The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 930: Thank you

Chen Feng stood on the rooftop at the top of the bridge command room and looked at the long fleet lined up in the back, surging in his heart.

Although the rest of the ships are slow and awkward wooden ships except for the first three real warships, when more than thirty ships come together, they still look spectacular. The white smoke emanating from the chimney was growing long, and the sea was swaying to both sides because of this huge fleet, feeling the ups and downs of the bow when the waves broke.

The flagship ship is the most dazzling star in the queue.

The towering bridge and slender shape make it completely different from ordinary steel military wheels and wooden ships. All the weapons and equipment are equipped with the highest standard. In this era, it is definitely the overlord of the inner waters.


This is Chen Fengqi's name. Even in the dark night, he looks like the bird looking forward to it, expecting the first dawn to come, giving the world a warmth and light.

This name entrusted Chen Feng with too many hopes. He did not say, but it did not mean that he would not imagine.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Xu Hongzhuang frowned at the wind-torn hair ends, and also looked at the road in front of her. "Is it because there is no other rival around it?"

"Happy because there are no enemies? No, I will never do this." Chen Feng shook his head with a smile.

Xu Hongzhuang didn't speak, but her head was a little bit crooked, and she felt a little confused, after all, this should be the direction for all leaders to work for.

To create a myth with your own hands, shouldn't you be excited or encouraged?

"Anyway, thank you." Somehow, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly said such a sentence.


"Ending the dispute and calming down the order, whether ordinary people or professionals, can live happily under your rule," she slowly said, "I know you will definitely do it, but I did not expect this day to be so fast arrival."

This may sound unbelievable, but it is the case. Not only Wei Xun and Lu Wei, Xu Hongzhuang, the female warrior who initially ran counter to Chen Feng, also unswervingly believes that Chen Feng will end it all Disputes.

For two years, it has accommodated millions of people, but behind it, countless strengths have been swallowed up and destroyed as support. Xu Hongzhuang ’s mentality has already changed. She is no longer the silly girl who was dedicated to justice because of two years. In time, she has seen too much and experienced too much.

This world has changed. Humans do n’t look like humans, ghosts do n’t look like ghosts. Sometimes, monsters and zombies are more pure. After all, the latter is only killed for killing, and humans are because of various desires.

Greed, lust, or power.

Xu Hongzhuang didn't agree with Chen Feng's concept originally, because in her eyes, everything Chen Feng did was sometimes too cruel, often indiscriminate, just blindly accelerating the action of recovery, and as the opponent's sharpest knife, Wei Xun It is nothing but extreme.

What's more, things that could have been resolved through negotiation, but Wei Xun's fighting madman suddenly launched an attack when the negotiations were about to start. The hands of the Blood War Department were not only contaminated with monster blood, but also human plasma!

To this

--0 --- 0 ---- small--say ---- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Apocalypse Summoner 00 novels netizens please remind: please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 novel reading: Doomsday Archer

-0--0 --- small-say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Xu Hongzhuang has been attacked for a long time, but time is the best way to sharpen people. When the two sides are in trouble, Chen Feng killed zero. Xu Hongzhuang and Wei Xun acted together, which is exactly the next few actions. Xu Hongzhuang really saw through what is called human heart!

Treat people as pets.

In peaceful times, the owners of the giants' yards always liked to use famous dogs to care for the homes. In the last days, among the forces that Xu Hongzou had calmed down, there were people who went against them. Frozen, put iron chains on people's necks, like dogs on all fours, tamed for a long time and all kinds of non-human abuse, so that they have long forgotten that they are a human, even after seeing a raw face, they will sizzle and go. Roaring and roaring.

Ugly is beautiful.

In the peaceful era, everyone admires beauty, and there are some so-called performance artists. Although the research topics are intriguing, they are also within the scope of tolerance. But in the last days, those in power are more powerful than dictators. So-called laws? Regulations? It's all up to you.

Among the forces that Xu Hongzhuang calmed down, the leader's favorite thing was the doll, but the doll was not a plastic product of the peaceful era, and the raw materials turned out to be living people!

Moreover, all are young girls of seventeen or eighteen. When Xu Hongzhuang opened the other mansion and saw the living doll, she had no fear, only the most instinctual nausea. She tried to control her vomiting desire ~ www ~ but still didn't hold back, he vomited to the ground on the spot.

All this is just like a knife tumbling in Xu Hongzhuang ’s stomach, making her intolerable. In addition, there are countless evil things like the waves washing Xu Hongzhuang ’s cognition. Everything she finally understood, Chen Feng's good intentions!

This world is over!

Those in power, once in control, have become monsters driven by desire one by one. Even if they still have a human body, their soul has already become a real monster.

Under the suppression of the law, everyone suppresses all the evil thoughts in their hearts, and when the law disappears, those evil thoughts begin to recover, and the power can promote the speed of this recovery until the person becomes a past tense.

Chen Feng is very bad, but is limited to fighting for land and population. Xu Hongzhuang originally looked at the other party, more like an aggression demon, but after experiencing all kinds of darkness and unspeakable crimes, she discovered that the other party and the order were so bright !!

Chen Feng is very pure, everything is for land and population.

In addition, it also established order and law, repressed the revival of the evil thoughts of professionals and ordinary people. It was from that moment that Xu Hongzhuang really took Chen Feng as her supplementary object.

Use violence to suppress violence.

Xu Hongzhuang never thought that she would become a member of the violence of faith, but the world has collapsed. Instead of pinning her hope on the so-called human nature, it is better to place it in front of the existing order.

Although I do not want to admit it, countless experiences have told Xu Hongzhuang that in this world, Chen Feng may be the only one who can bring people to dawn.

A redeemer walking in the dark?


This is a ridiculous world.


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