The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 916: Yang Mou

The number of demons is endless

Chen Feng has an abyss and can summon demons indefinitely. Not to mention that it is an order, that is, a slave who is full of ten orders. The abyss can also meet the needs in the fastest time.

Slave trade

This has always been to promote normal exchanges between the two forces.

However, the target of this sale is not the familiar people of color, but the demons from the abyss. As a dimension creature with super vitality, the demons undoubtedly have too many shortcomings, and their characters are chaotic and evil. Not suitable for normal communication and communication.


The vitality of the other party is very strong, even the power of the little devil is not comparable to that of humans.

Order is to catch up with the progress of the project, and on the other hand is to reduce the demonic population, so they treat each other in extreme ways, which has led to the rapid decline in the number of demonic legions.

However, if there is some reservation, a little devil can completely weaken for a month before he will become physically weak. The devil will die and the flesh will not be wasted. As a group without mercy, the rest of the devil is like a fish tank. Scavengers, they will give their companions a funeral with the fastest speed possible.

No one regards demons as a rare resource, so in the eyes of everyone, they do not care about the life of the demons, but simply curiosity. In the end, Chen Feng will exchange demons for what resources in Silver City

And when Chen Feng said the words human, everyone was surprised, even Xu Zhe was no exception.

Their thoughts are locked up

Because in essence they are still a real human

And here is the end, the least valuable is the population.

Xu Zhe felt it. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and his eyes began to brighten.


This is the end, and the least valuable is human life.

In exchange for monsters for humans, if it is placed in a peaceful era, it will definitely make people think that heresy, but it is different in the soil of this doomsday. According to the information returned by the negotiation forces, Silver City seems to be distressed by the food.

It is very difficult for the entire force to see the real elderly. In addition, there are also some dangerous and terrible training events, involving tens of thousands of people, and the mortality rate is as high as 60%. This is no longer horrible, but real. Thriller

Although Baiyin City tried hard to hide it, its good name was to scour the sand and screen out some elite figures, but Xu Zhe had already seen it. This was just a means of consuming people.

It ’s true that there is a huge wave of sand, but it is not necessary to have such a horrible death rate. In addition to this one, the ultimate goal of the competition is to reduce the "waste people" who consume food.

Silver City is different from order. It has developed for two years. The scale of the order and agriculture are beyond the reach of Silver City.

It is because of this that order can gather the surrounding population so unscrupulously. As the first follower, Xu Zhe naturally knows a lot of secrets.

Chen Feng needs population because he needs more believers to strengthen his power

Order cherishes the population, and naturally regards the population as the most precious resource.

But Silver City has a shortage of food, and if possible, the top management wants to get rid of all the waste.

In this case, when Chen Feng took the demons with one enemy and three enemy in exchange for those useless populations, if Xu Zhe was a high-level person, he would certainly not reject such a transaction.

More importantly, Xu Zhe participated in and perfected the frog project. According to the information given by Chen Feng before, it won't be long before a deadly cold current will occur around him.

Once that cold current reaches Silver City, the death rate will reach a thrilling level without warning.

Xu Zhe is not the cold-blooded murderer of Wei Xun, so he had originally resisted this plan, but his identity is Chen Feng's aide and the creator of order. He has the responsibility and obligation to strengthen the order.

Even if the blood is so high, he must go on.

Now, Chen Feng stated that he would trade demons in exchange for the population. This means that many people's lives will be redeemed. Originally, Xu Zhe, who was unbearable because of making plans, naturally agreed with 100 people.

"Xu Zhe, you are responsible for this matter, and strive for maximum benefits. I can eat regardless of the population," Chen Feng said to Xu Zhe.

Order is now the most indispensable food, not to mention tens of thousands of people, that is, the entire Silver City has come to rely on it. Chen Feng can also keep these populations from breaking their food, but Chen Feng also understands the allusions that ants bite.

Whether it is advanced combat power or equipment configuration, Silver City and order are more than a step away.

But rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. If they really launch aggression against Silver City, it will be impossible for them to die.

Thinking and thinking, UU reading www. Chen Feng still feels that the frog plan is more secure. If the cold current occurs, Silver City will definitely have to ask for it because of food shortages. At that time, it can completely ask for more resources of the population.

After this battle, even if Silver City finally slowed down, it was a vital injury. In the absence of population resources, relying only on professionals to grow a force is simply a dream.

"Master, the old man has completed the conversion, and the first zombies are now working"

When a few people talked, the evil spirits hurried outside.

During this time, the evil demon has been fully familiar with her realm of half-step epic. She had a solid foundation. The cultivation these days has made great progress and has been completely consolidated.

Even in winter, the evil spirit is wearing a skirt, and his spirit is perfect, and there is a layer of glory on the small face.

"Okay, let's go and see."

Chen Feng heard that Saruman had completed the conversion, waved his hand, and went out with the crowd.

Resurrection of the Undead is Saruman's expert ability, and entering the half-step epic, this ability has already reached its peak.

Chen Feng's purpose is to allow the order to enter an uninterrupted and rapid development. Even if the devil works hard and complains, after all, it is flesh and blood. As a living being, even the flesh and blood is strong and knows exhaustion. Therefore, Chen Feng hits the purpose on the undead.


Immortal and tireless, as long as there is plenty of food, they can work 24 hours.

For Chen Feng, this is undoubtedly the most competent staff, none of them.

The crowd followed Chen Feng's steps and walked forward. When they reached the outermost wall, they immediately felt a terrible killing gas, and when they completely climbed up and looked down at the wall, it was dense and dense. The figure appeared in their eyes.

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