The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 931: trading

Genius memorize the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Erwin's entrepreneurship has been running smoothly, Chen Feng did not intentionally bother each other.

Chen Feng does not lack high-level summons now, so she will not try to kill Erwin directly as she does other useless summons. On the contrary, her talent in wealth and trade is even better than one and a half. The stronger of the epic is even more important!

Even if the order has a population of one million, the entire place is owned by Chen Feng alone. In addition to Dumen's research on food, the order is no longer impoverished, and it is still an overcapacity, and the abyss can just consume the excess capacity of the order. To convert it into other resources to make up for the lack of order.

Feng Chen has been trying new things all the time. He was very curious about the suspended stones of the Naya people, so he directly put them in his pocket.

Except for the Naya, each species has its own civilization, even if it is an abyss or even a demon, it still has the resources that make Chen Feng fascinated.

Demon and devil rarely trade.

The reason why the devil often wins with less is more, and the weapon has a great advantage. Compared with the devil who owns a lot, the devil has assigned a few skills to the build. Often when they invade the abyss, they will intentionally take away a large number Gray dwarfs, even if the gray dwarves have a more gloomy character than the surface dwarves, it is undeniable that they also have amazing building skills.

In the abyss, weapons are strictly controlled.

No one hopes that the surrounding enemies will become stronger, such as lizards, orcs, wolves, and so on. Once they fall into the hands of this group of natural humanoids and get a lot of weapons and equipment, they will greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

"grown ups."

A succubus who looked like a secretary came to Erwin and bowed his head slightly. "The item you want has been shipped. This is the bill to be paid. The council is waiting for me to return to life."

Behind her are three golden ranks of raging demons, as well as a number of demon squads dressed as guards.

The slaves sold this time even included a legendary snake demon with one arm cut off. Infighting in the abyss occurs every day. As long as the leader reveals some flaws, the demons below or dark creatures will be used directly. The weapon greeted the opponent.

This snake devil was also a demon lord before, and even participated in Erwin's auction. However, he was severely hit during the battle with the leader of the other side. Even though it has been deliberately hidden, it was still carefully controlled by his subordinates. It was found that in the later plot, it was speculated that the loyal men launched a rebellion, all the family members of the demon lord were slaughtered, and it also cut off its tail and one arm, and changed from six arms to four arms. This cannot be recovered. Perhaps it was because of this that the new leader so boldly sold it to Erwin.

Order requires advanced combat power, not only for daily construction. When Chen Feng called, he also needed such a high-ranking legend.

Because of this, Erwin has become a famous slave trader in the surroundings. No one knows where she arranges her slaves. It is not important. The important thing is that the slave owners can use these useless waste people in exchange for their own ideas. Want something.

At this time, the tentacle of the legendary snake demon also sent a vampire. The other was a dark race, his face looked pale, but his breath seemed a little grace, standing there, like an earl, very general. .

The vampire clapped his hands, followed by some guards behind them, carrying a cage in their hands, and covering the cage with a layer of black cloth without a gap. When carried to Erwin, the guards Lift the black cloth away, and then you see a snake demon lying in it.

The legendary snake demon was treated inhumanly. Erwin remembers that the other person took great care of his arm, because that's the basis of his life. He wore a lot of magic equipment on the six arms, but now he has been dialed clean. Not only that, even the body is full of scars. The most terrifying thing is that the spine is destroyed. This is a fatal injury, which causes the opponent's strength to not even reach the peak of silver.

This is the case of the dark race. Once turned, there is no emotion at all. At this time, the legendary snake devil can be described as life is worse than death. It is lying in a cage with a heavy iron chain hanging around its neck. It glared at the eyes. Those people who used to shake their tails and beg in front of it were no different from a dog, but now they are transformed and stepped on each other's feet. This pain is more uncomfortable than death.

The vampire ignored the snake's wrath, but looked at Erwin with a smile on his face.

"No problem ~ ~ Erwin winked at the succubus behind him, then opened a box with a sword weapon neatly in it.

All the opponents ordered were weapons, and half of the demon's combat power was supported by weapons. On the contrary, the demand for armor was not great.

The mutineer is an elite coward, a bloodthirsty climbed from the bottom. In this land, the low-level demon acts as a pioneer of the army, but the value of these weapons is too high. Yan is basically a luxury, so the main object of these weapons is to exist above the silver level.


The vampire gave a look to the dwarf behind him, and the other side pulled a weapon out of it. It was savouring carefully. This weapon was made of Seiko Hundred Forged Steel. Other special materials are infiltrated during forging, and they are made using the folding forged steel process. After the completion, a simple alchemy enchantment is performed.

This is an old dwarf, confident that he can build a weapon that is sharper than the one in front of him, but it takes some time, a weapon takes a month or more, and there are five boxes in front of it. This means that there are already more than three hundred of these weapons.

This is a very scary quantity.

If converted to a dwarf, it means that it will take three hundred months and almost 25 years to build these weapons without stopping.

"God of creation, what is going on?" The old dwarf had the feeling of being eliminated from the world. He looked a little obscure, but nodded towards the vampire. It was expressing that there was no problem with these weapons.

The vampire got the answer, and finally a smile appeared on that solemn face. He bent down slightly and said respectfully, "praise the ancestor, every time I deal with you is so memorable."

Erwin nodded in response.

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