The meeting soon ended, and Chen Feng didn't even attend the dinner. It was not ignored, but there was really no need.

For the transaction, Chen Feng gave it to Xu Zhe for management. Chen Feng has absolute confidence in his confidant. He firmly believes that the other party can get the greatest benefits for order!


Fura is holding a fortified weapon. In the martial arts field, her body is fluttering and extremely light, like a dragonfly drenching water, her feet are not dusty, and her speed has reached a certain level!

One mile through Pythium.

Fu La now has a thorough understanding of martial arts. Not only is boxing, but also other martial arts are masters at the touch.


Suddenly, Fura snatched lightning to the side of the big tree next to the training ground, kicked her feet, and the man was like a raccoon cat on the tree.


A little devil standing on a branch was hit by a hit, and fell flatly.

These little devil are regarded as the first batch of flying troops. They were the loot that Chen Feng obtained when he destroyed the devil's plot. However, with the development of order, they have retreated to the second line.

It stands to reason that the devil is a foreign body, but during this period of service, there is no credit or hard work, so I stayed and had someone to feed it on weekdays, which is a beautiful scenery.

Fura didn't know how many demons he killed in the abyss. In addition, the number of demons is not small. After all, as the first enemy of demons, the demons often come across the border to kill.

For this evil life, Fura had no mercy at all.

However, the little devil in order is now regarded as a group of mascots. They are kept as pigeons by the residents every day, because there is no shortage of food, and they are twice as fat as before.

Immediately after the sword flew out, the man jumped down from the tree without any sound. He picked up his hand and took the little devil.

However, the little devil seemed to be shocked and passed out.

"Okay, don't pretend, I will kill you if you pretend to see if you have such a courage!" Fura held the little devil in his hand and threw it hard. The little devil woke up and thumped , Jingfei, still staying on the tree, tilted his head, looking at Fu La, seems to be thinking about something.

The little devil's strength is not weak, especially the surviving ones, each of which has the silver-level strength, naturally it will not be frightened by a slight grasp.

It seems like just now, but it is the instinct of the other party. The little devil is the best at deceiving, first reducing the alert of others and then suddenly shooting.

Don't look at the other person's hugeness and do not show any hostility on weekdays, but all this is only under the suppression of order. If you try it outside, few ordinary people who encounter it will survive.

The devil is the devil, and order is nothing more than a yoke on it. Once the yoke is loosened, the other party will become a real bloodthirsty beast in an instant.

"it is good!"

Chen Feng just came over, and he couldn't help but sigh when he saw the other party's series of actions.

Fula's kung fu movement on the hand, the tree instantly, with the sword to stab the demon, sharp sword tip

--0 --- 0 ---- small--say ---- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novels to read: the sweet heart of the contract

-0--0 --- small-say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

When he got to the little devil, he just trembled, stunned the little devil, and caught the tree.

This series of means, completed in the blink of an eye, the speed, skill, and grasp of power, Jane has reached a state of innocence.

Chen Feng can certainly do it, Fu La has completely integrated the legendary rank!

Among the summons waved by Chen Feng, if Saruman is the most mysterious, then Fura is the strongest!

When it was only in the golden stage, Fura was desperately involved in blood battles in order to chase power, and was promoted to become a legendary powerhouse!

But now, after seeing the bad demons and Saruman being promoted one after another, Ephra has a strong temperament and no doubt feels the urgency.


The evil demon leaned on the side of Chen Feng, with some snoring sounds in his mouth, and said aloud, "Sister Fura, you are so good. It won't take long for you to enter the next realm, compared to the **** fire that just came How much stronger! "

In the distance, Chen Feng also led the hellfire out to let the other party release the world of adaptation to human beings. Otherwise, Chen Feng summoned the hellfire when the war began. The other party was not clear about anything, which would inevitably cause damage to friendly forces.

Hellfire is surrounded by a vacant lot. There is nothing to do, and you fist your fist. Every time you make a move, you tear the air, and the air tumbling in the audience. The deep footprints appear one after another. The power is unmatched. .

The bad demon has learned to ridicule, she saw Chen Feng's eyes attracted by Fura, so she exclaimed loudly, that Nafra was on a par with Hellfire? I do n’t know if it ’s a compliment or a mockery ~ ~ Fura, take a break, let me see? "Feng Chen patted the head of the bad demon, so she didn't talk any more. She had to admit that with the promotion of the bad demon, wisdom has changed again, and now she has learned to hurt others.

"Um." Fura didn't have any sweat stains on her face either. She walked over innocently, but there were still a few servants out there, with water and water, and towels and towels, let her wash her hands and wipe her face.

At this time, Fula was not the appearance of the little leopard, but she was slender and dressed in exquisite exercise clothes. She was extremely temperamental, and had an indescribable wildness than the so-called supermodel.

Moreover, in this order, who does not know the relationship between the other party and Chen Feng, so there are several servants to take care of him.

And Hong Yi naturally won't let this little sister suffer anymore, there are more than ten girls waiting every day.

"You don't have to push yourself too tightly. You originally took the path of savings. The evil and Saruman take shortcuts. For them, but not for you."

Seeing Fu La coming over, helped her to organize her hair, and tore her clothes, it really looked like her lover was very concerned. Later, Chen Feng mentioned the other words.

Originally, Chen Feng had no right to speak, but he is now promoted to a half-step epic, and has a new understanding of the realm.

Maybe something happened, Chen Feng raised his hand, then gently touched Fula's eyebrow. Fula didn't know what Chen Feng was going to do, but he didn't move, a cute and cute appearance, where is there a slight body? That acrid breath when you go to the abyss!

"I'm not weak now, but I can also mobilize part of the power of faith. Fura has a good talent. What I lack is some opportunities. If I can pave the way for her with faith, Fura's future may be easier. "

When Chen Feng's thoughts entered Xiao Fula's heart, he thought.

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