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This is not the end. After absorbing a dozen Thunderballs of the Thunder Lizard, he turned his hands and rubbed out a huge storm with a more devastating atmosphere!

Aside, the Thunder Lizard spit out a dozen thunderballs in one breath, and finally began to be afraid. It realized that the enemy in front of him was not able to deal with it at all.

With a roar, the Thunder Lizard met with a brave victory on the narrow side, shaking his neck, and then spit out a large thunder ball, then turned and fled.


Ran away.

The Thunder Lizard walked from the heart. Originally Chen Feng had been hiding his strength, but now, his strength is at a glance. As a creature with wisdom, the Thunder Lizard will naturally not choose to die with Chen Feng. It already has a legend. Strength, the moment of humiliation and life are not comparable at all!


The storm composed of Lei Yan suddenly collided with the Thunder Lizard's thunder ball. For a time, the surrounding trees and rocks were torn and shattered. The blasting force formed at this time was like hundreds of oil tanker trucks exploding. Similarly, the shape of a mushroom cloud is formed in the middle of the air!

Chen Feng stood calmly aside. He was located in the center of the blast. He would have suffered a strong shock. The strange thing is that when the explosion was close to his body, all of them exploded, like fear of being close. Chen Feng is average and obviously strange.

"Want to escape?"

Chen Feng's eyes were like electricity. A pair of demon wings behind him instantly opened up, without even using the ability to use shadows. He suddenly appeared on the side of the Thunder Lizard and punched out!


Chen Feng's sturdy punch hit the back of the Thunder Lizard. The scales on the body of the Thunder Lizard are as firm as King Kong, but Chen Feng's attack has always ignored the defense on the surface, because his fist had already condensed during the bombardment With a temperature of a few thousand degrees, he condensed the high temperature to a point and then blasted out. Unless this Thunder Lizard trains his internal organs as hard as steel, he will not be able to carry this horrible infiltration attack.

However, the internal organs are as strong as steel? This is a realm that Chen Feng has never reached. If he really wants to be not bad, maybe the epic level can peek a little.


This is not the end. At the moment of the punch, Chen Feng's entire arm began to demonize, and the horrific force and flames were superimposed together. The momentum rushed into the body of the Thunder Lizard and directly affected its internal organs. Thunder The lizard made a terrible cry, and the huge body shook violently. Not only was the internal organs broken, even the spine was broken!


Because of the horrible weight and the huge inertia brought by the high-speed sprint, the fallen Thunder Lizard overwhelmed a large bush, and the sound of the broken leaves was endless.

Break ten times in one effort!

This is the result of Chen Feng following Fu La ’s study. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to learn some more subtle martial arts, but Fu La made it clear that Chen Feng had already passed the age of bone-opening, even if it was a legendary rank and wanted to start from scratch. From the day I learned it, I would n’t be able to get it for a few years.

Where in the world is there such a good thing as sitting down, is it really as imagined? Stepping into a legend, you become a man of choice. It's imagination at all. If you look at things like martial arts at a glance, even if Chen Feng can remember them all, it's tangible and unintentional.

For example, Fu La has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Her living environment is fighting and fighting. For more than 20 years, she was born in a dark abyss and killed a **** path. It is just as important to give as talent!

If Chen Feng wants to become a skill like Fura, it will take about five years under the legendary super strong understanding. However, Chen Feng pursues martial arts just to increase his self-protection strength. On martial arts, this is really a bit of a shame, after all, his real hole card is summoning, and there are bad demons and Fura around him, which is enough!

It is for this reason that Flat designed the offensive method for Chen Feng!

That's [Three Axes]!

To sum up, it is ferocious, domineering, wild!

No matter when and where the momentum can't be lost, it is the first to come up. In a limited time and offensive, the greatest significance will burst out of strength!

Chen Feng is not as ordinary as a professional. He fights hostile and relies on physical fitness. Therefore, when he is fighting, he needs to calculate accurately. It ca n’t be just beginning to fierce. Once he wanes in the later stage, he will be easily attacked successfully!

As a summoner, Chen Feng doesn't have to worry about exhausting his physical strength. Once he finds that the timing is not right, he can use the summoning beast to restore his defeat!

So in this case ~ ~ Chen Feng can completely squander his energy, like just now, a ball of destruction first disintegrates the confidence of Thunder, and then he will converge the power at the tip of his fist and suddenly wave it. The essence of fierce, domineering, and mad is completely grasped. In this case, the Thunder Lizard is not wronged at all!

However, just now, if the Thunder Lizard rushed face-to-face, it would not be so easy to lose. Blame it only. Under the deterrence of Chen Feng, he had completely lost the courage to fight. He just wanted to escape quickly and forgot, no matter when You should never expose your back to the enemy!

To this day, Chen Feng can completely brag about his own strength. You must know that it is a legendary Thunder Lizard. The surface scales are inaccessible and coupled with electrical energy, it is a heterogeneous. At the same level, a legendary professional is extremely May not be able to beheaded each other.

Compared with Thunder Lizard, Chen Feng's fist is like an embroidery aimed at dogs and cats.

Can a cat or dog be stabbed with a needle on the back?

But no matter what, Chen Feng still won the final victory, and the [Ultimate Uprising], which was instantly issued, even made the Thunder Lizard die with hatred!

The calling process was familiar, Chen Feng stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and sharp nails instantly pierced the head of the Thunder Lizard. The flesh was blurred, and the blood immediately flowed on the ground. But even then, he ignored it. At this time, Chen Feng Chanted:

"Partners wandering in the abyss, I need your strength. With this, I am willing to pay sacrifices in return for good food ..."

As soon as the spell fell, a dark mist suddenly rose around Chen Feng. Among them, there was an incomparably cold atmosphere, as if the inferno came, like the sound of a thousand thousand ghosts roaring, making the voice cry like a cry but a laugh. Non-smile, sounded bleakly and faintly, filled with an ominous breath.

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