The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 920: Washing thoughts

[To set up an anti-theft today, in order to improve the reading experience, everyone waits 20 minutes and can restore the original later, sorry! It can be said that now the Demon Fortress can shake the Quartet. Since its construction, it has sent troops outward. I do n’t know how many demons and dark races have invaded. This is almost all Fu La's credit. Mobile terminal

The Demon Fortress now has the huge foundation now, and it is almost the result of the development of this Fura.

That ’s right, the evil monsters have great strength. Now it is a half-step epic, but its significance in the demon fortress is not great. Most of the time, it accompanies Chen Feng. Therefore, the entire demon fortress is run and managed by Fu. Pull someone in charge.

Chen Feng did not like to put eggs in a basket, and the order and the demon fortress run synchronously. Under the management of Fura and the funding of weapons, Fura's awakening path in the abyss is almost god-like, and almost all the demons nearby Lord.

In recent years, the forces around the fortress have even formed an alliance with only one purpose, which is Fu La, a sudden rise!

Don't call it a demon. Even goblins, ogres, and even vampires see Fu La as the top enemy, and they can't wait to get it fast enough!

However, Chen Feng has always regarded this cat family who had endured hardships in the abyss as a servant.

Regardless of the relationship between each other, or out of Fu La's talent, Chen Feng has the idea to cultivate each other.

In order to allow the other party to enter the next realm without objection, he decided to use his own thoughts to go deep into the soul of Fura and explore the origin.

This method of exploring the roots of the other side's soul and exploring the origin requires extremely sophisticated methods, as well as huge power and control capabilities, which are generally difficult for ordinary passers to do.

Otherwise, after grabbing a person, you don't need to inquire about the oppression and go directly into the other person's soul.

At that time, it is natural to leave a mark on the other party, so that the other party is loyal and loyal.

However, the soul in the human body is a fragile substance. If it penetrates directly into it, it will even damage the other person's intelligence and become a real waste!

This also relies on Chen Feng being a half-step epic, and he is also a summoner. He can skillfully control the spiritual power and replace it with ordinary people. With such control power, he cannot meet the realm requirements. Pure.

At this time, what Chen Feng has to do is to first explore Fu La's soul, and then use the power of faith to help the other party reborn and pave the way for the future.

Crystal quartet, diamonds generally had the idea of ​​flawlessness. After entering Fura's body, Fura immediately found the soul of the other party.

Fu La's soul is also composed of many thoughts.

These thoughts are very many, there are tens of millions, but there are many unnecessary thoughts, and there are many colors of thoughts, some are dark, some are green, some are blue, some are white, some are gray.

Chen Feng knows that this is because Fu La majored in martial arts, and there was not much reason involved in mental strength!

In simple terms, the various thoughts of Fura's soul are like sand on the beach.

It is because people have seven emotions and six desires that the thoughts they produce every day are simply unthinkable.

Seeing the **** of food, seeing the **** of nobody, and seeing the jealousy of the rich and themselves, even though these thoughts are fleeting, they are deeply imprinted in the deepest layer of the soul.

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Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novel reading: Xie's Pearl

-0--0 --- small-say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Over time, these thoughts are naturally numerous.

However, it is difficult to eliminate the distracting thoughts. It was practiced the moment before, but the next moment it seemed to be springing up and growing up.

Only the true Supreme God can eliminate disillusionment forever and keep disillusionment alive.

That's right, except for the invincibility of the Supreme God, which can break off distractions, even a **** like Rose can be bound by distractions and become a servant of desire.

However, the gods also have the means of the gods. They are like a bright mirror. They are often wiped. After the dust has fallen, they are swept away and can keep the light for a long time.

But if you don't want to wipe it and want to keep it bright, that's simply impossible.

"Fura's thoughts, thoughts, so many."

Entering Fura's soul, at this moment, Chen Feng felt that all sides were surrounded by thousands of light dots, like stars, floating in space.

"Well? That thought was Fu La's thought of martial arts."

Chen Feng searched for a while at a time of hundreds of thousands of light. While searching, suddenly, Chen Feng found a thought of Fulaqi, which was particularly strong. The color showed a kind of golden color, faint "looking", Many of the figures flashed, as if performing various martial arts.

Chen Feng knew that this was Fu La's martial arts idea.

Grasping this idea is tantamount to understanding all the martial arts learned by Fula in her life.

It can be said that if Chen Feng swallowed up this idea now, even if he could not become a boxing master, he could still make his martial arts step into a horrifying phase in no time!

Like Fura said before, Chen Feng is too late to pursue martial arts. To become a master, it takes years to accumulate, but all of this is a shortcut for Chen Feng.

Like the shadow of Chen Feng's own blood beast before the blood sacrifice, devouring this martial arts thought, Chen Feng's strength and horsepower will leap forward.

But ... he wouldn't do that.

Chen Feng is ruthless, but he does not follow the real way of being alone. Fula follows him, both in merit and hard work. In addition, the other party is his own woman. If he is trying to marshal the other party ’s thoughts, this is really ruthless. Absolutely impossible to use Chen Feng as a person.

Continue to wait and see. In addition, similar to the golden yellow martial arts thoughts, there is a **** thought that is incomparable with martial arts thoughts, which contains injustice, unyieldingness, and strong war will.

"This is Fura's heart of perseverance for a long time. It is precisely because the heart always has a strong idea that he can clenched his teeth to the present."

"Fura's soul is full of thoughts. There is nothing wrong with it. Miscellaneous thoughts account for the majority, but the idea of ​​martial arts is also quite strong."

"If I use the power of faith to help the other person wash, the other person's promotion to the epic will be unimpeded, but this consumption is huge. I don't know how much faith it takes to complete it."

Of course, this situation does not need to be considered at all. Chen Feng originally planned to use Faith to help Fu La to wash his soul. As for the loss, he did not consider it at all.

The power of faith is gone, and it can be acquired again, and a half-step epic, who is most likely to be promoted to the epic in the future, is truly unavailable!

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Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novel reading: Xie's Pearl

--0--0 --- small--say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line-

Except for washing the martial arts thoughts, Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to Fura's other thoughts.

Although he can hang all those chaotic thoughts with his super strong mental power, these thoughts are the experience of Fu La's growth. It can be said that these thoughts are her real precious things.

Even if it contains some bad memories, it is also the driving force for Fura to keep going and fighting. Now even if Chen Feng can destroy these thoughts and make Fura disappear some bad memory experiences, but without the tragic past experience, Fura Perhaps you also lost your faith in climbing. If you do this, you will lose more than you gain.

To figure everything out, Chen Feng invoked the power of the beliefs in his body. The appearance of these beliefs was like a mottled river, which also reflected the posture of countless survivors in prayer.

Chen Feng's thoughts immediately locked the belief in the long river, and moved violently, enveloping Fu La's martial arts thoughts.

All of a sudden, the idea changed from golden yellow to orange-red!

When Chen Feng was wrapped up, all of a sudden, this idea increased by a factor of 100! In a flash, he overwhelmed any of God's thoughts.

Can be considered the rest of the thoughts add up, not this orange thought.

Seems like a real sun, hanging from Fura's soul.

Fura ’s belief in martial arts began to change. At this time, her body in the human world suddenly trembled, and her forehead was sweating. This is fundamental to a strong passer, especially the master of boxing. Is impossible!

Growing up in the abyss from childhood, Fu La was unable to eat and wear warm clothes. Fortunately, she had a strong physique to go to today. In order to exercise her perseverance, she even stayed in the eye of the storm, watered under the waterfall, even if she had a fracture Bone fractures are not abnormal like today.

But now it is different. Chen Feng now starts from the other side in order to wash the other side ’s thoughts, so that Fula has a better understanding and understanding of martial arts.

The great force of faith, like a river, flowed into Frau's thoughts, and the orange-red light grew stronger.

Chen Feng's mental power was instantly caught in the orange-red sun. There was a huge seal. The pulling force must be drawn into the endless flame heart.

"Interesting, I don't devour Fura, but her idea wants to devour my mental power ?!"

At the moment when the seal was about to be sealed, Chen Feng's thought suddenly burst into infinite light, and burst the flames away.


"Become a psionicist, can we go to the city?" Nono obviously also heard rumors about the next door.

"We need some time."

"I still have some things to do here, and do n’t tell anyone about this, it ’s our own secret!" Yang Shuo swallowed the dark bread, and often took a bite and needed to be in his stomach Double the amount of water.

Nonuo nodded her head smartly. For her, it was more important to have Yang Shuo in the city.

Yang Shuo didn't explain too much to Nuo Nuo. After all, these things are difficult to digest even for himself, to count on a seven-year-old child? It only makes the other person worry.

The basement is always dark.

-0-0--small--say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novel reading: Xie's Pearl

-0--0-small--say--this is a gorgeous split--

But the two have long been accustomed to all this. Nono is a diligent little girl. Although she is only seven years old, she can organize her family in an organized way. Cleaning at home.

After the humble lunch, Yang Shuo sat aside and kept thinking about the future, while Nono stacked his clothes neatly and tried to throw away some meaningless garbage.

And while the two were maintaining this rare and pleasant time, there was a sudden knock outside the door, and there was even some rebuke: "Open the door, you two little maggots, it's time to pay the rent It's up! "

"Miss Helena has been in the carriage. It is really a beautiful little princess. More importantly, the other party is a trainee priest. Have you heard? The Holy See personally issued a manual on healing to Miss Helena. , Once the lady learns, she will become a true pastor! "

The Guozi face looked very talkative. When talking about Miss Helena, the corners of her mouth were even curved. Obviously, the other party was one of Helena's admirers.

However, Yang Shuo's attention was attracted by another sentence.

"Healing? Pastor?"

Yang Shuo took a deep breath and tried to keep his tone in a gentle state ~ ~ asked seemingly indifferent: "Is the healing very god? Can it be detoxified?"

Guozi face laughed, and seemed to look scornfully at Yang Shuo: "What's the matter with you, Harvey? You would even ask such a stupid question, not to say detoxification, as long as the energy is strong enough, you can even regenerate the broken limb If we learn well, we do n’t have to worry about being hit in the future when fighting. However, this requires mental strength to learn. To a low-level samurai like us, it is impossible to become a priest in this life! "

The talkative Chinese character face once again revealed a lot of news.


Yang Shuo's pupils tightened, this may be the first step to the trail!

Nuo Nuo's petite body curled up, looking like a puppy abandoned in the snow, exhaling and breathing, looking very fragile, there is a feeling that it will breathe in the next second.

For an hour and a half, the corpse poison had invaded Nono's limbs. According to previous experience, the other party had been completely rescued.

But now ... Yang Shuo has received the treatment, which may be his last hope for him.

"How to use therapy?"

Yang Shuo raised his head awkwardly, then pressed on Nono's body.


Suddenly, a stream of sour hemp oozed from his fingers, as if struck by an electric current, and a strange energy moved between his fingers.

In the next second, a milky light bloomed on the palm of his hand, and Yang Shuo's pupils shrank suddenly. He clearly saw that the original wound that had been scratched and degenerate had become slightly pink, like After removing its toxins, even the stench began to fade slowly.

None of this is a dream.

Healing ... it really works!


I'm really sorry, I will return to the original situation later, hope to understand.

/ bk

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