The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 917: Returning Team

A group of real demons are in sight!

However, compared to the lazy temperament of ordinary days, these demons are standing upright now, and their **** eyes are completely covered with turbidity!

They are no longer demons in the abyss, but a group of transformed zombies!

Zombies are not zombies, the latter are low-level undead creatures that spread viruses and rot, but zombies are undead higher than Skeleton Warriors.

Zombies don't rot easily, and the copper and iron bones are completely ignored by ordinary bullets, and like an unreinforced blade, even if they are cut for a day, they will not cause any damage!

In the White Bone Plain, if the skeleton warrior is cannon fodder, and it is the front-end consuming army, then the zombie is already considered to be intermediate combat power.

Saruman was standing aside, it was expressionless, but it was not completely unchanged compared with the previous one. He was promoted to a half-step epic, and his complexion was even more ruddy. The other side is an undead, so now, it gives people more feelings. It is a lucky man who has just gotten rid of the death.

He is becoming more and more like a real human.

Judging by the complexion, even if it gives a feeling of sickness, after all, his face is too bad, gray, and there is only a hint of ruddy on the cheek.

But Chen Feng knew that the other party was originally an undead. When he was first called, Saruman was even a bone, not even flesh. But now, not only is he promoted to the Lich, but he also has a little more life. This change is simply amazing!

With the promotion, Saruman's ability has also evolved. The transformed undead is no longer limited to skeletons, but higher-level zombies.

Each of these zombies has great combat power, and it is extremely powerful. If you invest in construction, you don't know how many times better than the devil!

Before that, these zombies can also be put into war preparations. They are not zombies. Under the command of Saruman, they even know some simple camp changes.

"Well, it's almost the same. Counting the time, the return team of Silver City is coming. Let's meet and welcome each other now."

After seeing Saruman's proud work, Chen Feng turned his head and said to several of his men.

Come and go without indecent as well.

After a month of looking around, Silver City has finally made up its mind to return, and it's precisely today.


While Chen Feng was visiting the zombie army with many high-level personnel, visitors from Silver City also set foot on the land of order.

Far away is a guest.

A dispatch team from Silver City got into a carriage pulled by the Titan Giant and walked into the inner city of order.

After about half an hour, the carriage drove into the second siege of order, and it was only one step away to enter the central zone.

I have to say that this so-called order is richer than the Silver City in which it is located.

Even the surrounding walls were built tall and mighty, the floor was a piece of bluestone, and the Titan giant stepped on the slab, ticking and ticking, very crisp.

"Well, this order naturally has a mighty spirit, and everyone here seems to be trembling, it seems that it is not enough to eat, but there are so many people here, how is this force feeding?

--0 --- 0 ---- small--say ---- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novel reading: ghost fire

-0--0 --- small-say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

So many people? "

After entering the second fence, Xu Wen looked out of the carriage window and looked at the scenery in the city. The shops, pedestrians, streets, and even drainage ditches along the way were clean.

To the east of Ayutthaya, in a stone structured hall, there were many children reading aloud, reading literature in peace times.

"This city is well-managed, ten thousand times better than the dark smoke and suffocation of Silver City. This is the real fortress. Not only the shops, but even the school has completely recovered!"

In addition, on the black iron ground, there are a team of honor guards holding banners, blowing majestic horns, drums, and bells.

Compared with modern society, this method looks a bit non-descript, but the characters in these teams are the masters of the Bronze Order for the last time, and the horns are the trophies obtained from the conquest of the worm community, many of them are the legendary worm emperor stay Under the remains!

Spreading around, as well as the guards who are fully armed and standing with nails, all show that the order is a regular force.

The strength of these people is an exaggerated silver master, standing there, like a giant tree rooted in the ground!

Compared to Silver City, which was prepared for nothing, the welcoming ceremony given by the order has long surprised the visiting group.

What might a force look at? Nature is etiquette, etiquette is majestic, people's hearts are stable and cohesive, and I feel that I am not a loose sand ~ ~ but a regular country.

"Good order!"

Xu Wen sat in the carriage and saw the square stone houses on both sides of Order Avenue, secretly shocked.

He is the confidant of Ren Xiong, and is regarded as a "dragon gate". For two years, he assisted Ren Xiong to reach the peak step by step. Now he has become one of the two giants of Silver City. He thinks that he can be regarded as a character in this end time, but after he came to order, he found himself sitting in a well.

The original order visit and the emergence of a new force have undoubtedly attracted the attention of many forces. It can be said that in just one month, countless thoughts and ideas were discussed in Silver City.

There is no shortage of the main faction. When they learned that there was a new land, many people's minds became active and even threatened to seize order.

Originally Xu Wen still had some intentions, but when he came here, he found that his thoughts were so naive!

Compared with this force, Silver City is more like a refugee camp, and there is no comparability between the two sides!

This return visit was not only Xu Wen. The Brotherhood also sent a confidant. Xu Wen knew that it was not just himself, but the other party must have been flustered by everything in front of him.

After all, order is too strong!

After crossing the guard of honor, Xu Wen walked into the parlor's living room, and the whole room felt a magnificent feeling.

Many high-level officials sit around slowly, with many silver peaks and many golden ranks, and the two legendary powerhouses, the fallen angel and Medusa, are standing on the left and right, giving a deadly oppression.

This is a big feast.

Just then, beautiful music came around.

As soon as Xu Wen walked in, he saw Chen Feng, who was sitting at the top with a small skirt beside him!


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