"No, I can't be the only one to see such an excellent work!"

Not only why, Lin Yu's voice was a little gritted.

After several hours of watching, he finally finished reading "Fengyun".

Then he let go of his original idea of ​​continuing to scan the rankings. After calming down, he concentrated on rushing to draft.

After a busy day in the middle of the night, an article was finally written.

After Lin Yu reviewed it, he called the editor overnight to discuss the issue of the layout.

Early the next morning, people in the whole city saw the huge and eye-catching words on the newsstands on the street.

[Heavenly Manga Rookie King? A "Feng Yun" takes you into the martial arts world of swords, lights, swords, and blood! 】

Pedestrians who had already passed by were attracted by this eye-catching title, and stopped to watch it one after another.

The text of the article is full of admiration, comparing this cartoon and this cartoonist to the leader of the new generation.

He is simply a powerful cartoonist who created a new genre of comics.

Such extreme portrayals had never been carried so far in newspapers before.

In order not to take the blame, I always use some neutral words or euphemistic expressions.

Like this time, with such a big fanfare and undisguised recommendation, it was almost written in the newspaper, as if it didn't look good and they came to kill me.

Therefore, this newspaper attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

"Boss, have one."

"Give me one too."

"I want to, too. I want to see what manga is so powerful."


Soon, these people stood on the side of the road holding newspapers and simply flipped through them.

Afterwards, some people searched for this cartoon on Tiandao Network according to the title written in the newspaper.

It's just that these people couldn't move any more as soon as they went down.

Those who were going to work stopped going to work, and those who were going to school also stopped.

In just a few minutes, the small newsstand was filled with dull pedestrians.

The focus of these people's eyes was fixed in the void, and people with discerning eyes could tell that they were reading Tiandao comics.

But not only that, when these people watched, their eyes were red and their faces were bloodshot.

Some people even trembled uncontrollably.

People passing by also stopped to look at this group of strange people in amazement.

"What the hell are they looking at?"

"Look at their expressions...the Heavenly Dao system shouldn't have excessive cartoons, right?"

"Maybe it has been revised? Why don't we go up and ask?"

The crowd has this kind of gathering effect, especially this group of people standing here is so eye-catching.

As a result, the situation here is like an infection, spreading rapidly in a short period of time.

The latecomers were naturally very curious when they saw the large group of people in front of them reading comics with excitement.

This opening is like opening Pandora's box, and it can't stop anymore.

Repeatedly from this.

The dull crowd spread from a small newsstand to the whole city.

The comic "Fengyun" was also spread in an extraordinary way in a short period of time.

Everyone is immersed in this HTC world.


Not surprisingly, someone finally finished watching the update and saw where the story ended abruptly.


"It's gone?"

"Fuck! Shameless old thief! Is this chapter still human?"

"Brothers, pick up my 40-meter machete, and I will try my best today to let this painter update another chapter!"


The sluggish crowd boiled up again.

This time, it still started from this newsstand, and the crowd was awakened like a wave.

Then there were shouts, curses, and even screams that could not accept the status quo.

The whole city boiled up.

Since Lin Yu finished writing the manuscript in the middle of the night last night, she couldn't help but read the manga several times.

Each time it made him feel more resentful towards this broken chapter.

At this time, he had just fallen asleep when he was disturbed by the sound outside the window.

After understanding what was going on, Lin Yu gently closed the window and drew the curtains.

"Uh... why don't you ask for a few days off, but don't let them know that I wrote this article..."

Although this newspaper is only circulated in this city, similar things are happening in other places.

In such a short time.

In the system of Tiandao Comics, "Fengyun" is rapidly rising in ranking like a rocket!

Has touched the bottom of the subscription list.

This time, more people saw it.

Shen Hui also saw these changes at this time.

From the moment he woke up in the morning, he saw the prompts of increasing fan value and expectation value constantly jumping upwards in the system.

After opening this so-called painting saint system, Shen Hui was shocked to find out.

The points used to redeem comics have risen to more than 1,000 points at this moment.

"It seems that the next work is stable..."

Just when he was about to think about which one to choose for the next comic, a voice full of grandeur came from the Tiandao system.

[Dear cartoonist, your work "Fengyun" has reached the signing standard. 】

[Do you choose to sign a contract? 】

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