The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 889: 1 triggering (two)

Wei Xun was not in a hurry to move forward. Before he waited, he agreed with the Naya people that the soldiers would advance together, and the destination of the meeting was at the foot of this volcano!

Even if the journey is dangerous, the harvest is extremely rich. Only the collected hard armors can make thousands of armors. Once issued, the overall strength of the forces will rise to a level!

However, with the several beasts of the beast, the human legion was also killed and injured, a total of 37 people were killed, but this is the case. Wei Xun has participated in so many battles, and has never seen an undead war. He has long been bearish on death. Therefore, all this happened can't shake his inner world at all.

Wei Xun arranged for his men to take a break, because he knew that a real **** battle was coming. According to the information he had obtained, the opponent they were facing this time was a real legendary creature!

For a long time, Chen Feng has defended order as a patron saint. In this case, both the legendary master and the divine clone are blocked by the other one by one. As one of the other's confidants, Wei Xun has not been promoted to the legend. In front of this mountain was Chen Feng, and there were countless newcomers going forward. Wei Xun knew that if he could not be promoted in a short period of time, one day, sooner or later, he would be replaced by the latecomers!

This is order!

Whoever can live!

It is for this reason that Wei Xun tried his best to facilitate this assault, blood debt and blood compensation, and any enemy who attacks the order will be punished due to this. This is only one of the reasons. To be precise, it only occupies a small amount. portion.

And more reason is that Wei Xun needs the soul of a legendary strongman, he needs to use the soul to complete the final transformation and achieve his legendary strength!

Chen Feng recognized the three confidants, in addition to Wei Xun, and Lu Wei and Xu Hongzhuang. Among the three, Xu Hongzhuang came first, because he had a hero template, so he became a legendary powerhouse.

"It must be strong, no matter what, I will hit the legend in the fastest time!" Wei Xun shook his fist vigorously, thinking viciously in his heart.

It is for this reason that Wei Xun did not hesitate to form an alliance with the Naya people. On the one hand, he opened up the surrounding land, so that one purpose was to absorb the soul and strengthen the ghost behind him!


At this time, a roar, like the roar of millions of beasts, heard a hundred miles, the power of the gods was like the sea, and even the quiet volcano was a faint smoke!

Even the human eye can see the ripples from the top of the volcano soaring into the clouds.

The sound waves in this circle even caused a huge wave, wow! A huge "sound wave" seemed to be rushing like a herd of wild animals.

"not good!"

Wei Xun saw his mountain-like "sound waves" violently press down, his face changed dramatically.

The sound was so fierce that it was so shocking that it could be seen by the naked eye as "the waves", which is no longer what ordinary strength can cause.

How devastating this voice is to the soul, you can figure it out without thinking about it, I'm afraid that even a silver professional will be hit hard at once!

Wei Xun knows that once these energies are close to his side, the ordinary subordinates around him will most likely be destroyed and become a real idiot!

Adults give everything here to themselves, if they are negligent, the impression score will inevitably decline!

In any case, must resist!

"You on!"

Wei Xun only said something lightly, even if the ghost was reluctant, but it was just a parasite, and the owner had to obey the order.

Suddenly, the imaginary rushed out, striking violently with the "sound waves" dropped in the sky, emitting a clicking sound that was almost broken in the void. In the sound of the waves, everyone even saw Mars flashing around, It was as if steel was rubbing fiercely.

The two sounds collided with each other, which actually produced a spark of fierce friction in steel. Who could have imagined that it was so powerful!

Wei Xun's face was unusually flushed, as if blood was going to penetrate the skin and splash into the void. At the critical moment, he used the monster's shadow to resist this fatal blow, but it was also severely damaged. If there is no treatment profession Or, it takes a week to get back to where it was!

But at this time, Wei Xun didn't care about taking a rest, and didn't dare to take it lightly, but stared at the volcano that was as straight as a sword!

After this roar, a sudden breath came from the sky on the mountain peak.

This breath seems to be close at hand, even if you have not really seen the other person, but you feel that the other person seems to be in front of everyone in the next second!

Don't worry, who else can create such a deterrent, besides the legendary emperor?

And just when this breath became heavier, at the top of the volcano, there appeared a huge body with the size of three or four elephants, black scales all over the body, and a monster with horrible claws. It was huge. As soon as it appeared on the peak, Wei Xun suddenly felt a coldness, as if all thoughts were seen through.

This is my ultimate goal this time!

At the same time, Wei Xun felt an endless amount of blood in the monster's body, as well as a great spirit.

This blood is much stronger than the average death beast, like the golden death beast that Wei Xun killed before. Compared to it, it is simply a small witch!

Perhaps due to the terrain, the monsters on this island are huge in size, and now this legendary creature has broken through ordinary imagination and expanded to an unprecedented height!

After the "King of Beasts" at the top appeared, Wei Xun, Chen Huan, and human warriors were shot with a gaze, sending a majestic, dull, high-pitched voice, giving people a sense of imminence!

It's expressing anger!

The legendary death beast was sleeping before, and the sorrows of his awakened it from his sleep, filled with a strong **** smell, and his mortal was even more deadly ~ ~ In this case, it was naturally angry , Can't wait to kill the invaders right now!

"You finally showed up!"


The sound of thunder sounded.

Just when the death beast vented its anger, the situation suddenly changed, and a thin golden line flickered violently in the distance, coming at a faster speed than the meteor,

"So fast!"

Such a thought flashed in Wei Xun's head. The golden thread had already flown to the legendary monster, and it turned out to be a long arrow!

"Li ?!"

All of Wilson's thoughts were beating at this moment, and he could make a counterattack at this time. Who else could be except the Nayam chief?

ps: The protagonist will appear tomorrow. These days can be regarded as an extra chapter in the growth of believers. After all, expanding overseas requires new personnel.

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