Three legendary powerhouses!

This is just the appearance.

After reporting, Chen Feng knew that this Silver City was not a monolith. The Brotherhood was entangled with the Dragon Gate and many forces, and this Silver City is what it is today.

The leaders of the Brotherhood are both legendary. If you write the other person's life as a book and publish it, it will be sold out soon.

What attracted Chen Feng the most was not the two brothers, but the animal trainer of Longmen.

Order is not without an animal trainer, but in contrast, order but an animal trainer is at best a petty fool.

The leader of the Dragon Gate was able to tame the dragon, which is what shocked Chen Feng.

In this world, if any creature is most proud and arrogant, then the dragon must be!

What is the existence of the dragon?

Spirit of Everything!

They profess to be the most powerful beings in the world. They have always been the only slaves to other creatures. Have you ever heard that some people want to use dragons as pets?

In the case of abduction, many dragons would rather commit suicide than choose to become slaves of others. For them, bloodline glory is above all else!

However, the leader of the dragon gate is obviously just a human being, but can be sought after by the dragon. Not only is it a hybrid, but even the real dragon is willing to bow down.

"What's going on at Longmen? Tell me in detail." Chen Feng was very curious and asked Xu Zhe.

Xu Zhe organized a language and said: "In addition to the official, we also conducted a private investigation. I heard that the leader of the Dragon Gate was called Ren Xiong. He was so lucky that he didn't even need to go out. He kept having Dragon Blood monsters to come to him. Something that obsessed the dragons! "

"Really? If this is really amazing, wouldn't this person be a **** reincarnation?" Xu Hongzhuang listened, his eyes flashed: "Otherwise, how could this be achieved?"

Over a period of development, the high-levels have long known that in addition to the territory under their feet, there are countless space planes in other dimensions, and among those planes, there are even high gods!

Those gods have the power that mortals cannot imagine, the legend is strong enough? But the other person can easily crush them directly with one finger!

"That is impossible. If it is possessed by a deity, it cannot be detected by other forces. A force with millions of people and extremely rich resources cannot have only three legendary powerhouses. I believe that there are still some hidden Strength, although the deities are powerful, after all, only a ray of soul comes to this land. "

"If there is a real life coming, so many strong people will not be able to detect all of them." Chen Feng countered.

Xu Zhe on the side said: "And there is no rumor in Silver City about Ren's chest. The other party can have such achievements today as it should be on its own."

"So that's not terrible."

Xu Hongzhuang naturally believed in Xu Zhe's words. Compared with Wei Xun, Xu Zhe also belonged to conservatives. He had the same political views and had worked together for a long time. This trust still exists.

Thinking about this, Xu Hongzhuang said to herself, "Since that Ren Xiong is not a **** or something, then there is no solid foundation or deep connotation, and the situation is much better."

"Because of this, it is the most terrible."

Chen Feng said coldly, but it surprised Xu Hongzhuang.


"If it wasn't for the gods to seize the house, but he could attract the dragon to take refuge, then he is really an ordinary animal trainer? How smart is his talent? Especially those dragons have not been surrendered by force, but willing. Kneeling down as a slave, a dragon blood creature is nothing, but a dozen or even real dragons have taken refuge in succession, what does this mean? "

Chen Feng said word by word, seeing every word, talking about Xu Hongzhuang's heart.

Regardless of Chen Feng's two-year practice, he has become close to the epic realm, but he knows that most of his reliance is on predation, while the other half is to summon the beast to **** him.

Chen Feng knows better that he is not the kind of conventional genius, even compared with Xu Hongzhuang.

You also rely on accumulation.

No, compared to him, he is more like a rampant bandit, seeing everything good in his arms.

Robbing for so long and consuming countless resources, he has this kind of strength today. It can be said that if it is replaced by ordinary people, it may already have entered the epic!

After all, Xu Hongzhuang is also a legendary master. Although her ability to awaken is not as focused on the brain as Xu Zhe, she is also extremely intelligent.

There is no accumulation, immediate epiphany, or even legendary achievement without collision. In addition, the dragon actually turned to him directly, and Xu Hongzhuang could not think of it. Is that person's ability to awaken really as simple as an animal trainer?

Chen Feng is right. Such people, as long as they are not strangled in the trance, have room for growth in the future.

More importantly, Ren Xiong is not being strangled by crickets, but has grown up and has become one of the two giants of Silver City.

"Another terrible character."

Xu Hongzhuang turned so many thoughts into her heart at once ~ ~ and came to a conclusion.

She has a hero template, and she thinks her talent is also good, but compared with this Ren Xiong, it looks very gloomy and has no comparability at all.

It's really a strong midfielder. One mountain is higher than the other. Xu Hongzhuang couldn't imagine it. The dragon willingly cast it. That's a picture.

"By the way, I heard that they are very interested in demon slaves?" Chen Feng asked for a while.

This time, in addition to negotiations, Chen Feng also had another purpose, which was trade.

Li Sisi showed the order's specialty demon to the other!

As an abyss, even the weakest little devil is more powerful than ordinary adult males. In particular, he is not weak against the vitality of the other person. He has experimented in order and can keep working for 36 hours without eating or drinking. Ordinary people, already dead and counting back!

In this case, the devil can naturally engage in more high-risk and high-work tasks, and can play a huge role in the construction of any force!

"Those slaves sold out and had a huge share of money, which is totally a way to make money, but I don't know, what kind of resources do adults want to exchange devil for each other?" Xu Zhe asked.

He didn't know what Chen Feng wanted to change, food? There is no shortage of order! arms? A fourth forging plant is already under construction.

Yeah, everyone here has super confidence in order! This confidence has long been above all else, this is all the accumulation in the past two years!

Everyone was wondering, what was Chen Feng's original intention to sell demons?

Looking at the questioning eyes of everyone, Chen Feng grinned and said, "I want humans, and I want to exchange more demons for more humans!") Book friends, pay attention!

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