The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 914: Summary of forces

"Compared with order, Silver City is just a mixed concentration camp. Whether it is in strength, power, or management, there is nothing comparable to order!"

In the conference hall, Xu Zhe explained to Chen Feng one by one.

Xu Zhe was the management talent that Chen Feng gathered during the establishment of the order. The brain awakened. When an ordinary person thought one thought, his brain had already sorted out dozens or hundreds of thoughts.

At the beginning of the order, he was appointed by Chen Feng as the city owner, who was responsible for construction and planning. It can be said that the order can have the glory today, and the other party also has a great deal of credit.

However, although he is talented but not outstanding, he retired to the second line a year ago and was managed by Xu Hongzhuang, becoming the first person in the city to succeed Chen Feng.

But despite this, Xu Zhe still acts as the chief of the think tank, and Chen Feng does not hesitate to use natural resources to help the other party to advance to the golden stage.

Next to it are all high-level orders, including Wang Xudong.

Wang Xudong is a close friend of Wei Xun. After a period of development, the other party showed up. Chen Feng called him to discuss things, indicating that he was regarded as a talent.

It was a month ago to dispatch the fleet to sail. During this time, the order had already negotiated with the other party and brought back some preliminary information.

Silver City!

This is the name of that power. According to the information given before, this power is indeed an alliance formed by some small powers.

A conservative estimate is that there are more than ten forces that can be ranked. However, the strongest are two. One is the brother of the brotherhood. The one at the helm is the brother. One by one, the forces are well organized and their strength is in the legend. on.

But one side is quite special. The leader of the dragon gate is an animal trainer. However, compared to ordinary people taming lions and elephants, he tames a real dragon!

In addition to the mixed dragons such as heavy armored dragon and Jin Linlong, the other party also tamed a real dragon brass dragon!

At birth, the scales of the brass dragon were dark brown with specks. With age, the scales become more and more brass-colored, and in the end they will show a warm and smooth color. The huge dish of the brass dragon's head is smooth and metallic, and the sharp corners on its chin become sharper with age.

The edges of the wings and frills appear speckled green, and become darker with age. With age, Brass Dragon's pupils gradually diminished, and finally the eyes looked like molten metal balls.

Although weaker than many other dragons, brass dragons are still powerful creatures by any standard. They have a strong tendency to profit only, and often agree to act as guards or fighters for anyone willing to pay a very suitable price.

Compared to the red dragons and white dragons that Chen Feng encountered before, they belong to the evil camp, and they have obvious contempt and contempt for other creatures.

But brass dragons are different. Mild and curious brass dragons are one of the most talkative and least angry dragons.

Even in combat, brass dragons are rarely cruel or vengeful, and they often allow defeated enemies to escape.

However, they are still dragons! They are arrogant, arrogant, and irritable creatures. This is the pride that comes from the bloodline and cannot be changed at all.

Like other dragons, brass dragons are angry at rude or disrespectful behavior. However, when other dragons may slam in anger, the brass dragon is more likely to stop talking and leave. Anyone who is stupid enough to stand in front of such a clear warning sign should get what they get.

Brass dragons like dry heat and the sun. It has the same ability as the red dragon, can spit out flames, and completely burns real enemies into ashes.

This fraternity and Dragon Gate are evenly matched, and each has good strength, so no one is convinced, and those small forces have no choice. They are attached to these two powerful forces, and this is what constitutes Silver City today!

To put it simply, just like a dozen small countries, attached to the left and right of two large countries, the two sides are evenly matched and each formed a coalition. On weekdays, in order to compete for resources and sites, brawls often occur.

Xu Zhe is Chen Feng's aides. The ingenuity of the other party is unmatched by Xu Hongzhuang and Wei Xun. He has been mediation throughout the year. For two years, he must have a detailed account for all parties.

In this case, the other party can undoubtedly make many substantial suggestions.

"The overall strength is not great. The pomp is not small. I heard that three legendary strong men participated in the meeting. This is to deliberately give order a disappointment. Fortunately, there is a fallen angel on the side. Otherwise, they will really make them conspiracy. Want me. Said that the strength of the adults is superb, and it is easy to suppress the three. The rest is left to us. I swear to the adults that within three days, they will be able to lead the troops to station in each other's inner city ~ ~ Wang Xudong continued Speaking of intelligence to Chen Feng.

As a talent picked up by Wei Xun, the other party inherited the purpose of Wei Xun's **** battle. From the beginning to the end, he represented the main battle group and tried to invade the other party in the most direct way.

This is the order to have the confidence to say this kind of words. For the visit of order, Silver City gave a strong attention, the Brotherhood and the leaders of the Dragon Gate all arrived, a total of three legendary strongmen.


In addition to the visit of unfamiliar forces, it may be to prevent the other party from gaining more benefits!

After all, a base with survivors means new resources and potential development implications.

More than a dozen forces formed two alliances, and the two alliances formed the Silver City, which has the feeling of big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimp.

The three legendary masters, if they were replaced by ordinary forces, have already been scared and panicked. After all, the strength of legends is obvious to all. For example, the legendary monster in the wild has a body of ten meters, just like a giant in the mythological world. Can't resist at all!

But Wang Xudong is obviously the golden rank. It can be said that when encountering any legend, he will be crushed instantly and died without dispute. However, after receiving this news, he did not show any confusion, but instead said that Chen Feng launched an offensive. .

What gave him such an air of demeanor?

It is the land where he stands now, order!

However, instead of directly answering the other party's questions, Chen Feng entered a state of thought.

"Three?" Chen Feng listened, his eyes flashed, and murmured, "Is there really only three legends?") Book friends, pay attention!

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