The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Sword come

"Hahahaha, do you want to kill me? You think you are invincible, but it is also a frog in the well. I will abolish you today and use your flesh and blood to sacrifice. If you kill the demon, you will kill yourself Give your body! "

At this moment, Chen Feng stared straight ahead, and after he said the series of spells, he directly rebuked Pang Mu!

"Huh?" Pang Mu's eyes flashed a bit of evil spirit.

"You're looking for death!"

After turning into the form of a god, Pang Mu had a momentum that could not be denounced. At this time, his back was suddenly straightened and his body flashed!


Even the shadow is a fuzzy one, Pang Mu is less than five meters away from Chen Feng!

It's only five meters away!

Still a palm! Pang Mu blasted Chen Feng's forehead without pity. At this time, there were no evil spirits standing by, and a huge wind covered Chen Feng's body.

But at this moment, in front of Chen Feng, a strong black gas suddenly burst out! At the same time, a demon with a sharp horn appeared on the land!

For Chen Feng, there is no gentleman to take revenge. It is not too late for ten years. Any resentment can only make people think about it!

Yu Gong, the Abyss Altar regards Pang Mu as a tonic, and sacrifices each other to get the supreme reward!

Yu Yi and Pang Mu countered, not only damaging the evil demon and the son of darkness, but even the reading demon was also captured, and even the soul was absorbed and devoured by the other party.

Public and private, Pang Mu has a reason to die here!

In addition, the other party is really terrifying. As a child of destiny, he is so lucky that any difficulties will happen to the other party. Instead of letting him fall to the bottom of the valley, he may let the other party skyrocket and enter a stronger state!

Therefore, Chen Feng displayed a powerful method in an instant. Yes, the Burning Demon is in the retreat period, and it is not a good time to disturb it. However, at this critical point of life and death, Chen Feng cannot take care of so much!

Even if it disturbs the Burning Demon and hinders the promotion of the other party, as long as Chen Feng is still alive, everything is possible. But once Chen Feng dies, even if the Burning Demon really succeeds, he will eventually bury his master and die!

The hot breath was spreading.

The temperature on the sea surface does not know when it has risen. The creatures in the sea hurried to flee to the surrounding area. It appeared a little slower and was burned to death!

The light of flames emerged!

In the void, there seemed to be a reflection of fire, and a large and distorted figure.

As soon as the crack was opened, it was covered with black gas, the magic cloud rolled over, covering the body up and down, with a thick, desolate, quaint, heavy ancient atmosphere, and it was very uncomfortable to oppress everyone's heart.

That's the kind, once the other party comes to earth! To subvert all truth!

Kill, die, destroy.

A violent breath emerged from the Burning Demon, and a complete change took place on it!

The appearance of the other party didn't feel much change, it was still the half-elf and the demon, like the infernal mixed creature.

But the size has shrunk a lot. What was originally a three-meter monster has now shrunk to about two meters!

Although the size has been reduced, the strength has increased exponentially.

The smaller the size, the more concise it is. The greater the power, this means that the Burning Demon has mastered some deformation ability!

An angry roar sounded.

The advent of the Burning Demon seems to have activated some genius-like abilities, and its intricate blood makes it look ugly, but it also inherits many powers that it should not have.

The Burning Demon clearly knew that Chen Feng was forced to summon himself when he encountered an irresistible enemy. After all, the Burning Demon understands that after the master dies, it will also be buried.

But it is only one step away from the epic, it has merged most of the deities, as long as you give him some time, there is no pressure to enter the epic!

This was the state he dreamed of, but ... because of the enemy in front of him, the road to promotion was bumpy again.

This is the most helpless thing called the Burning Demon, which means that its previous efforts have failed. To enter the epic, it takes more than ten times the retreat time or an opportunity to complete its long-awaited expectations. !!

The Burning Demon didn't dare to get angry with Chen Feng, but he didn't need to be polite to Pang Mu.

At this time, the Burning Demon has merged most of the demi-god, which is no longer a half-step epic, but infinitely close to the epic realm!

The body flickered. Suddenly, a few punches were violently split, and the punches rushed out with a mighty punch, such as the river, the river, the unstoppable spirit, the killing intention!

Bang Bang!

The three punches that blasted the air directly squeezed the airflow and hit the clothes on Pang Mu's body. They suddenly defeated the opponent's beatings and backed up by more than ten meters!

Pang Mu devoured the deity and even deprived him of his clothes. At this time, the clothes worn on him were also a secondary artifact!

If not, Chen Feng had pierced the opponent with a sword long ago. It was because of the secondary artifact that the power of the endless sword was defended, and he helped Pang Mu and dispelled the gods in his body!

Pang Mu had no fear of relying on this sub-artifact before. Neither the inferior nor the child of darkness could defeat the defense of the opponent.

But at this time, Pang Mu encountered a turnaround!

At the moment when the flames of magic burned out, Pang Mu felt that his whole body energy was shaking. At the same time, a strong gas erupted from the other side, like a scorching sun, giving Pang Mu a melting pot of iron and steel. Aside ~ ~ To the extent that even with the secondary artifact protection, Pang Mu still felt the threat. He was just hit by three punches and felt that his throat was smelly. Obviously, he had suffered some trauma and caused blood He turned to his throat.

Pang Mu was just the attacker just now, but after being suppressed for a short time, he was completely out of chaos. In contrast, the flames of horror lingered around him.

The Burning Demon swayed wide demon wings and stepped on its feet. The sea surface immediately trembled. At the same time, its palm was up, and a sword was held in its hand.

——Sword of Flame!

Weapons condensed with energy have super destructive power!

The sword of flames ran in front of Pang Mu, struck the sky with an eagle, and chopped towards Pang Mu!

Strong masculinity flew around, and everyone felt a fiery taste.

Such an attack is naturally more fierce than any spell! Come here to have effect!

Chen Feng looked at it carefully. The momentum of the Burning Demon was more powerful than Pang Mu. After all, the opponent was a half-step epic before, and after integrating the divinity, the strength naturally went further!

However, Pang Mu was wearing a secondary artifact, but the Burning Demon was frustrated, and he could not break the opponent's defense at all!

If you want to kill Pang Mu, the energy-gathering sword is not enough. Only sharper weapons can defeat the opponent!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook the endless sword in the handshake and yelled at the Demon Flame: "Receive the sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng threw it with force, and the endless sword in his hand was like a fire dragon, penetrating towards the Burning Demon!

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