The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 967: Take precautions

I really do n’t know what kind of genius can transform energy into this kind of tactics. Although the golden pinnacle is rare, the population of order has already exceeded one million. Among them, many talents have naturally been gathered, at least dozens of masters of this strength. Once they have mastered this ability, it means that there are dozens more therapists for nothing!

Doom is dangerous.

The therapist is also a rare professional. Even in some large and very large forces, the therapist is the object of competition for all parties. The existence of the object is even more important than the master of weapons such as the cast iron division and the enchanter. !!

After all, no one wants to die.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it will be effortless! If you had this holy art earlier, many dooms can be avoided." Chen Feng naturally said to himself.

"Well, this time helping Rose to destroy the dead corpses, I have benefited a lot. Although I did not improve much, but also helped Erwin to rise to the rank of legend. Not only that, now I have acquired the residual memory of the dead corpses. If used properly , The overall strength of the order is likely to increase several times. "

I do n’t talk about others. As long as Xu Hongzhuang, Lu Wei, and Wei Xun learn this divine healing technique, their strength will be soaring, which is equivalent to an extra life.

Of course, Wei Xun was also missed. The opponent has been promoted successfully when facing the horrible giant, and he has been promoted from the golden peak to the real legendary strongman!

Of course, Chen Feng will not forget this deity in his hand.

At this time, the divinity seemed to be aware of something, and a red burr suddenly erupted on his body, then wrapped like a cicada, layer by layer, wrapping himself in it.

Is this self-protection?

锋 Chen Feng looks strange, only thinks that this deity is too anthropomorphic, it seems to be aware of its ability to peep at it, so it seals itself by this means.

But the dead body is missing a bit. Here is the damaged plane. It is the current site of Chen Feng. As long as it is placed in the eyes of the storm, even the hardest defense, even the second artifact, will be corroded a little and then completely broken. !!

However, Chen Feng does not want to use force now, yes, using the storm can easily tear up the divine defense, but the power of the storm is too great, and no one can guarantee that in the process of shredding, the memory of the dead body in the divine will be It will not be deprived together, but just a few minutes of searching, Chen Feng found the divine healing in those memories. This does not rule out the lucky relationship, but it is undeniable that the memory of the dead body does contain treasures. Even if only one thousandth of the things are useful, order may reach several steps.

The dead body is a real divine residence. Like Chen Feng who met Naluo and Mara, they are the masters of one world or even several worlds. They have accumulated for many years. The amount of wealth they have obtained is simply an astronomical number. Vocabulary can be counted.

For the dead body, He can easily be executed even by zealots above the epic, as his own funeral, not to mention the countless treasures.

Chen Feng doesn't need much, if you can find some treasures occasionally, and get some dragon crystals and secondary artifacts from it, you will be satisfied!

After all, he has the energy to cross the abyss, and can move back and forth between the abyss and the human world on his own, and this dry corpse contains a very strong sulphur and death breath. This is the unique breath of the abyss, and the dry corpse is a mansion. By virtue of his super physical ability, it is impossible for him to leave such a breath in a few days or a period of time.

what does this mean? Only for hundreds of years or even longer, the smell of this sulfur no longer exists on the surface, but is completely integrated with the dead body and becomes a part of the other person.

Because of this, Chen Feng can't act lightly on divinity. He has to dig slowly. At that time, if he can really obtain some treasures through the memory of the dead body, the order can go further and stronger in the shortest time.

Chen Feng is very likely to help the other party to rebuild a sacrifice place, dedicated to the dead!

Chen Feng has a feeling that this deity is also the root of himself and the change of order. Although his strength is now strong, his strength is too weak. In case someone kills or some kind of dimension of life invasion, that himself All of his men will be killed.

Fortunately, now that he is hidden in the dark, and coupled with the backwardness of the doomsday information, often hundreds of kilometers, he is already blind, and he does not know if there are other forces beside him.

However, this is also no way out. Chen Feng's foundation is too thin, not as good as some military forces or the true pride of heaven. The darling of heaven, such as Pang Mu, is still an arrogant, but in the end it is still Chen Feng. Killing, even if it's an arrogant, it's just middle or end!

Those who are truly proud can be victorious in their lives, not to mention the legendary stage, that is, they are thrown in front of the previous officer, they may be able to seriously damage each other, and then leave leisurely, even more, those more proud and more brave, suffer The bigger the blow, the faster you can grow!

Those people were born with a golden spoon, and if they were born, they would be able to have a rich life if there was no real disaster that they couldn't escape, and Chen Feng was undoubtedly a grassroots rise compared with those nobles. ~ ~ rely on enemy prophets and cruel hands.

Countless years of experience, Chen Feng has long understood that pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can often laugh to the end.

As for this divinity, here remains. Chen Feng knows that in the realm of epic, understanding is far more important than gathering energy. These three deities are only a supplementary effect. Even if I swallow it now, it takes some time to comprehend. Is it possible to be promoted to epic!

In this case, it would be better to slowly corrode the other side around the storm. This is a tug-of-war, but as a party to watch, Chen Feng naturally has enough patience to wait. He is waiting for the day when the divine defense dies. At that time, Chen Feng can search and find ways to get more ability out!

By that time, it is the day when the order truly rises, and it will acquire the memory of a divine residence, even if those memories have only been diluted to one ten thousandth, but if it is fully mastered, whether it is strength or power, it can be a qualitative improvement.

By the time……

Chen Feng's eyes filled with fierceness, just like hunting beasts saw the prey, saying to themselves: "Order can truly get rid of the restraint and appear in the eyes of all people and hostile forces."

Make the world an enemy!

Chen Feng is ready to attack, and other people and other lives in this world, is he / they ready? ...

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