The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 888: 1 triggering (1)

Orders are forbidden and orderly.

This was Chen Feng's first requirement for his men. The army was the embodiment of order. As one of Chen Feng's most loyal men, Wei Xun pushed this point to the limit.

Wei Xun led the battle. The ultimate goal was to gather collective consciousness. When the battle progressed to this point, the soldiers' cooperation awareness had improved significantly.

For more than twelve hours, from the early morning to the evening, this is the seventh wave of beast attacks encountered by Wei Xun, and more than eight dead beasts died in his hands ...


Faced with a huge army of beasts, the legion brought by Wei Xun gave a fatal blow. With the assistance of professionals and firepower, the beast legion began to fall in a state of decline!

"Is that a beast of death?"

The Legion continued to advance, just as the battle between the two sides had entered a feverish phase, in the distance, a huge figure slowly appeared.

Death beast!

This is the beast known as the **** of death in the Naya population.

This beast of death is only a golden step, but behind it is leading thousands of fierce beasts. When it charged, it was like a terrible torrent, and some trees blocked in front of it were broken and fell to the ground.

However, after experiencing a series of threats, human warriors no longer feel fear of all this.

War is not something that can be easily influenced by individual forces. It is a life-and-death duel that values ​​discipline and cooperation. Human warriors faced monsters beyond their own power, and almost none of them showed fear on their faces. Instead, they had scornful smiles in their eyes.


Order issued!

A wall of earth rises on the battlefield. This is a professional in the control department. Their attack strength is not strong, but they can effectively limit the enemy's actions.

The huge army of beasts was cut into chaotic groups. Some even kill each other directly because of their natural personality. The only thing that has not been affected is the death beast. They are the top hunters on this island. Not only are they powerful, they are even more intelligent than ordinary beasts.

"Fear deterrence!"

Another talent of the Reaper, they have a special aura of aura.

After releasing this ability, the originally chaotic herd began to restore its calmness, and the beast of death killed the legion's further defeat.

After regaining their calmness, the beasts started roaring, then suppressed by the firepower given by the guns, and rushed over like this!

The beasts smashed the earth wall and ice wall blocked in front of them. This series of defensive facilities began to attack under the threat of death beasts. It is not difficult to imagine that once the opponent rushes into the crowd, it will definitely cause terrible death and injury .

The flames fell from the sky!

The Beast Corps seems to want to eat all the humans in front of it. In the sight of Wei Xun, a raging fire was set on the battlefield, and the figures of the professionals shuttled easily and comfortably because this is one of the plans. All this was originally An ambush against the beasts!

Beasts are generally afraid of fire.

Turn the battlefield into a sea of ​​fire, then destroy all enemies little by little.

This was the plan that Weiss had in the beginning!

More than a dozen Awakening Professionals started to prepare as early as the beginning of the battle. What they have been waiting for is this moment!

Chen Huan's expression was a little nervous. As she walked along, she played a role more like a spectator, and at this moment, she became a real soldier!

-Devil turned!

Her appearance began to change, gradually becoming a real demon from human beings, and she did n’t even need to learn to cast fire. This had become her instinct. Her eyes became red, her hands were raised, and then she became a huge one. The fireball began to condense above the head. In the next second, the fireball was like a meteorite falling from the sky, and fell towards the herd!

The low-level beasts were burned to death by a large block, and most of the beasts had their morale collapsed. They trampled on each other and wanted to escape the battle, but were ruthlessly beheaded by the beast of death.

This is **** battle!

The war between races has no mercy at all!

The beasts couldn't hold it.

From the beginning, the battle was quite unfavorable. Before the large troops of the Human Legion were dispatched, their artillery fodder had already suffered heavy losses.

In the end, the unbearable Death Beast tried to send a stronger subordinate to the battlefield, and it could not sit idly by and watch the enemy kill the cannon fodder.

With the roar of the beast of death, a new batch of beasts stood out from the rear. They were all huge monsters, either with long fangs, or sturdy defensive hard armor. Even a dozen of them were comparable to the silver peak. Monsters linger in the herd, trying to fight back!

And this time.

The human legion was still motionless. Facing a new wave of attacks by the beast army, Wei Xun kept the elites on the spot and waited, even without the idea of ​​supporting the frontline army.

Wei Xun ruled the **** battalion for a long time, and participated in countless wasteland operations. Naturally, he knew the nature of the beast.

When the chaos is enough, the madness will kill the beasts against each other, which makes it easier to solve the enemy.

The flames are not enough.

Wei Xun sneered and looked at everything in front of him. He must make his winning percentage stronger! He will use all means to guide the advantages of battle to his side.

Fire is the most obvious advantage.

The beasts will be harmed as long as they fight in the flames, while the humans have no effect. They are just arsonists, looking at everything in front of them, silent, waiting until the enemy is unable to resist by the flames toss. Reap life!

A strange flame ignites.

As Chen Huan gradually became accustomed to her new bloodline ~ ~ the flame she could release gradually strengthened. At this time, some different flames appeared on the battlefield, and other humans seemed to be unaware. But, as Weixun who always pays attention to each other, it feels obvious.

This is [Flame in the Abyss]

A magic flame born in the abyss, these flames have more terrible lethality.

The beast's casualties are increasing.

But they still didn't notice it. If they were timid and wanted to run away, they would just rush forward.

Capture the thief first capture the king.

The situation on the battlefield is getting worse and worse. Just as the death beast swayed from side to side, Wei Xun suddenly shot, and the imaginary shadow above his head began to growl. The coercion generated immediately restrained the opponent's movements, and it was in this moment At that time, Wei Xun leaped high, his right arm began to beast, and then took a hard shot, the death beast with gold strength was shot dead in the spot.

As soon as the Lord dies, there is no suspense in this battle ...

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