The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 896: Order of Attack [2 in 1

"Dogs, give me all your strength. If you take your time off, no dog food will be sent to you today!" A curse sounded.

early morning!

It's winter now, and there is a depression all over the place, but in the city of order, there is still a warm atmosphere everywhere!

A supervisor is holding a long whip, and the workers under him are slightly indifferent, and a whip will be thrown on the other party. The order is about human rights, and the reason why this supervisor is so rampant is because the dog in the opponent ’s mouth 】 A group of real dogs!


A sly, greedy creature, they are entangled in the abyss or some dark plane, no matter where they are, they are at the bottom of society.

Without any goodwill, the significance of their existence is to make everything smokeless, but here the difference is that the power of order restricts their freedom, so that the Goblet cannot be as free as the rest of the plane, dozens As a group, holding wooden sticks and blades, and devoting themselves to the robber army, they put on yoke obediently and began to earn money with hard work.

The birth of the energy storm means that an unstable dimensional crack will fall on the surrounding land at any time. Not long ago, a dimensional crack full of dogheads opened quietly a few miles away from order!

The Goblet is a product of madness and tyranny! Wherever they appear, there will be riots. Thousands of dogheads feel ample energy. They are like a group of alcoholics who smell sweet wine. They rush out of the cracks like crazy and try to occupy this area. land!

In the absence of any order, the Goblet even trampled. In the course of an hour's assault, at least hundreds of Goblet died as a result of trampling, and the injuries were even more numerous!

But for the surviving Goblin, everything that happened did not frustrate them. They came to a brand new land, a land of abundant energy. It is important that they are alive, which is enough. Okay, isn't it?

The selfishness of the Goblet is admirable. After leaving the body and the wounded on the ground, the Goblet's army started to go to popular places.

Even though the Kobolds are extremely selfish, they also know how to cooperate. According to the previous practice, they will cooperate to occupy the local forces around them, and then start to assign. The Kobolds' noses are very sensitive. They smell signs of biological activity. In this way, with the desire for a new world and the hope for a better future, they broke into the realm of order, and then ... there was no more!

The eyeliner of order covers dozens of miles around. As early as a year ago, Chen Feng ordered people to build observation towers everywhere because it knew the terrible nature of the dimensional cracks. The special product born in the energy storm had no exact time. With the place, in order to reduce losses and avoid being caught off guard by the order, a lot of manpower and material resources were invested in order to detect the danger and sound the alarm.

Under such multilateral attention, as long as the dimensional crack appeared, the professional who secretly obtained evidence felt strong energy fluctuations, and when the first doghead appeared, the order had known the specific location, and the doghead had It was thought that when the army gathered and tried to attack the city slightly, the order had completed its preparations, tens of thousands of soldiers participated in the defensive battle, and the magic weapon artillery, strengthened guns, and long-range professionals were already in place.

For the Goblins, everything happened too suddenly. They almost saw the towering walls, and before they could close their mouths that were opened because of the fright, they suffered a powerful wave of indiscriminate attacks!



Order is no longer what it used to be. In the past, the rare magical artillery cannons have already settled on the city's heads. In the nearly ten-minute bombing, one-third of the dogheads died. This is just the first checkpoint. It was Xu Hongzhuang who wanted to capture the demographic dividend, and deliberately let the rest of the dogheads go.

But even so, the Kobold army was still defeated. Those assembled, violent, and even treated the victims as scary robbers of food, at that moment more like the poor people who were bullied, fled madly one by one.

However, the order was well prepared, and the soldiers replaced all the bullets with an anesthetic made of special toxins. In a series of bursts of fire, they broke into the order's army of dogheads, and the curtain came to an end.

Because the walls were not even touched, the order completed a miracle battle with zero deaths.

This is the power of civilization!

The personal strength is still too small, and after blessing civilization, the order has completely turned into a low-level creature's meat grinder. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there are no legendary creatures, the enemies like the golden rank are almost touched. You will die before the walls!

Today's order still tries to copy the civilized society in the past, but it took two years to build a huge wall!

No one would do such a meaningless thing in the peaceful era, but here is the end. At any time, there may be a chaotic world of earth dragons, demons, and mutant bugs. It is precisely because of this that this so contradictory picture appears here.

It's not uncommon for the Goblet to fail!

Even as expected, countless humans stood on the wall and witnessed this one-sided battle. The relaxed expression was very different from the chaotic horror chased by zombies and monsters a few years ago!

The Goblin formation is chaotic, and there is not even a unified leader. As for the most powerful casters, they only have the power of the golden order. When they appeared, they were pointed at by dozens of magic martial artillery. Those casters, almost without a decent spell, were bombed into a pool of flesh.

The next step was the liquidation operation. The gorillas were notoriously poor. They didn't even leave anything of value apart from a pile of broken flesh.

It took three days for the order to clear the surrounding flesh and blood. As for the captives, because of their malice, they were degraded to slaves and began a long life of conviction.

Only one-fifth of the demons summoned by Chen Feng before are left. High-intensity work has caused the death rate to reach 80%. This is horrifying. This is the capital society. All development is built on blood. The only difference is that order is different from other places. Those who sacrifice capitalists are human beings, and those who sacrifice order are those creatures with ugly faces!

The captive Kobolds will replace the demons and become new cheap slaves. Whether voluntarily or forced, they will become a brick of order. Let's take this one step further!

Abuse in order is forbidden. Even high-level professionals do not dare to bully ordinary people. Once they are seen by the picket, the consequences will be disastrous.

Order has orderly rules. No one dares to disobey the laws formulated by Chen Feng. Even the existence of Wei Xun and Xu Hongzhuang is strictly implementing all of this, let alone the people under their command.

But the prohibition of abuse is limited to human beings. In addition, for those aliens, the order shows a vicious side. Whether it is the devil, the ogre, the original indigenous people or the doghead, these are hostile to the order Existence has suffered the harshest!

Chen Feng once said that the duration of slavery was only one year. Once it exceeded, it could become a real resident of order. What does this mean? A stable position, a warm house, and normal human treatment.

It can be imagined that it is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Few slaves can end their term, often in the first few months, they will die due to overwork. Order is a force composed of multi-elemental beings. The known race has exceeded five, but on the premise that this is still a human Dominate the city!

Chen Feng will not bury the hidden dangers of division. He can accept the integration of different races, but it does not mean that one day those aliens can truly stand on the shoulders of humans!

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

This is a lesson learned over thousands of years!

"Come on, dogs!"

"If you can't finish the work before noon, your food will be halved!"

"Damn, what are you doing lying on the ground? Hurry up and work for me! Hmm? Dead? You two will take it away!"

"What to see? The rest are working on it!"

The reprimand sounded on the construction site. The other party had a height of 1.8 meters and dark skin. Perhaps it was the reason of long-term supervisors that gave people a fierce feeling!

In the peaceful era, the opponent is still a basketball player. Do n’t look burly, but have a mild temperament and rarely blush with people. However, the arrival of the end of the day has made him a lonely family of three from a happy family. .

Li Shuo faintly remembered that he had a big drink with his retired father the day before and had worked hard all his life. In the end, it was because he was tired all the year round and was judged to be ill. He became a retired employee!

My father was thinking about the future. That night, the father and son talked a lot. When it came to the rise, they even threatened to travel abroad for a few weeks. But when Li Shuochang was thinking about all the good things, the sudden disaster came. On this land.

Maybe it's because the creature can't bear the energy in the air. The parents mutated in the first place and became a zombie who only knew to eat the flesh!

The last image of Li Shuo to his parents is that they are tearing their necks and trying to devour their terrible pictures!

The warm family of the past was fragmented in an instant. This is a major blow that no one can bear. Because of the explosion of emotions, Li Shuo awakened to become a professional. It is also from that moment that it has died in the past and replaced it. Yes, it is a violent personality and a violent patient!

Li Shuo's emotions may be out of control at any time. If he is in the **** warfare department or the dark side, he may have been removed or even executed for violating the rules.

But perhaps it was God's care, he found a profession that suits him best, a slave supervisor!

In the peaceful era, most human beings were highly educated. The knowledge that people learn from childhood is to help others or to promote kindness!

When fighting occurs, killing each other is a feeling, and it is another feeling to target the captives, desperately squeezing each other's labor, and seeing one prisoner die in front of his own eyes!

This is not a job that ordinary people can do!

But for a irritable patient like Li Shuo, this is the paradise he longs for. He is here, and he can freely vent his anger.

No one will deliberately limit his atrocities, and even when the devil and the doghead are dead, he will even get additional rewards!

human nature?

From the moment he saw his parents become zombies, Li Shuo's so-called humanity had been completely deprived!

Even Li Shuo's definition of himself is no longer a human, but a real executioner. He will feel sincere joy when the slave dies!

After his project, he was often one week ahead of the budget, but the slave's death rate increased by about 20%. In the eyes of the slave, he was more like a devil than a devil!


ps: Set up anti-theft ~ ~ five minutes to automatically recover, begging, anti-theft dogs forgive, forgive a poor person who subscribes to miserable.

"Second artifact?"

Chen Feng did not expect that he was just asking casually, there was a valuable item in the auction venue.

It's ridiculous. I participated in an auction of artifacts not long ago. But what happened? The members present were nearly 90% dead, and even the city was destroyed. As for the city's former parliament, it was turned into a pool of ashes at the beginning of the plot.

However, this is Rose's territory. Even an evil and powerful creature would not dare to reach out here. Otherwise, the opponent's end will be even worse than that of the permanent ogre.

So this auction is real.

I just don't know what is the second artifact of this auction? The birth of the artifact is bound to be another great event.

"Which artifact was auctioned?" Chen Feng asked.

Erwin looked a little weird and said in a low voice: "This secondary artifact is special, not a conventional weapon, but an eyeball ..."

There are always weird things in the abyss, because there are too many races and creatures. In addition, humans have only two years to give birth to professionals, and here they do n’t know how many epochs exist.

For a long time, any creature may fall, even if it is a god, it may be one of them.

This is not alarmist, but it is real. Everyone does n’t know what happened, I do n’t know, I beg you!

There is also a battle between the gods. When they reach their highest position, they want to climb up, not to mention the legend, even the physical strength of epic monsters, for them, there is no value at all.

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