The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 903: Represent justice

"Wipe the mouth? What mouth?" The man stopped and asked calmly, but there was no excitement and kindness just now, and the weird thing was that if there was no mistake, the other person's head would always hang down, This is true even when I asked for help before.

"What do you say?" The statement whispered.

The man's tone was somber: "See?"



"I wasn't sure before, but now I can be sure. In the name of the inspection department, order you, kneel on the ground, behind your hands!" The statement sang loudly, while Ding Lu on the side was prepared early and took out the reinforcement that was not in the waist early The pistol aimed at the opponent's head.

What Ding Lu awakened was her vision. With this blessing, her skill of using a pistol has long been intriguing. It can be said that without double mirrors, she can easily shoot and kill enemies hundreds of meters away!

"You lie to me!" Coldly, the man suddenly raised his head, exposing teeth that seemed to be stained with red paint.

Of course, it's not red paint, but blood, human blood ...

Things really are strange.

At this moment, the man chuckled and suddenly showed a scarlet tooth, making him look like a ghost in the tomb, and the whole person supported by him became weird.


Did she really become a professional?

Unlike vampires ’relatively“ ceremonial ”sacrifices, ghouls’ devouring methods are extremely cruel. They will pierce the prey ’s body with their teeth, and then use the other ’s blood and vitality to strengthen the body. The mouth is extremely smelly, like a rich blood pool fermentation, and even contains mild toxins.

In this way, the dry corpse at the foot can not escape the other party.

"You could have died later!" His face was completely torn, and the man no longer hid his character. At this time, he said with a smirk.

"It's you! You did all this!" The statement never spoke before Ding Lu first questioned the man.

There is no doubt that a group of three people and the other two are missing. Only this one is left. The situation is very clear. It is the other party. In the case of uncontrolled awakening, he killed his partner!

The man gave a scornful glance at the dead body, and the smile on his face grew stronger: "It seems that I was negligent, the body was not buried deep enough to be discovered by you, but this is not important anyway, you will also It quickly became like this. "

Awakening comes with crisis!

If the mental strength is too low, not only will it not control the power, but it will also become a slave to desire!

From the moment he lost control, the other party was no longer a human, but a real monster.

Out of control requires venting, not only blood, but women are also one of the sources of venting.

At this time, looking at Ding Lu's beautiful appearance, the man's throat rolled and his eyes were even more aggressive: "You can rest assured that I won't kill you now, I will hurt you well, and then ... After you, I want to see how you are afraid, I want you to feel my teeth pierce your skin, I want you to begging hard, yes, just begging me, haha ​​... hahaha ... don't be afraid, I will Very gentle, gentle killing you, you will not feel pain, not at all. "

The man said as he walked forward. At this time, his facial expressions were extremely rich, like an addict, and his entire cheeks were twisted together due to the changes in his mood.

He's crazy.

Awakening was originally a matter of great joy, but because the spirit was attacked, the awakening was the mutant ability of the ghoul, so he lost himself during the killing!

As a blackened awakener, the ghoul's obsession with blood can be called extreme. Under the temptation of blood, they gradually lose themselves and their minds are severely damaged. In daily state, they are like normal people, but, Once in contact with blood, their mentality with confusion will become chaotic and become a monster-like existence.

"Now warn you, kneel on the ground, behind your hands. If it is because of your abilities, you will be forgiven. If you continue to be obsessed, you will regret everything you have done now." The statement calmly stated.

"Excuse me? No! Can you imagine? How terrible I am now, I can punch a stone in one box. For me, you guys are equal to food. I will leave here naturally after I'm full!" The man tightened Staring at Ding Lu's cheek, she said hoarsely.

He continued to move forward, and Ding Lu's face slipped over her chest. He took a spit of saliva, and his voice became sharper: "You could have died later, why are you so stupid? I I also want to play a good game with you, why do you break through me so fast? It ’s fun, I wo n’t let you die, I will torture you slowly, and I will listen to your sorrow and begging ... ”

"In the name of order, warn again, I ask you to kneel on the ground now!"

"Is that enough?" The man's patience was obviously exhausted!

"I hate you! Have you already waited? Then, let me send you to the ghosts of hell, death ... Death will accompany you in the eternal remorse, I will crush your bones, **** Dry your blood and let your soul sink forever ... I ... "The man's goal shifted and his face became red, obviously an expression of over-excitation.

"After three warnings, the law of order is announced below. Encounters who are out of control and unable to communicate can make their own decisions and recommend that there be no amnesty to kill!"

The statement frowned, slamming a finger at the other side ~ ~ 唔 ... "

At the same time, a creature exhaling evil spirits poked away from the ground and appeared beside the statement through the dust. It crooked its head and made a mournful sound in its throat.


Statement has the ability to control the corpse. On the one hand, he is also a dark awakener. However, the statement has excellent mental power, and he controls the power without being manipulated by the power!

The man in front of him is different. He has no way to rescue him!


Out of control performers!

This is a bloodthirsty guy, who gains strength in blood and sinks to madness in blood, because they often devour life and make their whole spirit very strange, just like suffering from drug addiction, Signs of split personality in minutes.

Although the man's spirit has a problem, he still has a certain ability to judge. What does he see?

In his eyes, he saw a monster with two heads suddenly appear beside the statement,

It was a highly rotten lion, exuding a sense of violence and destruction. On the left, it was still a rotten face, and on the right side of its neck, there was a head, a pale head. The corner of the mouth is split to the hind neck, like an abyss, and seems to be able to devour people directly.

Time began to freeze in this second. When the man felt abnormally heavy footsteps, he saw the human beast leaping high in the distance, and rushed towards himself. He wanted to escape, to no avail. The shadows flashed, and then he heard the sound of his head ruptured.

Vaguely, he heard the final farewell statement: "The law of order must not be defiled, the offender, kill without pardon!"

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