud, there are still countless faces, hands and feet, and it is like there are countless weird ones who want to escape.

The main purpose of the evil demon is to protect Chen Feng. A flash, he stood in front of Chen Feng. At this time, he spread his body and chose to resist the power of this divine power positively!

Subsequently, the divine power was photographed.


It seemed to explode an egg, and the entire body of the Son of Darkness was directly hit by flesh and blood, and the twisted worms on his body were all flattened, and numerous green juices were splashed on the sea. Bombed the other half of his life!

The bad demon was also severely damaged, the entire body was torn, and the wrong spirits in the body escaped, but just escaped, the energy in the void evaporated it, and for a time, countless wrong spirits were completely purified and disappeared from this earthly world. between.

The worst thing is to read the mind demon. It has neither the worm body of the dark child nor the second form of the inferior demon. When it is bombarded by this power, the whole body is torn apart. Who can think of a legendary master who turned out to be Killed directly in this way!

"I see how you fight me!" Pang Mu stepped out of the void, sucked hard, and read the gray soul in the broken body of the Demon!

Mind-reading attempts to resist. As a legendary strongman, even if he dies, the soul still has a memory. As long as he can escape, he may be able to mutate into a ghost or other undead creature, but Pang Mu obviously did not let the other's It was intended that he seemed to have infinite suction in his mouth, and at once he swallowed up this soul, and with a scream, the mindless spirit disappeared in this world without a trace!

After engulfing the legendary soul, Pang Mu's previous strength was restored again. At this time, he looked at Chen Feng with a look of solemnity ~ ~ In his image, the other party is now facing Showing fear, as if the mouse saw the cat, showing a timid gesture.

What surprised him was that Chen Feng had straightened his waist at this time, and his spine was like a stone pillar. No matter how strong the storm was, he would not bend down an inch.

"You want to kill me?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Feng also looked up. At this time, an intense and extreme madness was like a galaxy falling down for nine days, completely drowning Chen Feng's soul!

Chen Feng's chest suddenly became hot and hot, and an extremely dazzling dark power burst out!

The cold flame burned in Chen Feng's eyes!

He hoped that until now, what strong winds and waves have not been encountered, and hasn't Shendi been killed? Coincidentally, he himself devoured it all the way. Whoever killed the deer, it is still too early to define it!

At this time, Chen Feng bit his right finger and lifted it into the air.

"The vast and deep endless void, please listen to my last voice, I need the help of the devil ... the partner from the dimension world, I need your strength, appear, burn the flames to end your promotion, use your strength, Go for me ... revenge ... blood hate ... "

Chen Feng's consciousness was shouting wildly. His conviction was extremely strong, and an unparalleled force of arranging mountains and rivers broke out, making his spiritual power swept the whole world like a storm.


At this moment, Chen Feng decisively terminated the final promotion of the Burning Demon. The only thing he wanted was to kill Pang Mu!

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