The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 955: Opportunity for Wilson

Chen Feng does not know if the statue still has part of the energy of the dead body. If there is, under the blessing of the energy, will the two indigenous strongmen erupt more horrible powers. Chen Feng does not allow any accidents, so in In this case, he ordered Wei Xun to attract the two indigenous strongmen to appear!

Even if the opponent really transcends the legend and enters a half-step epic realm, Chen Feng will not feel the slightest fear. After all, he is surrounded by many summoned beasts of this strength, the evil demon, the burned demon, and Saruman. Even if you make one, you can fight against each other evenly!

Wei Xun strode forward, ignoring everything around him, and Jing was responsible for cleaning up everything around him. At this time, humans and the Naya people gathered together and launched a mad killing towards the surroundings. On the way, they accidentally alarmed the indigenous people. People, but men, women and children, as long as they appear in sight are beheaded.

Body all the way, blood all the way.

Those who wanted to resist a little bit were ruthlessly beheaded, and soon there were nearly a hundred corpses, and the people led by the horror were close to the center of the tribe. The sound of this side awakened those indigenous soldiers. However, many of them had been rushed in by the Nayaans and humans before they could pick up their weapons.

"Kill! Kill! ..."

The blood screams of Wu finally alarmed the entire indigenous tribe, but it was a little late.

Only in the first round of confrontation, the Naya people with night vision ability completely took the upper hand, and human beings were not to be outdone. They held light sticks made of special materials and faced the old and weak people without affecting the field of vision. Indigenous people are beheading!

不少 Many of these human friends and relatives have been killed by the indigenous people. In the last battle, humans also paid a painful price. Compared to massacre without reason, this is more like a battle of revenge!

Although the force led by Wei Xun is quite amazing, it will not alarm the more and more indigenous people. These indigenous people are not really poor worms. When they are in danger, they also know how to protect their lives. With property!

Blood flowing.

Aboriginal warriors are not concentrated. Although they live in the middle of the tribe, they are separate houses with their wives and children.

After seeing his relatives slaughtered, this undoubtedly stimulated the anger of the indigenous people. As time went on, their own people began to suffer casualties!

An old strong man belonging to the sea god's residence was killed by a few indigenous people's sneak attacks. His dull eyes looked forward, as if he was looking forward to life, but no matter how he nodded, life was still far away from him. He died on the muddy road.

Uh ...............

Wei Xun looked up and looked ahead. The gloomy sky was still obscure. He came along and killed a lot of indigenous people. He went forward according to Chen Feng's instructions, but I do n’t know if it was psychological or how. The closer he got, the more The more I can feel a terrible breath!

Wei Xun blended the souls of beasts. At this time, his sensitivity has the characteristics of hundreds of beasts. He is more like a beast than a beast. He is sure that this is not a simple psychological effect, but it is in the front. Have powerful creatures that they can't resist!

However, it is not that he did not rely on him. Chen Feng is his backer, relying on Chen Feng. He Wei Xun does not have to fear any role at all.

Wei Xun continued to walk forward, but didn't take a few steps. There was a sudden noise in the mud pile in front, and it seemed that something was coming out of it.

Wei Xun's body froze!

Hold your breath and wait for the arrival of the comer!

In a blink of an eye, the sand pile was suddenly washed away, and a deformed monster appeared in front of himself. This was an ugly insect, with a body shape like a rhino. It also chewed a few stumps in its mouth. It's some indigenous children!


Is it an indigenous captive pet?

To be exact, this bug is not a pet, but a guardian beast. In front of Wei Xun, there is a slightly ornately decorated house. Looks like that, there is a place for statues!

In order to express himself, let Chen Feng take himself away, and he will naturally perform well. Now, the monster that suddenly appeared in front of himself can be regarded as a badge of merit. As long as he kills the other party, he can enter the room. At that time, even if the task of the Lord is truly completed!

的 The worm with the child's broken arm in his mouth appeared in front of Wei Xun. The scarlet eye pupil constantly looked at the uninvited guest in front of him. The sharp jaw exposed the bloodthirsty cold light.

Seeing this suddenly appearing bug, Wei Xun's face relaxed, "I thought it was just a little bug."

If ordinary people saw this terrible giant beetle, they would have been trembled. Wherever there was no resistance, they could only die in despair!

But who is this guardian facing?

Xi Nai slaughtered countless beasts, Wei Xun, Minister of the Blood War!

My master's mission is not to be missed. At this moment, Wei Xun strode forward, and in the next second he became a vague figure, like a mighty giant arrow on the ancient battlefield, breaking through the void and hitting the ground first Get on the giant bug!


A loud bang sounded all around!

This seemingly burly giant worm was thrown back ten meters away by a huge charge, and the wolverine hit the mud pile incomparably, hitting the muddy road out of a huge pit!

In Wei Xun's mind, there was only this big decision. At this time, his right hand trembled, and then, something like a horn moved out of the palm. Wei Xun merged the blood of beasts when needed. , It can turn the blood from the fusion into its own use!

This feeling of defeating the enemy with his own strength makes Wei Xun even more excited!


As soon as Wei Xun moved his right hand, the horns looked like a lightning bolt, which instantly split the giant worm into two halves. The dead can't die anymore!

The whole process is just over a second!

Seemingly terrifying giant bugs, the indigenous people even use the flesh and blood of their own people to feed each other, but in the eyes of Wei Xun, they are comparable to a sewer bug!

Wei Xun finally stepped into the range of the strong in a long time, and keep it like this. If the opponent can one day achieve the legendary strength, he can also be in the middle, rather than the bottom of the legend!


魏 And Wei Xun hasn't been happy for a long time, another tumble beneath the ground, and then, a dozen of such giant bugs came out of it!

Seeing his companions dying aside did not make the worms angry. Instead, they were like a group of real monsters with no intelligence. They even moved to the companions, opened their mouths and began to devour.

"Are you coming again?"

Wei Xun now kills sex, naturally will not be afraid of these dozen bugs, it screamed angrily, and then rushed forward like a gale!

"It feels so happy!"

Wei Xun sneered, those clear blue eyes were shining, and his right hand swept with a horn of a horn, and pierced into the mouth of the giant bug in front of him, piercing its throat!

Agitated smoothly, and then twisted the wrist, the horns cut to its brain, less than three or four seconds, the giant trembled his legs, completely stiff, and can no longer make any calls!

Consecutive killings, of course, Wei Xun is extremely excited, but what really makes him happy is his own strength. He has been too eager to impact the legend. Now, in this crazy killing, he suddenly felt that his own Strength climbed a little bit.

This is a feeling of breaking through the shackles. Is today the time to get out of trouble?

Thinking of this, Wei Xun was in full swing, and the momentum was more than fierce!

就是 He walked like this, step by step, slow and steady.

Behind him, the bodies of more than a dozen giant worms were scattered, and all of them were divided. For a time, the surrounding was like blood sea, which was very disgusting!

"Why is it so quiet?" Wei Xun's brow froze and he said to himself when he came to the door.

I was like this. The fear that once occupied my heart again. Looking at the empty muddy surroundings, Wei Xun seemed to be walking into a trap designed by the enemy, and a sense of anxiety sprang up from the bottom of my heart.

Wei Xun continued to walk forward, and just as he tried to open the wooden door, a huge and horrible shadow suddenly emerged from the ground, his barb-like body was like a dragon, and a mouth was holding him Nayya.

Wei Xun's eyes were instantly attracted by this monster, because the Naya people were not others, but one of the three strong men beside him. This was not a snake, but a giant bug. It had no eyes or features. The whole body is a wriggling, disgusting body, and the teeth are extremely sharp, just like sharp blades.

Its body is full of strong and extremely stinky smell. It now has four meters of mud body out of it ~ ~ and it is buried underground. It is an unknown how long it is!

Even more frightening is that it is a true legendary monster!

Moreover, I do n’t know how it did it, and even killed the powerful Naya. At this time, the Naya ’s body had been eroded by half. In this way, the saliva of this monster is comparable to sulfuric acid. It's terrible!

I looked at each other's huge, uncle Wei Weixun without doubt, the other's appetite and food.

No wonder the indigenous people can live here for so long. Even under the siege of the Naya people, they can slaughter many other people every year. They are not considered warriors of this tribe or dead insects. This monster alone is enough. Let the Naya people eat a pot!

On the side, an observing Chen Feng was also slightly surprised that indigenous people had more means of hiding than he imagined. You must know that the leader of the Naya, Li, is only a legendary stage, and this small indigenous camp In China, there are not only two mysterious strong men, but also a horrible bug.

Could it be that……

Aboriginal talent is the true confidant of the dead body

They are appointed in this jungle, and they have followed the orders of the dead bodies for generations to attack the other Naya people all the time. Perhaps this is the only way to ensure that they can taste the proper blood and then resurrect it!

Would you like to help?

Chen Feng thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't make a shot. Wei Xun has reached the edge of promotion. If he can make good use of it this time, he may really enter the realm of countless desires!

Do not break without standing, and this may be the opportunity for Wei Xun!

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