The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 20: The Sound Transmission Of The Way Of Heaven, The Fire Spreads All Over The Great Xia Kin

"Are you signed?"

"Does this still need to be considered?"

Shen Hui clicked on Confirm without hesitation.

In an instant, the whole world in front of his eyes seemed to slow down for a moment, and invisible rays of light flowed out from the void and wrapped around his body, wrapping him into an oval light cocoon.

At this time, almost all the people of Great Xia also heard a majestic voice.

[Congratulations to the successful signing of the work "Feng Yun" by the cartoonist 'Fujian Yoshihiro'! 】


It was equivalent to the voice of the whole server radio ringing several times before it stopped!

People in the entire Great Xia Kingdom, as long as they turned on the Tiandao Network, all heard this notification tone at this time.

What's more, the cover of this manga was placed on the top, with an auspicious cloud passing by.

Those who are interested can directly enter the page of "Fengyun" from here.

And those who have not opened Tiandao Network will also see this prompt when they open it.

All of a sudden, the entire Great Xia Kingdom exploded.

"Fuck! A new signed work?"

"When did this comic come out? Why haven't I seen it?"

"Heaven's voice is transmitted, this manga is going to be popular!"

"Quick, go and have a look first!"


Countless people went crazy for this signing.

Readers flocked, eager to see what the manga was all about.

And another group of people reacted even more to the news.

These people are all year-round comics. In the past, occasionally a few works approved by Tiandao were released, and they even signed comics.

So when the news of the signing of "Fengyun" came out, these people became even more crazy about it.

They couldn't wait to open this comic, looking at the smooth and sharp strokes on the screen, the passionate story, and those extremely cool and powerful abilities.

"Who painted this? The strength of this work is no less than those on the front page."

"No less than? Are you looking down on people too much? How can the garbage on Fengtui be compared with this one?"

"How did this manga artist come up with this kind of story? Obviously I know his skills, why can't I think of this kind of story at all..."

"Does anyone know who he really is?"

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

How good-looking the story is that the readers see, and what skills they can comprehend.

But these cartoonists are different. They can see how much effort the cartoonist has put into this huge story.

The rings are hidden, the layout of grass snakes and gray lines, the complex, cool and perfect self-consistent setting, and there are flesh and blood characters appearing one by one.

No matter which point of these is mastered alone, you can even draw a good cartoon.

And this cartoonist was able to perfectly integrate it into this work, and what was finally presented to them was this "Feng Yun" that was transmitted by the Heavenly Dao!

"Worthy of being a signed manga! Be worthy of the name! Be worthy of the name!"

"Strongly request this work to be listed in textbooks!"

"The ability here is really suitable for the current plight of human beings being oppressed by ferocious beasts. This cartoonist must have drawn this kind of work to help everyone master powerful abilities. This style and spirit are really amazing. So great."

Not only the people in the rear, but even the soldiers and generals on the front line got the news.

Unlike others, they discovered this comic early on, and learned powerful skills from it.

Therefore, the news that this comic has been signed is just a knowing smile, which is completely expected.

"Really? Signed?"

Yulongyan already knew the news. Although she never doubted this work, she even used the spirit stones of the Frontline Guard Legion to reward the cartoonist.

But this speed is still beyond his imagination.

How long has it been since I found out about this comic? It was so short that it was less than a month before I signed a contract.

"This cartoonist is so terrifying!"

Yulongyan couldn't help but gasped.

During the period of time after Tiandao's sound transmission, almost all the people in the Great Xia Kingdom put down their work.

In the classroom, the teacher is not giving lectures, and the students are no longer listening to the lectures.

Everyone found a comfortable place nearby, opened the comics and started reading.

The sounds of exclamation, emotion, and shock are endless.

What were they watching before?

Compared with this work, it is completely different from the firefly and the moon.

However, the good times didn't last long.

When they saw the rise and saw Dugu Sword Master Dafa Kamui, the story came to an abrupt end!

It was an inexplicable feeling as if the table had collapsed halfway through the meal.

The whole person seemed to be hung in mid-air, unable to go up or down, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Fuck? Gone?"

"What's down there? Where did the painter go down there?"

"This kind of work can still be signed? Is there a bug in the rules of heaven?"


Almost instantly, angry shouts erupted everywhere.

The sound gathered together, it was deafening, and the whole city seemed to tremble a little under the roar.

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