The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 907: New goal

For example, like countless previous rumors, Chen Feng did not deliberately say anything about it. Mystery is the best coat for the superiors. For this, Chen Feng deeply agrees.

At midnight, Chen Feng's purpose is not to really think about the past. In addition to this, Chen Feng has another reason, which is hunting!

He needs the summoned offering!

Even though Chen Feng is pursuing the ultimate personal strength, he also knows that his other card for survival in the last days is his calling ability!

However, just like rich people are accustomed to the taste of mountains and sea, if you let them eat those leftovers and leftovers, naturally, Chen Feng is so. He is now half a epic, and he can enter the epic level one step!

What is the concept of epic?

At the time of summoning Saruman, he could not succeed. Chen Feng had to sacrifice the epic tooth, which only caught the other's attention!

It can be seen that just an epic tooth can make the undead at the peak of silver incomparable. What about a true epic strong?

Neither value nor strength can be imagined with normal thinking.

In the case of the epic stage, Chen Feng will naturally pay more attention to the quality of the sacrifices. For example, the sacrifices of the golden stage are no longer under his consideration. Only legendary creatures can attract his attention. !!

But how rare are legendary creatures? Even if the energy of this world is extremely rich, after all, great growth requires a process, and since the order was established, it can be said that it has been established on the flesh and blood of all creatures all the way. There is such a behemoth, such as some legendary creatures or It is the existence of the golden pinnacle that was slaughtered by Chen Feng early on. It is precisely because of this that Chen Feng has not been summoned for a long time!

Previously, the detective came to report that a legendary creature appeared near here. The opponent is too strong and forced to deter. The detective did not dare to get too close. Therefore, even when he returned to the city, Xu Hongzhuang had to bring someone to deal with it, but Chen Feng heard that But he actively searched over, his purpose is to kill the other party, and then use the other party to summon!

There was no gain overnight, Chen Feng was not discouraged, so he continued to walk forward.

After walking for a while, Chen Feng saw a broken body not far away.

Chiyan Leopard!

It didn't take long for the other party to die, so the physiology of this Chiyan Leopard did not dissipate. From him, Chen Feng felt a powerful blood that was only possessed by the golden stage!

However, compared to the majestic appearance of the past, the Chiyan Leopard at this time was extremely miserable. The upper body was eaten with nothing to do, and even its claws were torn and devoured, lying there alone. There was a scaly scar on the body.

They went through a fierce fight.

But in the end, the hunter won.

Chen Feng scrutinized everything around him and murmured: "The perpetrator is a terrible legendary creature, and the other party has not devoured the body of the Chiyan leopard. This means that the other party is not really hungry. More importantly, the other party is more Obsessed with this sense of killing! "

The body was still hot, which meant that it didn't take long for the other party to die.

Perhaps it is the proof of Chen Feng's thoughts. At this moment, there were some sounds in the dense grass. Most of Chen Feng's strength originated from the devil's body. Before he was transformed, he was just a weakened version of the legend. Because of the human body, too many are not allowed!

It is for this reason that the cautious beast reveals his whereabouts. There is no doubt that Chen Feng ’s legendary atmosphere has attracted the beast.

In the eyes is a huge beast covered with pale red scales. It looks a bit like a lizard, but the spine is higher than the lizard, with a huge bone armor protruding from the body. It looks like a dinosaur!

This is a Thunder Lizard!

The anti-ancestral phenomenon gives the other party the physiological characteristics and appearance that modern lizards do not have. This lizard has already entered the legendary stage and has the status of a leader no matter where it is!

"Have you been targeted?"

Chen Feng was expressionless. He felt that the other party was waiting slowly, waiting for a shot.

Just then, the Thunder Lizard suddenly yelled and felt something, slowly took a step, and walked out towards the front!

That's the power from Thunder!

Chen Feng knows the elements well, and the Thunder has an unusual induction. Although the body of the Thunder Beast is restrained, it contains a bold and strong breath, which is frightening.

The Thunder Monster didn't attack, but waited patiently. A legendary monster, naturally knows to be cautious.

The atmosphere was at an impasse for a while, so the two sides just looked at me, I looked at you, and couldn't explain for a while!

The Thunder Lizard was finally angry, awakened by a dragon vein on his body, and could not tolerate others so provocative.


The Thunder Lizard roared loudly, spit out a white thunder ball, and shot directly at Chen Feng!

This thunderball was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye came to Chen Feng's eyes, but Chen Feng did not dodge, and his whole body energy was running to the extreme, and he was ready to resist this attack.

Trial Stone!

Chen Feng is like a blade, along the way, you need to constantly polish yourself with stones ~ ~ Only in this way can the rust on the sword be faded out, and one day become a true magic sword!

At the critical moment, Chen Feng raised his right hand.

"Stab!" Thunder Ball directly fell into the palm of Chen Feng, but the expected baozha was not born, and Thunder Ball fell into the palm of Chen Feng as if a mud cow had entered the sea, without arousing a wave of waves, and even Chen Feng's clothes were not burnt!

Chen Feng frowned slightly. After a few breaths, his eyebrows stretched out. He unexpectedly surrendered the thunderball with the power of a half-step epic, and this was not the end. There was even one more in the dark blue thunderball. The enchanting flame is like a look of Měin Sister dancing and jumping constantly!

The Thunder Lizard saw a thunder ball hit Chen Feng without any reaction. A horror of horror appeared in the amber-colored pupils. He shouted a few times, and seven or eight thunder **** shot from his mouth at once, and flew towards Chen Feng.

"That's a little bad!"

Watching the overwhelming thunderball blasting towards himself, Chen Feng didn't choose to eat it one by one, but the slightly right-handed right hand suddenly opened. Then, the thunder ball that was only the size of a fist suddenly turned into a diameter. It is two meters long, a huge ball of destruction mixed with thunder and flames.


Chen Feng didn't make a long story, he just uttered a word gently, and then the ball with the energy of terror blasted away towards a dozen thunderballs!



A series of bombardments sounded in place, but even if the surrounding winds were strong, Chen Feng didn't step back, even blinking his eyes, like a statue, full of solemnity!

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