The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 897: Order of Attack (2)

Wang Xudong pulled out a huge sword and found that Xueliang Xueliang, even if it is only the most basic build, it is still difficult to hide the sharpness of this weapon!

"No one expected that this orc team had hidden so many treasures. However, it is still a jewel to use them. Letting the exercise department recast them is enough for the adults to make a big contribution!" Practicingly praised them .

Where there is Anei, there is naturally an Outer!

As a confidant of Wei Xun, Wang Xudong has reached the golden peak of his strength. He is one step behind and can enter the legendary peerless master!

Since the establishment of the Blood Warfare Department, I don't know how many battles have been involved. Among them, the elite participated in hundreds of battles, and thousands of people stood together. The momentum generated was like a beast-eater, like the next second, it will put The enemy tears into pieces and swallows them!

Can stand out in this case, Wang Xudong's strength can be imagined!

In particular, the other party is an executioner. The more such an existence exists, the more others cannot guess, because you do n’t know at all, when the other party will show its minions and grab it at yourself!

Wang Xudong seemed dull and honest, and always had a thick smile on his face, but the real situation was indeed dark-hearted, and he had the style of Wei Xun's heritage. Being an enemy is endless, and he does not give others the opportunity to beg for mercy!

This point is extremely similar to Chen Feng and Wei Xun. The three are indeed from the same source. Even the attitude towards the enemy is better to kill the mistake than to let it go!

For a long time, Wang Xudong has been struggling on the front line of the killing. He can rise all the way in a short time, which is inseparable from killing the life in his hands.

The eyeliners distributed around always convey the message, and there are many differences between similar monsters, such as the former Goubin, where the two planes are connected together, and they naturally rise to the power duel.

And some came, just like the so-called crossing, some monsters encountered a turbulent current, and thus landed on this land.

Even if there are dimension cracks around, it is only a small ray, and only dozens, at most, hundreds of monsters emerge from it, and then wantonly destroy in strange land!

Wang Xudong received a prompt and came to this area to clear it up. The identity of the monster turned out to be a group of lizards. They are covered with green scales. They are no different from giant lizards, but they can walk upright, and they have terrible toxicity. Injured by the opponent's paw and teeth, the toxin will immediately corrode the blood, causing irreparable fatal injuries!

This is not the end. These venoms have a strong transmission. Once they are circulated into the air, they will cause extremely serious consequences. Like ordinary people, there is no possibility of resistance. If you take a sip, you will faint immediately. !!

"Giggle!" Suddenly, deep in the valley, a cold wind blew, and a sound came out, which sounded like laughter instead of crying, crying instead of crying, making people feel very bad, there is a kind of unspeakable disgust!

"Are there any enemies?"

"Be careful!"

Hearing the order, a collision sounded from raising his arms around him.

At a glance, I saw in the sound, at the end of the canyon, a lizard man with a bloated body and pustules on his face appeared. This lizard man was standing there alone, without any fear of the elite team led by Wang Xudong!

"Be careful!" Wang Xudong moved. "This guy is not easy. I thought the crack was just some small shrimp, but I didn't expect that there was such a big fish!"

Wang Xudong is not weak, he has good discrimination ability, but at a glance, he feels the terrible place of this lizard man in front of him!

It's also the summit, just one step away, you can step into the legendary great shore existence!


Wang Xudong's team totaled sixty people. These people were elite. With Wang Xudong's order, Qi Qi raised his guns and took a neat step, oppressing the lizardmen hundreds of steps away.


Wang Xudong also began to transform, his nose became elephant trunk, his body size doubled, but in a short time, he became a purebred orc!

But this lizard man was unmoved, and he faced the siege of the encirclement, including Wang Xudong, alone. It was expressionless, like a robot without any emotion!

Faced with the pressure of such a powerful team, the Lizardman seemed to be completely fearless and calm, and no one knew what it was thinking about.

But the more so, the more cautious Wang Xudong was, even the smile on his face disappeared completely!

Wang Xudong is an outstanding actor. He uses a smile to disguise his thoughts, but what's in front of him? A lizard man, they are a hundred times more ferocious than the doghead. In the face of such enemies, the so-called acting is not meaningful at all. It is better to be more direct and harder than anyone's fist!


As the Lizardman waited for Weison to approach, suddenly, he waved his hand.

A lot of ghostly shadows suddenly appeared from the distant cracks, all of them were scale lizardmen!

It has a fierce face, a strong body, full of scales, and sharp teeth, giving a wild orc breath.

Neat black squads, there are more than 100!

Look at the appearance of these lizard men, can be comparable to the extreme powerful professionals, and some even rival silver masters!

At the moment when these people appeared, the Lizardman commander didn't charge, instead he leaned back, his feet a little bit underground, and the human acted like a snake twisted, and flashed into the encirclement of these lizardmen. in!

Knowing how to make his men a meat shield, this guy's wisdom is obviously not low!

"I didn't feel the cracks open. These lizards obviously didn't appear suddenly. They just entered the state of death. This may be their racial talent, even I was blinded!"

Wang Xudong's eyebrows were condensed, but it was only a moment that he had determined a general situation. Even him, he must not sigh, and sure enough, he can't look down on the monsters in the world.

His caution is not enough!

And just when Wang Xudong was thinking, the sudden emergence of the lizardmen took their steps forward slowly, holding shields made of wood in their hands, and some were nailed with iron!

Unlike real beasts, both orcs and half-orcs rely on building weapons to increase their actual combat capabilities.

Their weapons are also all-round refined products. I don't know how many times sharper than those bone weapons of the Naya people, it seems that the cold light is shining, there is absolutely no problem splitting a person.

These lizard men advanced layer by layer, squeezing slowly but surely in an ant marching posture.

These fierce Lizardmen warriors, obviously fighting for many years, like beasts, are now approaching fast, and even Wang Xudong feels a breath of ferocious breath.

"A group of half-orcs is even stronger than most of the soldiers of the order!"

"Give up the firing, prepare for the high-explosive grenade, and then fight!" The opponent quickly pushed forward, and Wang Xudong had no time to think about it, and immediately issued an order.

If it is an ordinary wood shield, the strengthened guns can easily break the defense and shoot at the enemy, but the shield they are holding is very weird. Wang Xudong has amazing eyesight and looks carefully. The lines on the shield are circling, like It's like 100 steelmaking, and the defense is amazing!

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

Not to mention the other world, no one knows where these lizards come from, naturally it is impossible to know what kind of bizarre treasures they have in that world!

It can be said that if the shots are fired, those shields will withstand most of the attacks. Even if there are casualties, there are only a dozen people. For a squad composed of hundreds of lizards, it is simply a slap in the bucket.

In addition, the speed of the Lizardmen gradually accelerated. After a round of firing, they will approach the side of the team infinitely. At that time, unprepared warriors will only be killed in the chaos!

It took a long time for Wang Xudong to accumulate such a heart-belly team. As a last resort, naturally, he did not want the entire army to be destroyed!

Wang Xudong quickly felt that the fierce danger of the two teams against each other and the mentality of everyone.

He had stepped into the golden pinnacle and had a keen mentality. He instantly noticed that everyone present was boiled with bodily blood, and a substantial murderous gas condensed around him, making the wind seem to freeze slightly and freeze!

"It's just that these people are the elite of the Blood Warfare Department. If you replace them with some recruits, if you encounter such a situation, I'm afraid your legs are soft! U-turn U-turn, run away!"

However, even if the Lizard leader succeeded in trying to swallow Wang Xudong's squad in the form of ambush, the other party missed a bit!

Undeniably, if this is a wild battle, Wang Xudong will be caught by surprise, and if he is prepared, he will not be able to reverse everything in front of him!

But the order is different. In addition to the professionals born in the energy storm, they also copied the technological weapons of the peaceful era!

Those weapons have the characteristics of destruction and will be a deadly threat to all beings!


Just a few hundred meters away, when a man and a lizard were about to collide with each other for a fierce killing, suddenly, Wang Xudong yelled.

At the same time, the green richness above the heads of the charging lizards began to converge, and then a horrifying green blood mist formed!

And the monsters in the blood mist are rushing forward, and their speed suddenly accelerates, unlike the marching ants just now, but more like a horrible warcraft!

And just as the two teams of soldiers were about to collide together, the rolling iron **** fell into the interior of the Lizardmen!

The Lizardman didn't know what it was, raised the shield and wanted to throw it aside!


The shield was immediately torn apart, and the shield lizardmen behind seemed like a kite with a broken wire. They were hit high and flew up, and several of the lizardmen behind were spit with blood by this huge force, and the formation was instantly defeated. Not an army.

Following Wang Xudong's order, a series of specially condensed high-explosive grenades drew a long arc in the sky and fell into the crazy lizardmen team. The next second, a continuous and amazing explosion The sound resounded in the open ground!

The flash of horror and the thunderous sound of thunder are like tearing all the living beings around.

Under this horrible resistance, the "green frenzy" was hindered, and the speed of advancement continued to weaken.

In a round of bombing, the Lizardmen's troops were terrible. Nearly 60% of their companions lost their ability to attack, and the survivors also had different injuries. As for their faces, the blood of their companions was completely splashed, making them look like a group of people who had just come from **** Resurrect the Legion of the Dead!

In just ten seconds, everyone threw all the high-explosive grenades on their bodies, and just after the last grenade exploded, Wang Xudong took the lead and crushed the large army of lizardmen!

Wang Xudong's talents are different. He was born with divine power and awakened the orc body. Now he is even more powerful!

And his usual weapon is also a thick hammer, said to be a hammer, but the size of a stone lion's head, throwing it up, adding to his bravery.

The heavy stick is a good weapon for breaking the big shield. In this battle, Wang Xudong has put all his strengths to the best.

Seeing Wang Xudong's bravery, the confidence of the remaining soldiers was stimulated. They were wearing good insect world holding weapons, like a group of tigers rushing down towards the lizard people!

At this point, the sharpness of the weapon after several enhancements was fully revealed.

Originally, the scales on these lizards were very strong. Even the sharp stainless steel swords were difficult to cut open, but just after they had undergone a large bombardment, they had wounds of varying degrees on their bodies. The order fighters happened to wave along the wounds. Cut in the past, tearing each other's wounds, causing a life threatening!

"It's so fun!"

At the moment when the soldiers met, Wang Xudong was still a little nervous, but when he waved the sledgehammer and killed the broken lizardmen team, there was only a kind of refreshing and refreshing.

As for the killings of his confidants and the lizardmen, he can't care about it now, let alone care!

The Lizardmen were bombarded, UU read www.uukanshu. The strength of com is even scared and can not even play 50%. In this case, if the soldiers are still unable to win, then it can only be regarded as dead and a bunch of waste!

As for Wang Xudong's goal is that the lizard man commander who does not know where to hide, the other party has some wisdom, coupled with the strength of the sky, if you do not kill the other party today, you will only regret it!

"All die for me!"

Wang Xudong's strength is now fierce and weird. The speed of killing is also the fastest. Those who have been severely damaged by the lizards can't even do the defense. They are smashed by a hammer and completely dead!

At this time, the morale of the soldiers was completely taken up. Not to mention this situation, even on the battlefield, a fierce general, the invincible shock of the leader, even if followed by a group of old and weak soldiers, can crush the enemy to pieces.

Just when Wang Xudong was preparing to destroy the team, suddenly, a **** figure leaped from below. It was the leader of the lizard man. Who would have thought that the other party was so shameless and hiding? In the companion's body!

This is the difference between stupidity and intelligence.

However, Wang Xudong was not surprised this time. With the previous lesson, his attention was completely focused. At the moment when the other party appeared, Wang Xudong grinned a little grin, and immediately sternly said, "Wait for you!"

The sound was like a thunder. In the next second, his wrists lifted, and his courage and suffocation completely superimposed. With the momentum of Taishan's peak, he hammered directly towards his head!

There is a cruel person like Li Shuo in Ann, and a brave general Wang Xudong outside of him. Today's order is no longer what it used to be. No matter whether it is a person, a monster, or those dimensional creatures, it is no longer possible to stop the rise of the other party!

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