The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 968: Poor worm

Chen Feng put this divinity in the broken plane and returned to the world.

"Master, isn't there a problem?" The evil demon who stood outside saw Chen Feng come back, his eyes widened, and he asked with concern.

"Well, nothing."

Chen Feng said, a wave of his hands, a dazzling group of lights, round and bright, Ye Mingzhu seems to appear in his hands. This group of night pearls seems to consist of thousands of small round bead bubbles, and a wave of evil waves emanates from it.

"What's so delicious?" Said the evil monster.

I still can't change the nature of food.

锋 Chen Feng has long been accustomed to the bad devil's hobby. After all, the other party can go to today, and it has an inseparable relationship with eating. If it has not been swallowed for a long time, it will not have half-step epic power.

"This is an entity that I have transformed with my spiritual power. You do n’t have enough understanding, but you can devour my knowledge to learn the Holy Spirit. This is a skill I just mastered. With this ability, you can speed up the recovery. Chen Feng shook his hands, and the group of night pearls completely dispersed, turning into many crystalline pearls.

At the same time, the evil spirit jumped up at once, then opened his mouth and swallowed all these mental powers into his mouth.

The evil devil will not taboo about what it is, and don't think about what is the so-called holy healing? As long as it is given by the host, this is enough.

At this time, the body of the bad demon is like snowflakes, and it floats without relying on its wings. Its strength has surpassed that of most people. In this realm, it is natural to be able to walk in the air, of course. Thousands of miles are not possible, and there are no problems for several hours.

After a while, the bad demon swallowed up all these thoughts, then it fell from the air to the ground, patted his belly, and his face was full.

Because Chen Feng let the evil spirits devour his own mental power, which was colorless and tasteless, the evil spirits could not eat any taste, but after a few minutes, the evil eyes' eyes suddenly glowed, as if they encountered some kind of let It's all shocking things.

The next second, a white light suddenly appeared on the bad demon's body, whirling, immortal.

The warm beam of light radiating on the body of the evil demon is like the warm sun at noon, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Finally, the evil spirit took a long breath, then opened his eyes and said to Chen Feng, "Master, my injury is all right!"

In the previous battles, the bad devil was hit hard by the indigenous people. Even if the bad devil is very resilient, it will take a long time to restore the heyday. But after having the Holy Spirit, the bad demon is only a few minutes. The time is as good as ever, and I have to say that the dead body really left a big gift for himself.

"Well, this is my gift for you." Chen Feng clapped his hands and admired.

On the other hand, the Burning Demon and Saruman were equally astonished. It was because they understood the injury of the bad demon that they were so surprised. What kind of benefits did Chen Feng give to the other party, so that the bad demon recovered? fast?

Seeing the questioning eyes of the two summoned beasts, Chen Feng didn't hide it, and he said everything in a few words. .

Later, Chen Feng passed on the knowledge of Holy Healing to the two. All along, the Burning Demon and Saruman worked hard and complained. The former made many contributions and was regarded as his number one general, and the latter was not small. It is precisely because of its protection that the insect world is stable and the insect wave is no longer flooding.

The holy healing technique is considered to be the most precious. Mastering this technique will most likely retrieve a life in future battles. The abyss is not very peaceful. It can even be said that every day is in a state of assassination.

I know how important it is to master the Holy Spirit in this intensive killing.

Chen Feng's generosity won respect. The two Xeons who used to show pride in their past, their backs could not be bent slightly at this time to show their respect.


Xi Tiangang was just bright.

There was a cry in the Aboriginal tribe. Many houses had been swept away. The ground was a mess, and there were many unseen blood and corpses. This strong **** taste attracted many dangerous beasts, but they were very clever and did not approach when they saw the village in front of them.

A pile of animal skins, belongings, and swords were collected, all in a central location, among which were a few herbs, and some wise men of the indigenous people also played the role of physicians.

The crowd in the middle of the sky went up to the crowd.

During the siege, Wei Xun issued a killing order. At the beginning, the killing was pervasive. Everyone had red eyes. No matter how young or old they were, they were beheaded one by one. However, all the soldiers died. In the case of further threats, the Naya people and human fighters still moved their hearts and left a group of live.

This is basically no accident. Ordinary indigenous people can't stop this horrible army. According to the place where the statue is placed, this village where the indigenous people live is the spirit of all the indigenous people in this jungle. .

I have to say that the Naya people move faster than humans ~ ~ This night's killings totaled more than 600 indigenous Fuxi, and the Naya people harvested more than 70% of the heads. They are born The hunters are accustomed to hunting jungle creatures, and let them instinctively treat the indigenous people as a group of beasts to be slaughtered, so they start without any pause.

However, the pioneering war belonging to this jungle did not end there. The reason why everyone can occupy here so quickly is because most of the green strength in this land is scattered around the jungle to block those. Invading enemies.

Neither side expected it.

The perineum of the Qiang United Army came here to the wrong place, and directly end up belonging to the indigenous base camp.

However, even if there are still some indigenous people in the jungle, for the coalition forces, it has not formed too much pressure. The base camp has been terminated and their faith has been interrupted. They are just a group of dogs. Self-traveling.

Indigenous people also have feelings. Their families are dead and their base camp is occupied. They will naturally launch a death charge. In that kind of charge, they have already been angered by the anger. As long as the coalition forces set up the Tian Luo Di net, when the indigenous people come to die Come and die for a pair!

Of course, Chen Feng has not forgotten the purpose of invading the indigenous people. He will not kill the remaining indigenous people. Those poor worms who have lost their homes will become the new founders of this order until they are exhausted and die ...

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