The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 902: Runaway awakening

The statement was pulled hard, and a corpse was pulled out directly. This is a female corpse with a black face and no way to distinguish its appearance, but judging from the clothes, this is an orderly missing person, because it is obviously wearing a **** battle Standard clothing!

Nowadays, there are three main combat departments in the entire order: the Blood War Department, the Undercover Department, and the Patrol Department.

The former represents the expedition. The beginning of the war is often the other party's lead. The dark part is more like Chen Feng's personal guard, specializing in some high-risk operations. As for the patrol department, it is more like the police department responsible for maintaining order and law and investigating some surrounding cases. .

It is not surprising that there is an extra corpse in the ruins, and it is not surprising that it is buried underground. There is no regularity in the appearance of the dimensional cracks. No one knows whether an accidental exit from the city will be a farewell with a familiar person. ?

Dead, the statement meets.

However, to the surprise of the statement, the blood of the corpse was completely drained, and the body function was exhausted.

The body is lacquered black and touches with hands, rough and dry, like tree bark, without any elasticity.

Strange is his appearance, wrinkled like an eighty-year-old man, his hair color is also withered, the most amazing thing is that there are obviously two teeth holes between his right neck.

It's interesting ...

This corpse was not killed by accident, but was killed. Moreover, not only his blood but also vitality was swallowed together. Judging from the wound, the perpetrator was most likely a human.

The corpse's features were like a ball of scratched dough that was directly twisted together. It is conceivable how terrible pain he encountered when he was dying.

"Statement, is there a weird place in this missing person?" Ding Lu came over, her face was extremely calm. As a professional who has survived for two years in the last days, she has already transformed from her original school student. Became a member of a patrol squad.

Cases of missing persons often occur.

According to the report from the Blood Warfare Department for three hours, the two professionals who went out for investigation work disappeared at the same time. This is the end of the day, and there may be danger at all times. Therefore, each department has strict regulations. If you are visiting the neighborhood, every hour, you need Like the department to report once.

And this time, the three-member team did not have any audio, and three hours had passed. This basically concluded that the other party encountered some kind of unpredictable danger!

As an investigator of the patrol department, State and Ding Lu took over the job.

"Yes, his blood has disappeared and his physical functions no longer exist, unlike zombies. After all, that kind of guy is born with a trace of tyranny. Even if devoured, he also likes to tear the opponent into pieces like a beast. Judging from the wound, he was drained of blood from the neck, which was caused by human canine teeth! "Stated squatting to carefully judge the clues left by the corpse, but only when he saw the teeth marks on the corpse's neck , His face became a little dignified.

It was stated that the peaceful era was a high-level student who graduated from law school. During the enrollment, because of his internship, he had seen countless corpses with the police. In addition, he was awakened to become a professional and his brain was developed. The other's death.

"Um? Was it a special awakening, becoming a professional like a ghoul or a vampire, or was it invaded by some bloodthirsty monsters, and became a non-smart being? In short, be careful ..." Ding Lu's eyes flickered, and his tone was a little heavy.

Awakening does not depend on energy. Under certain circumstances, if it is hit or encounters danger, human beings will break through their limits, and there are many examples of successful awakening.

God-givers have different abilities and different effects. Compared with Ding Lu's ability to awaken, it is to strengthen vision and perform night vision, farsightedness, and even perspective. For example, the elite group of the patrol department, two people in a group, are often one Assist an attack.

Of course, Ding Lu's ability is quite satisfactory, but some God-given ability can be described as weird and disgusting.

For example, tentacle warriors, sea urchin warriors, rubber men, these nuclear powers that are slightly uncomfortable from the name, and even more strange and weird.

Of course, even if these awakenings become ugly or have strange capabilities because of nuclear energy, there is no gap between them and human beings. However, there are very few beings. After awakening, they will turn into demons and disasters.

Among them, there are some variant awakenings. For example, ghouls and vampires are one of them. The former relies on blood to survive. Once awakened, ghouls can gain strength by swallowing blood.

Vampires are a group of people with dark tendencies. They claim to be devils believers, relying on sacrifices to gain strength, and most of the sacrifices' vitality is directly swallowed up, and they are transformed into a part of the vampire.

It can be said that ghouls and vampires are absolutely two levels of awakening of evil, and they are also very close to the state of this corpse, blood and vitality are drained, and there is no vitality in their bodies.

Who is the one?

The statement is getting more and more interesting here, a gifted person who is likely to awaken the gift ~ ~ and still such an evil existence, this is like a guessing game that makes the original dull wilderness survival become Even more baffled.

After all, this is a dangerous world, and boringness often accompanies it. As a person who is engaged in work such as work, the statement completely treats it as a condiment of his own life!

"Pap ..." A footstep sounded.

Because the mist was thick at this time, the statement could not clearly see the person coming, but it was not difficult to judge from the steady footsteps. This was a human. At this time, he turned his head to Ding Lu to make a look, and the latter's ability was It was because I had strengthened my vision, so I felt deeply and looked towards the rear.

"Male human."

"Age 28 to 30!"

"He was wearing the blood of the blood fight department, but was damaged in many places. It looked like he had gone through several battles."

"Qi and blood are a bit unstable, be careful."

Footsteps were getting closer, and in vain, an unfamiliar cheek appeared in the eyes of the statement.

The other person looked a little panic, as if he had experienced something unforgettable. After seeing the living person, his pace accelerated, and his tone was anxious to say, "Run! There are monsters here!"

"We were attacked. Except me, Heming and Ryoko were all dead!"

"Okay." The statement sounded without any fluctuations and agreed directly.

"Okay, then follow me quickly. It's too dangerous here. I still have to get back to order quickly. I'm fed up here." The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and walked towards them in two steps.

"Wait ... you have something on your mouth, don't you wipe it first?" Looking at the man who was already striding forward, the statement could not be said.

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