Yang Hao's remarks soon set off a huge disturbance in the whole world.

All the allies of the Beacon Country overwhelmingly supported this cartoonist who hadn't even published a single comic.

The attitude of the people of Great Xia is also very clear.

They didn't care about this person who came out of nowhere, they just felt a little angry about Yang Hao touching "Hokage Ninja".

However, after all, the Pacific Ocean is huge, and under this distance, the people of Great Xia Kingdom can't do anything at all.

If Yang Hao came to the Great Xia Kingdom at this time, he might have to go out sideways in less than two hours.

However, this turmoil is only there.

The officials of the Great Xia Kingdom did not make any comments on this.

People all over the world are paying attention to the cartoonist's first cartoon, wondering what he will draw when the time comes.

Half a month passed in such a calm and turbulent way.

Fan Zhenzheng in Xilin City had a sad face.

He looked at the thick stack of documents and materials in his hand, and the tired look on his face was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it.

These materials were transferred from the official administration of Xilin City after he just returned from the battlefield, and they contained information on all permanent personnel over the age of 50 in Xilin City.

That adds up to hundreds of thousands.

It has been several months since he retrieved the information.

During this time, Fan Zhen and several of his subordinates kept flipping through these materials day and night.

It has roughly ruled out the vast majority of people who have no possibility at all.

But the remaining number is still very large.

He is melancholy now.

What troubled Fan Zhen was not how huge the amount of these materials was, but that from the first round of preliminary screening, Fan Zhen had not found anyone who felt very likely.

In other words, this time the investigation task is likely to be in vain.

However, after all, this step has been achieved, and it would be a pity to just give up like this.

"Hey, you two pack up, let's meet these people separately tomorrow."

With a sad face, Fan Zhen assigned the two subordinates to work in the "Three Six Zero".


There was a weak response. These two subordinates have known the importance of this mission for a long time.

At the beginning, they were still full of excitement, only thinking that when the time came to find this cartoonist that everyone paid attention to, this kind of thing would definitely add a lot of color to their careers in the Overwatch Council.

However, the tedious work for several consecutive months made the two young people look tired at this time.

It was the first time for them to experience this painful feeling like finding a needle in a haystack.

But there is no way, after all, we still have to continue to promote this matter.

Fan Zhen put away the materials in his hand, leaned on the chair, and lit a cigarette.

Amidst the smog, Fan Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"By the way, the Valkyrie of our Great Xia is also in this city. If you have the opportunity, you can visit it. With the strength of the other party, maybe there are some things that we haven't noticed."

After Fan Zhen relaxed, he realized that the most famous Valkyrie in the Great Xia Kingdom was taking a vacation in Xilin City.

I don't know what level the opponent's strength has reached, but it is said that there is such a vague feeling between masters.

Maybe the other party can guide their investigation to a new discovery?

Early the next morning, Fan Zhen took two of his subordinates to closely observe the remaining dozen or so people on the list.

Without exception, these people are all around sixty years old, which is also the golden age for a cartoonist.

Unlike most professions.

Cartoonists need long-term accumulation of experience, long-term technical practice, and a lot of reading.

No matter which one of these things, it takes a lot of time to invest in it before it can be harvested.

Judging from the rankings of "Hokage Ninja" and "Fengyun" on the Tianbang, this cartoonist is definitely far beyond ordinary people in these aspects.

And this also means that his age will never be young.

Fan Zhen looked at the information in his hand, and looked at the marked houses from a distance.

Another characteristic of these people is that they live in seclusion and rarely communicate with outsiders in depth.

If the family members were thriving, the news of the cartoonist would have been spread out long ago.

Only this kind of person who lives alone, and even looks a little lonely, is the most likely person to become this cartoonist.

Fan Zhen decided to follow up and investigate these candidates separately in the next few days.

If there is really that cartoonist among them, then no matter what, the other party will reveal clues in his life.

At the same time, there is another huge change in the whole world.

That is, after the beast tide crisis, the pattern of the whole world has undergone great changes.

At this time, most countries can only be busy cultivating the destroyed cities in the country and mourning the dead.

Even some small countries have perished. After the war, their original lands were swallowed up by their neighbors.

As for the Great Xia Kingdom, that is another level.

During this war, the Great Xia Kingdom completely wiped out all the invading beasts.

And the scale of the beast horde this time is so huge, anyone with a little common sense would know that the territory of the ferocious beasts at this time is a huge emptiness.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the Great Xia Kingdom expanded its territory almost effortlessly.

Incorporated most of the areas that originally belonged to fierce beasts into the new territory.

In these places, there were no ferocious beasts at all, only the precious herbs left all over the mountains and plains, which made the Great Xia Kingdom a windfall.

Other countries can only envy this, they can't even protect their own territory, how can they counterattack the world of invading beasts?

Even in a place like Lighthouse Country, both sides of him are Endless Wang Yang, even if he wants to get ", he has to be able to get it.

In this way, under the envious eyes of the whole world, the strength of the Great Xia Kingdom expanded again.

Not surprisingly, this has aroused hostility from other countries.

After a period of deliberation, Yang Hao, the rookie cartoonist who caused waves all over the world, finally released a new work.

After the previous turmoil, I don't know how many people are paying attention to Yang Hao's latest developments.

His every move was recorded by the media [undergoing nonsense analysis.

And on this day, he finally released his first comic on the Tiandao system.

"Green titan"!

The whole world was shocked.

Except for the Great Xia Kingdom.

Yang Hao's comics have just entered the Tiandao system's new comic library, and they have already been discovered by countless people.

He even used his original name as a pseudonym, as if he was afraid that others would not know who he was.

Moreover, the media reporters from various countries who had already received the news, immediately caught up with the huge communication ability after the release of his comics.

All of a sudden, everyone in the Lighthouse Country read this cartoon.

"What? Yang Hao posted comics? Is that the cartoonist who has been rarely seen for hundreds of years?"

"How is his work? Is it good?"

"Okay, hurry up and read, we are all familiar with the culture of the Beacon Country, maybe we can learn some skills from this comic."

Countless people opened Yang Hao's comics and read them carefully.

In the comics, the story originated in a military base. Dr. Bruce Banner was accidentally exposed to radiation when he was researching gamma rays.

This kind of radiation can make the doctor turn into a green titan when he is extremely angry.

Possesses extremely powerful destructive power.

Seeing this scene full of muscular violence, the people of Beacon Country were all excited.

"That's right! This is the manga we want!"

"Green titan eternal god!"

"Go! Hammer them, just wait, I'm going to turn into a green titan too!"

Once the comic was released, it aroused numerous praises.

After all, Yang Hao is also a talented cartoonist, and after being guided by several top cartoonists in the Lighthouse Country, he now has a very high standard.

This time the story is indeed groundbreaking.

In the past, other people's comics were all chasing all kinds of powerful skills with strange effects.

Few people can draw such simple and crude body muscle strength.

Yang Hao hit such a blind spot and instantly attracted the attention of countless readers.

Moreover, he did not break the chapters, and the stories were released one after another.

If you look at it from this aspect alone, Yang Hao is simply a role model in the cartoonist world.

Not surprisingly, this cartoon was also spread to the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, almost no one from the Great Xia Kingdom looked at them.

"Have you heard? A foreign country has published a comic now, it seems to be stopped...

"I know, is it called "Green Titan"? My father said, don't look at that thing, what if you accidentally comprehend the skill and it's really green?"

"What do you mean, when you turn green, you become stronger..."

"My father also said that watching "Hokage" is enough to get stronger, and if I dare to watch "Green Titan", my legs will be broken..."

Even elementary school students are constantly exchanging the latest comic information on the way from school at this time.

Tiandao manga is the core thing in the whole world, as long as there is any trouble in it, it will cause countless people to search for the source.

Before the release of "Green Titan" this time, Yang Hao and the leader of the Lighthouse National University had already made various preparations.

The early publicity and momentum, the praise and hype after the release, and then belittling other countries, the whole process is easy to follow.

Half a month after "Green Titan" was released.

In a military base in the lighthouse country.

The commander of the lighthouse, Yang Hao and some senior officials from other departments gathered here at this time.

In front of them is a wide playground.

There were dozens of carefully selected soldiers sitting at intervals.

These soldiers were constantly looking at "Green Titan" on Tiandao comics at this time, and they had been watching it for ten days.

At this moment, a soldier's face suddenly became very ferocious, his body instantly swelled and his jacket was torn, and his whole body expanded in a full circle, becoming a veritable green titan.

Falk! It really succeeded!" The Minister of Intelligence's eyes widened, his face full of ecstasy.

Even the commander-in-chief looked at the changes on the playground with a happy face at this time.

One after another, several soldiers started the transformation process.

For a moment, the entire field was filled with the sound of clothes being torn apart.

"Good! Good! Yang Hao, you did a great job!"

The commander-in-chief patted Yang Hao on the shoulder in relief.

"In this way, our country will also have top cartoonists, and the short-term advantage of the Great Xia Kingdom will no longer exist!"

"Yang Hao! This is all thanks to you!"

Yang Hao uses his hands

Pushing the gold-rimmed glasses with his fingers, he showed a confident smile.

He smiled slightly, tilted his head back, and said, "Commander, this is my strength!"

"The manga artist in the Great Xia Kingdom is just a man trying to catch his name. When more people read my manga, he will be kicked out sooner or later."

The dozen or so green titans that have transformed on the playground have already entered the stage of fighting under the camera...

The violent collision set off a strong sound wave, and the constantly trembling muscles were full of explosive power.

The huge fist hit the ground, and could even directly punch out a deep hole!

Seeing such a scene, even the Grand Commander was shocked.

"If this was the beast tide before, we would have this comic, how could it be beaten like this by the beast?"

"But it doesn't matter, the days to come are still very long, this time let the Great Xia Kingdom see our changes!"

Even the Minister of Intelligence is very excited.

He looked at the soldiers in the field, his eyes were shining, and he couldn't help saying.

"Commander, after this comic is popularized, the Great Xia Kingdom will no longer be our opponent!"

"Their current strength is just relying on that opportunistic cartoonist. We should let them understand who is the boss!"

The commander nodded uncontrollably. He was still a little worried at first, but after coming to this sergeant base today and seeing the shocking scene in front of him, all worries were put down.

He waved his hand and said confidently.

"Arrange it! Tomorrow we have a press conference!"

In the press conference of the comics industry, this kind of novelty instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Moreover, it was held by the Lighthouse Country. No reporter would want to miss this kind of occasion.

Early the next morning, countless people came to this spacious conference hall with their cameras.

On the stage in the middle of the field, Yang Jie stood here confidently.

When everyone is ready, the press conference will officially begin.

Yang Hao spoke with his proficient lighthouse accent while holding the microphone.

"Thank you for coming from afar, please watch a short video first."

After finishing speaking, Yang Hao quietly stood aside, he wanted to appreciate the shocking and respectful gazes of these people from a close distance.

The big screen behind him instantly lit up.

Above shows the fight between the green titans, taken the day before!

The scene was very shocking, the green titan's arm was almost as thick as a person, and the powerful force was particularly shocking in the video.

"Fack! What's this? A green titan from the comics?"

"Can this kind of skill be comprehended? Has this manga artist surpassed Mr. Luo Lin?"

"I counted, and there are fifteen green titans in the video! This manga has only been published for more than ten days! This situation is too scary!"

This short film captured everyone's attention from the very beginning.

The picture above made all these people lose their image.

He didn't even come back to his senses until the short film was played, and looked at Yang Hao who was standing quietly in the booth with fiery eyes.

That's the manga artist of Green titan!

In the hall, the lights came back on and focused on Yang Hao.

He stepped lightly and walked up to the center of the stands.

"Hi everyone, the skills that appeared in the short video just now come from the "Green Titan" I drew!"

"I don't know what's wrong with you guys now?"

Yang Hao looked polite at this time, and his heart was already intoxicated by this atmosphere of success.

Hearing his words, the reporters off the court rushed to stand up one after another.


"I have a question!"

"And I!"

"Mr. Yang Hao, how did you draw such an excellent work?"

Yang Hao felt Ichiraku in his heart, he was looking forward to such a question, looking forward to being asked the reason for his success.

After clearing his throat, Yang Hao said with confidence in his eyes.

"It all comes from my unique life experience. I immigrated from Daxia when I was a child, and I have been grateful for this unique experience for a long time in the past."

"He made me better understand the real cultural differences between the two sides, and let me really understand the superiority of the lighthouse country."

"It is by absorbing the failure experience of the Great Xia Kingdom and the excellent works of the Lighthouse Kingdom that I can draw this unique cartoon!"

"Here, I also want to thank the unique environment and humanistic care of Lighthouse Country, which allowed me to create such a work here!"

The reporters off the field were all excited when they heard Yang Hao's self-report.

This is not only what Yang Hao said to himself, this sentence also gave these reporters a sense of superiority.

They struggled to ask questions enthusiastically.

"Then, Mr. Yang Hao, what do you think of the popular manga in Great Xia Kingdom and that manga artist? How do you think you compare yourself to the manga?

This is a very acute question.

If they are from the same country, I am afraid they will want to avoid talking about it, so as not to get into trouble.

But Yang Hao is different, the purpose of his debut is to overwhelm the manga collection from Great Xia Kingdom in every aspect.

It can be said that this question is the one he has been waiting for, and he is already ready to answer it.

Yang Hao stretched out his hand to push the gold-rimmed glasses, and pushed back his gelled hair.

"Manga from Great Xia Kingdom?"

"With all due respect, those are just rubbish."

"If it wasn't for the fact that I debuted too late, how could there be a chance for a second-rate cartoonist to make his debut?"

"It can only be said that the cartoonists of the Great Xia Kingdom just picked up a loophole."

"Soon, you will be able to see that my comics will overwhelm those of Mansion Kingdom!"

"Readers who read my comics can easily defeat readers of Great Xia Kingdom!"

After saying these few words, Yang Hao threw away the microphone in his hand, turned around and left without stopping.

And at this time, all the reporters in the field were already boiling up!.

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