The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 954: Killing night

"Live forward!"

Wei Xun looked at the others behind him, then gave Jing An a wink, and slowly said, "Those indigenous people are good at poisoning, and we had a big loss last time. This time, we can't give them anyway. This opportunity! "

"You send someone to clean up all those whistle!"

Shocked and silent, after listening to Wesson's goblin shift, he just nodded, and the whole man fell into darkness. []

The astonished figure was completely covered by the night. After entering the stealth state, he approached the indigenous tribe in front, only three companions were following him. These three were also proficient in jungle attack, and they were rare veterans!

Unplug the dark whistle!

This was the task that surprised me today!

Shocked and cautiously walked forward, even the legendary strongman, he still adhered to the habit of a hunter, under no circumstances can not be careless.

Indigenous people have a short human body. Compared with the Naya people, they are generally half a meter behind. In the mouth of the Naya people, the indigenous people are regarded as beasts, and they are also the cheapest beasts.

Weixun lurked expressionlessly.

When the distance was close to twenty meters, his figure entered a stealth state. This was an evolution of speed to a certain extent. A faint cold light emerged, and the shock flew directly to him. He reached out and covered the opponent's mouth and nose, while cutting Penetrating from the heart, the stench around him masked the smell of blood, and with the twitch of the indigenous people, the other party became a real corpse!

The startling action is like a signal flare. At the same time, the other three Nayya shot at the same time. They cleverly killed their target. From the beginning to the end, the death time of the four was less than five seconds. This is cruel. In the battle, not far from the camp, from time to time you can still hear some breathing sounds, those indigenous people do not have any shame, even if there are many children around, but when they want to be happy, they will immediately enter the state!

This is the indigenous people, even in the eyes of the Naya people, it is a group of low products with absolutely no wisdom!

Therefore, after killing the four indigenous people, Jing and his companions did not have any expression at all. They placed the body in an inconspicuous place and continued to advance. There were still many secret whistle. The troops led by Wei Xun wanted to kill the indigenous people. This level of death is far from enough.

Plop through.

The cricket made a slight noise, startled to drop the second corpse, and then covered the grass slightly.

Sui Jing has enough patience to hunt down the whistle. In fact, this is the most basic skill of a hunter. They must be patient to become a qualified hunter.

Then he went into stealth again and moved along the indigenous tribe. Now that the dark whistle has been found, there are definitely more than one, and the three companions, also using the surroundings as the direction of inspection, began to search, and everyone in the camp. When you didn't notice it at all, the surrounding dark whistle was laid down one by one. For a time, the original dark ground seemed to be red, and some little blood smell began to wander toward the surroundings.

Fang Jing and his companions spent a full half an hour, pulling out a dozen dark whistle outside the indigenous tribe. After he was sure that there were almost no dark whistle nearby, he returned to the place where he started.

土著 Even some indigenous people have begun to rest around, and those gasping voices have begun to stop. Obviously, after a busy day, the remaining indigenous people have begun to rest!

And this is also the best time to attack!

Wei Xun's face was completely dissolved in the darkness. Only the two eyes exuded blood red and strange colors. He looked ahead, and the soldiers around him and the Naya people seemed to be infected by each other's emotions. Somehow, even breathing It all started to get heavy.

"Ready to advance!"

This is a crucial battle. In order to clear up the hidden dangers on this island, under the order of Chen Feng, Wei Xun took away all the elite of the Poseidon, and those old forces also participated in it. This is a real immortality. For endless battles, the winner is only one side, and the loser is only a dead end!

Under the sugar-coated cannonball of Chen Feng, the Naya also sent a team of 800 people, many of them strong. They were the most powerful and have entered the legend. The three people around him were only one step behind. , In a state of golden peak!

Alas, the human soldiers made some noises from time to time, and they murmured because of bad roads, but were immediately reprimanded by the leaders.

The fact that the old forces of Poseidon Ju clearly distinguished the immediate facts was not a simple weakening of themselves. After all, even Wei Xun participated in this battle. In addition, those who he subjugated were also entangled in the surroundings. In the war, the [demon] is most likely to stare at himself above his head. This is not the time to pull each other. If he and his men influence the war situation, he may only have to avenge his death!

The distance is getting closer.

Just a few meters away, Wei Xun screamed angrily, "Rush!"


This is not the time to hide ~ ~ Wei Xun changed into the final form, like a spear giant elephant suddenly lifted the railings of the camp, without the notification of the secret whistle, the indigenous soldiers did not know what happened Whatever happened, just when everyone was in a daze, the troops led by Wei Xun had already taken the lead.

I have no mercy. No sympathy.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of bodies have already appeared here.

There are even some children. However, these children are not the same as human beings. Perhaps due to genes, indigenous people are extremely ugly. Even children, they still have fangs, like a beast. Therefore, when killing each other, humans and Naya people did not show any sympathy, and in the encounter, they immediately ended their lives!

"Keep all without killing!"

Wei Xun issued a killing order. At this state, he has completely erupted. However, Wei Xun did not fall in love, but rushed deeper. Just now, Chen Feng conveyed his intention to him and moved forward. Push forward, there are some strong ahead.

The existence that can be valued by Chen Feng is naturally not a simple role, but Wei Xun already regards Chen Feng as his own divine residence. He firmly believes that no matter what kind of crisis situation occurs, Chen Feng will save it in time, and this is not what he has waited for. Is it a long time for merit? As long as he can complete the task of an adult, his desire to return to order will most likely be realized!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun didn't stop at all. He stepped forward and rushed towards the place where the statue was placed! [This section starts. Love. Have. sound. Fiction Net, please remember the URL]

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