The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 953: major discovery

Chen Feng stood aside, but no one could see the other party's whereabouts.

Just as Wei Xun imagined, Chen Feng's strength has entered a half-step epic. For the characters below the legend, he is already in an overriding state.

Alas, Chen Feng didn't think of it.

He completely regards the people of the Poseidon House as a group of wild pets. This may be a bit excessive, but this is another dimension different from the human world. Chen Feng cannot stay here forever, this time because of helping Rose to deal with it. The corpse will come, and when will he come over, not even he can tell.

In front of me is a barren, barren, backward residential area.


These words are used here, maybe there are some discrepancies. What caught my eye was the random grass house that was placed randomly.

Even when standing far away, Chen Feng still smelled a weird smell. He couldn't tell what the smell was, but it was indeed a bit smoky.

The environment of the entire tribe is very dirty and messy. There are feces left by children everywhere on the ground. Even the road surface has not been intentionally leveled, and there is dark mud on it. The tribe is surrounded by a low shed, and the humble fence is only a symbolic deterrent!

的 Everything here is so primitive and barren. Chen Feng can even see the simple tools of stone. There are no iron products at all. Even if there are resources not far away, these indigenous people do not know how to use them.

Chen Feng quickly saw their food.

I was basically no accident. It was a half-baked wild animal carcass. Those pieces of meat were placed on the volcano, but they were not cooked until they were almost bleeding.

These whole pieces of meat can only be eaten by adults. On the side, there are a group of children lying on the ground, like puppies, and their mouths are drooling, just like hungry ghosts who have not eaten for a few days. Ugly It looks unimaginable.

This is everything Chen Feng saw at a glance. In summary, it is full of barrenness.

Chen Feng originally thought of the Naya people as the primitive people who drank blood, but now it seems that the Naya people are at least a century ahead of each other.

土著 These indigenous people are like diachronic relics that should have been eliminated. Somehow, they will continue to maintain their lives in this way.

Chen Feng looked ahead. Even though some thatched houses blocked his eyes, for him, there was no hindrance at all. Everything was transparent.

When I was exploring, suddenly, a strange feeling made Chen Feng uneasy.

I want to know that Chen Feng is very powerful nowadays, and enemies of ordinary level will not let him feel such fear.

到底 What is there?

Chen Feng explored forward, and then his eyes projected into a room. This house is considered to be the most gorgeous decoration of this camp. It is made of wood and stone stacked in the center of the house, with a strange statue. !!

"Dead body ?!"

Chen Feng trembled, but had no intention of escaping, because he knew that the dead body had already been swallowed by Rose, and he saw nothing but a statue.

Alas, why are there statues of dead bodies here?

The participation of the Naya people in the annual sacrifice is related to the dry corpses, and this indigenous people also have the habit of the annual sacrifice. In addition, for hundreds of years, the indigenous people and the Naya have always slaughtered. The corpses worship the so-called deities.

Could it be said that this indigenous is also the backhand left by the dead corpses, it intentionally creates the contradiction between the indigenous and the Naya, and then there is a steady stream of blood sacrificing himself every year, and he can lurk here, day after day, Year after year began to recover.

I do n’t know why the dry corpse lives on this land. There are different beings here. With his strength at that time, even if all these can be strangled, but what about the future? These lives can't help it to reach its peak and kill the chickens and eggs, it is better to slowly raise them.

The dead corpse was a god's residence before death, and it became an undead after death. It can be said that it is an immortal existence. He can sleep for hundreds of years and thousands of years. During this period, countless Nayas and indigenous people will be killed by hatred. , The fathers will nurture the next generation, just like Yugong moves the mountain. The son has no grandson, grandson and descendants. Just like this, from generation to generation, transfer fresh blood to the dead body!

All my doubts before I solved the mystery at this moment, Chen Feng was just like I indulged and understood the final meaning of the dead body.

He is setting up a virtuous circle for himself, from the hatred between the two races, which will help him deliver blood.

According to Li's previous description, the Naja people have lived here for hundreds of years. During this period, how many indigenous people and Naja people died here?

Chen Feng remembers that when facing the dead recently, the opponent ’s strength has entered the epic level. It is not difficult to imagine that if it is so devoured, the opponent will one day peak at ~ ~ but then All people and creatures on this island may become each other's nutritious meal.

This statue alone is unlikely to make Chen Feng feel a sense of crisis. Chen Feng looked aside thoughtfully and saw not far away. Two indigenous people were squatting. Their bodies were short and their bodies were even covered with dust. It ’s like a dead body, but Chen Feng can discover through its essence that the two indigenous peoples are even more powerful than Li. They do n’t know how long they have been here before they change. Into this.

Did he say that he and his party were advancing indiscriminately, and they even came to the area where the indigenous people put the [God's House]?

At this moment, Chen Feng even had doubts about whether he and the dead body were inborn enemies. Not only did they destroy the former avatar, but they also swallowed the other's body with Rose, but now, it is miraculously discovered that the other side remains in the world The last trace of imprint on it.

Chen Feng firmly believes that Rose has devoured the corpse, but as a mansion, most of them have an unknown card, and Chen Feng offends the other party. Moreover, he has been regarded as a safe area for collecting faith for himself and for the souls here. There are reasons for the final imprint!

Not only Wei Xun, but even Chen Feng at this moment killed everyone here, a place where the statue of the divine house can be stored, and there are two strong men who surpass the legend. This is probably the spirit of the indigenous people. As long as everything here is destroyed, the indigenous beliefs will naturally fall apart. At that time, you can break them one by one and take them as the driving force for the development of order!

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