The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 904: 10 warriors

"What is this kid's name?" Chen Feng looked at the teenager at the trial site and asked Xu Hongzhuang aside.


"At the age of seventeen, both parents died. Surprisingly, the other party only awakened successfully a year ago, but the talent was extremely excellent. Only one year later, he was promoted to the peak of silver. As one of the top ten seeds this time, he The voice of the top is very high. "Xu Hongzhuang made a brief introduction aside.

Order is thinking every day how to tap the potential power of this city.

Therefore, there are endless activities in the form of rewards, and such trials as [ten soldiers] are one of them. Teenagers and girls under the age of sixteen to twenty can participate and be screened out through several competitions such as combat and confrontation. Ten warriors were titled "Brave"!

With the title of brave, in addition to getting a free property and rewards, the most tempting thing is that they can get an exclusive weapon!

Not limited to cold weapons or hot weapons.

In this era, the weapon in hand is the life-saving basis. Whether an ordinary soldier or a professional, they are trying to have a weapon in hand!

Weapons are issued even if they are engaged in positions, but that is only a standard order. If you want to get better weapons, you can buy them. For example, exclusive weapons are customized by the forging department. After getting some magical materials, bones of powerful monsters or blood, you can also upgrade for free to forge them into even more terrible magic weapons!

This kind of temptation surprises countless young girls, so this is a very exciting sports season in winter and even throughout the year!

Weibin awakens is a talent called the earth element. As long as his legs are rooted on the earth, he can continuously gain strength. Regardless of his insignificant landscape now, during the year of awakening, he relied on A shield and a long knife, as a professional, climbed to the top of the silver peak, it is a miracle.

You know, Wei Bin ’s parents died, and in the first year of the last day, he did n’t even wake up successfully. At that time, the order was not even fully established, and many facilities were not perfect. In this case, Wei Bin ’s Meals, medical care, and teaching are all the most basic facilities. Compared with those who wake up early, they are so insignificant.

However, it was determined that he was not well, but Wei Bin turned his destiny with his own efforts and became a real master!

Moreover, the blame lies in the fact that the other party did not lose hope for humanity because of the doomsday. Instead, he was tolerant, and his sense of justice was extremely explosive. At the moment of the war, he always likes to stand up and resist monster attacks with his burly body. Shelter the weak behind.

It was because of his conviction that Xu Hongzhuang coincided. Therefore, the other party was valued by Xu Hongzhuang early and closed to His Majesty. During the first battle, he was commissioned to patrol the city and was attacked by monsters. He actually carried it by himself He lived in the charge of six unicorns and helped his comrades escape successfully. Since then, his reputation has become so famous that I don't know how many young people regard him as an idol!

At this time, Weibin stood there like a small hill. Even though he was holding the most common iron plate, there was a momentum of copper wall and iron wall that made people dare not glimpse.

Chen Feng looked at the other person's sharp face and nodded.

Justice, bravery, protection, fearless ...

For Chen Feng, although Wei Bin is sometimes pedantic and places himself in an extremely dangerous state whenever and wherever he is, he admits that it is because of this spirit of dedication, Only shocked him.

The end of the world is coming, and the mind is dark. In such a world that is often in crisis, Wei Bin's methods and behaviors are undoubtedly stupid, but he is just like a light in the dark night, with a weak level, but so different.

With such a companion, you will never worry about someone stabbing a knife behind him, because in the current war, he will only stand in front and guard everything.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to be able to have such a dusty pearl here. It seems that I have to take a good look at his performance." Looking at Wei Bin's resolute face, Chen Feng twitched a smile.

Doomsday needs a different voice!

If Wei Xun and Wang Xudong represent the dark side of Doom, then Xu Hongzhuang and Wei Bin are the bright side of Doom!

Everything in the world has two sides, even if the end is really like acne, it is extremely frowning and headache, but even so, it should not be treated passively, let the acne continue to rot, and it is really too late when the last pus is flowing!

Undeniably, this world needs people like Wei Xun and Wang Xudong. They will use their waste heat to destroy all the enemies they can see. They are the blades of order, a little bit of wind and grass, and their hands will be able to move everything. Cut them all!

The war is destined to be iron-blooded, but this does not mean that Chen Feng will pull everyone into this quagmire without mercy and kindness. Compared with Wei Xun's cruelty and ruthlessness, the operation of a force is still inseparable. Kai Xu Hongzhuang such a guardian!

Those guardians still believe that human nature is good. They believe that with their own hands, they can one day create the life they want!

Evil and good.

Chen Feng will not curb Wei Xun's maliciousness to the world, but he will not deny Xu Hongzhuang's concept of justice.

After all, even from the perspective of a superior, the ability of his subordinates to follow their own opinions is a side he would like to see.

At the moment, the most important thing is about Wei Bin's current game. The opponent has been defeated all the way and reached the final level. As long as he can kill the six Titan Beetles in front of him, he will get the title of Ten Warriors.

Chen Feng wanted to see what kind of momentum Wei Bin could explode under such a dangerous situation to protect the partners behind him.

The Titan beetle moved. At this time, the human in front of it was tantamount to the sweetest food. It couldn't wait to take the pace. In this way, the first Titan beetle was like an angry bull. Wei Bin rushed over.

The titan beetle is very powerful, and every insect festival has the thickness of an adult man's wrist. At this time, it stepped on the ground and immediately "banged", like a truck driving at high speed, with madness Wild momentum rushed over.

"I won't let you guys pass by, and I will protect my companions at any time!" It was amazing, even in this extremely dangerous time, Wei Bin rushed forward, his face was fortitude , The body reflected a brave momentum, facing the Titan beetle, he was not afraid, but raised his left arm in front of the other side with an iron plate ~ ~ want to get the final The title of "Ten Warriors" can be described as layer-by-layer selection. Among them, there are more than a dozen items in the content, and this one is the final level!

It ’s like the last level, not all of them, but it is specially set up according to the personality and awakening profession of each player, such as Weibin ’s character. The last task is to protect the person in the cage behind him. Six-tailed Snow Fox!

The six-tailed snow fox, a silver creature, has a wonderful fragrance on it, and has an irresistible temptation to bloodthirsty creatures. Now, this fox is equivalent to Wei Bin's companion. If two silver peak Titan beetles can fight, Kill the opponent or stick to it for fifteen minutes, he can win and get the final title!

At this time, Wei Bin had completely brought in his identity. What he had to do was to resist the six Titan beetles in front of him and protect his companions!

These six Titan beetles are only silver ranks. Therefore, as early as the start of the game, a golden professional shot and sealed the strength of Wei Bin, both in energy and physical strength, in the same silver rank, not Peak of Silver!

With the development of the order, the ability of the professional to awaken has emerged endlessly, and the golden strongman has awakened. [Seal Master] For a period of time, it can create a seal of strength on the target, and even if he wants, it can be completely sealed permanently. what? Without the other party to unlock, the enemy will even be in a sealed state for a lifetime and cannot be promoted!

It is a great challenge to play against six enemies of the same rank in Silver Stage!


At this time, Wei Bin held a shield and slammed into the Titan Beetle!


A loud noise!

He actually resisted the offensive of the Titan Beetle!

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