The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 74: The Battle Of The Heaven List! Shen Hui's Determination!

This press conference soon set off a huge disturbance in the whole world.

Yang Hao's confident words at the press conference, as well as his attitude of constantly provoking the Great Xia Kingdom in those words, made many allies of the Beacon Country very happy.

Moreover, that green titan actual combat video also gave these people a lot of confidence.

They really saw that this comic can make people realize the really useful skills, and they were all very moved.

These days, the skills of Tiandao comics are the foundation of everything.

As long as you have the ability to comprehend from it, you can call the wind and rain in the real world.

Needless to say anything else, let's just talk about the beast tide crisis not long ago.

Countries with few people who understand skills are now over the first seven.

However, Great Xia Kingdom was able to survive this crisis unscathed by relying on the works of two newcomer cartoonists, and even gained huge gains.

This kind of thing makes anyone feel envious when they see it.

It's different now.

The people of Beacon Country can confidently say that we also have new excellent comics.

The whole world, and all the allies of the lighthouse country, are promoting this new work comprehensively at this time.

Under the hype of this intensity, "Green Titan" soon became a signed work.

As soon as this news came out, there was another carnival in the Beacon Country.

Yang Hao even made a sound again.

"Cartoonists from the Great Xia Kingdom? Let's compete in the rankings!"

Yang Hao is backed by the support of countless countries, and the language and cultural core of the Lighthouse Country have already penetrated countless countries.

His works naturally have a very broad audience.

This may also be the source of his confidence.

Yang Hao's repeated provocations have also spread throughout the Great Xia Kingdom with the help of some people.

The people of Great Xia Kingdom were excited, and seeing this banana man's boastful appearance, they really wanted to give him two punches.

It's a pity that the Pacific Ocean is too wide, and the ups and downs of all these ultimately depend on Tiandao comics to speak.

"What should I do? I feel that Yang Hao seems to be a bad person."

"Nonsense, this kind of person must be a bad person, the Lighthouse Kingdom has long been targeting us for many years.

"Nimma, is this dog from the lighthouse country worthy of yelling at us?"

"Hey, I don't know if our cartoonist can stand it. How is he doing now?"

"I don't know, we don't know who this cartoonist is, and we don't know how to help him..."

After seeing the video of the press conference, the people of Great Xia Kingdom were very angry.

If the Great Xia Kingdom and the Lighthouse Kingdom were adjacent, they might have already started fighting by this time.

But even so, the grievances of these people could not be vented at all.

Some people also started to worry about Shen Hui.

Although they have full confidence in Shen Hui's works, after all, the comics of the other party have a wider readership.

If you calculate it like this, you don't know what the result will be.

In the scoring system of Tiandao comics, the number of readers, their feelings when reading comics, and the final feedback to the real world have different weights.

It's just that no one can calculate this kind of thing at all.

Therefore, the people of the Great Xia Kingdom will be worried.

The turmoil was so huge that even Shen Hui, who often stays at home, knew the news.

These days, he often goes to restaurants outside to eat monster dishes, which are good food and taste good.

After eating it a few times, Shen Hui even got addicted.

While eating in the restaurant, Shen Hui heard the people at the next table discussing about "Green Titan" and Yang Zao.

After several times of listening, Shen Hui also figured out what was going on.

When he returned home, he frowned and opened Tiandao Manga, found the "Green Titan", and flipped through it casually.

"That's it? That's it..."

Shen Hui turned off the manga after turning a few pages.

At first glance, this comic seems to be the same thing, but it is quite in line with the values ​​of the Beacon Country.

However, in Shen Hui's opinion, this story is just average, and the skills in it are too rare, there are only a few things that appear on the scene in total.

If people understand this, I am afraid that the efficiency will not be high.

After Shen Hui flipped through the manga, he also found the video of the press conference and watched it.

In the video, Yang Hao is wearing a black suit, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his oily hair combed back. He looks like a successful person.

In the video, Yang Hao stood on the booth and talked freely. The big screen behind him played the green titan skills learned by the lighthouse army, and the people in the field cheered.

Shen Hui curled his lips, this is too much of a fuss.

These people have never seen the world.

However, Shen Hui's idea is seriously separated from other people in this world.

As a person from another world, he had read countless comics, movies, and games in his previous life.

The aesthetic level has long been different from those who have never seen a few good comics.

Before he released the comics, people in this world could only look at those manuals, garbage comics like journals.

It was he who revolutionized the entire Tiandao comics world.

Even Yang Hao got a lot of inspiration and ideas from his works.

It's no wonder that the people in the Lighthouse Kingdom made a fuss when they saw this cartoon.

In fact, they have never seen any good works before.

Shen Hui thought for a while, went back to the room and picked up the paintbrush.

He decided to give this brazen person a little color.

Isn't the other party clamoring for a comparison?

Shen Hui directly buried himself in a new round of creation.

The story of "Hokage Ninja" has entered the second half in this constant update.

The people who will appear next have higher and higher combat power, and their skills are getting more and more cool.

It's time to pick up the pace, too.

When Shen Hui was immersed in the creation, the officials of the Great Xia Kingdom also saw this matter, and even discussed it specially.

In a dark room with the curtains drawn.

The intelligence department of the Great Xia Kingdom is holding an emergency meeting here.

The Minister of Intelligence looked around for a week with a serious face, tapped on the table lightly, and said.

"You all know the recent events, right? What do you think of the "Green Titan" in Lighthouse Country?"

Sitting on both sides of the table are the backbone elites of the intelligence service.

At this time, these people felt a little uneasy in their hearts, and their brows were tightly frowned, as if they had something on their minds.

After hesitating for a while, one of them spoke first.

"My lord, I don't think the other party is kind. I'm afraid that sooner or later we will encounter armed combat."

The Minister of Intelligence nodded, with a hint of anger in his heart.

"That's right, gaining new power naturally means finding a way to reveal it to achieve greater deterrence. I have the same opinion as you."

That's right, in the mind of the Minister of Intelligence, this incident is just a fuse.

The so-called Tianbang competition is actually nothing more than a competition for reputation, and it does not change the strength of the country in any way.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to stop there. They will definitely use other methods to show off their muscles, and this is what the Minister of Intelligence is worried about.

"So, in your judgment, what is the power of the skills that have appeared in this comic so far?"

This is the question that the Minister of Intelligence is most concerned about. He looked sharply at his subordinates on both sides, waiting for their answers.

"My lord, I think the most important ability in the manga "Green Titan" is the ability of the protagonist to transform. If all the soldiers in the Lighthouse Kingdom can turn into green titans, I'm afraid..."

The subordinate didn't finish his sentence, but the Minister of Intelligence already understood what he meant.

The characteristics of this comic are very obvious. In the comics, the green titan's strength can even be called invincible, an existence that is almost absolutely impossible to kill.

Even if it is reproduced in the real world, there will be some weakening and changes, this ability may be extremely difficult.

"My lord! My thoughts are not so pessimistic. Just some of the top skills in "Feng Yun" can easily kill the opponent in seconds, let alone "Hokage Ninja" also has Chidori with strong penetrating power. ability."

The Minister of Intelligence's eyes lit up when he heard this.

That's right, this is indeed the unique advantage of the Great Xia Kingdom.

In Shen Hui's two comics, there are many high-level abilities, which are extremely powerful.

It's just... the requirement for this kind of ability to comprehend is really too high.

This also allowed the Great Xia Kingdom to comprehend this kind of skill. Although there are many people, they are not as good as the opponent's scene where the entire army is green titan.

The Minister of Intelligence sighed, with a trace of worry in his heart.

It's not that I'm worried about the future of the Great Xia Kingdom, but I'm worried that the cartoonist will do irrational things under this kind of stimulation.

As long as this cartoonist can continue to draw, he will definitely be able to lead the Great Xia Kingdom to a new height in the future.

I hope he doesn't expose it so easily...

The Minister of Intelligence shook his head, cleared away the distracting thoughts, then cleared his throat, and said seriously.

"Next, continue to pay attention to the development of the matter. If there is news about our cartoonist, we must protect it as soon as possible! He must not be persecuted by other forces!"


Two rows of intelligence investigators dressed in black responded with serious faces.

They all know that now is the time when they need to be cautious the most.

At the same time, outside the door that was only a wall away from Shen Hui, there were several people looking around.

That was Fan Zhen and his party.

"Let's go quickly, there is nothing to see around here, I have already investigated it."

"Aren't you going to look around the trash can that the manuscript paper found today? Don't waste time here."

Fan Zhen greeted him, wiped the sweat off his brow, and led the people behind him across Shen Hui's house and walked forward.

In these days, their investigation went nowhere, so they had to find the scavengers who picked up the manuscript paper in the first place.

After hard work, they finally reminded the scavenger of the trash bin where he picked up the manuscript paper.

But coincidentally, at that time, in order to avoid the sight outside the door, Yulongyan used the garbage that Jian Twenty-san left after she left Shen Hui's house.

That is to say, those few manuscript papers were discarded near Yulongyan's residence, not around Shen Hui's home.

In this way, Fan Zhen took several people and the cartoonist they were thinking of, separated by such a wall, and went farther and farther!

Finally, Fan Zhen and the others arrived at the place where the trash can was.

A scavenger was timidly pointing to a corner in front of him and said.

"My... my lord, it's here..."

The scavengers didn't understand what was going on, and after leading Fan Zhen and the others, they quickly left here.

He didn't dare to speak out about the things here.

In order to avoid this kind of thing, Fan Zhen had already strictly

He warned him, and even made up a drama of court struggles to frighten this man.

"Okay, it's around here, let's split up and take a look around."

Once here, Fan Zhen was in no hurry.

It is said that you can run away from the house but not the temple. You must first get familiar with the surrounding terrain and the people living nearby, so that you can do further investigation.

"Oh, this house is quite big, which one does it belong to?"

Fan Zhen turned a corner and saw a vermilion mansion. The new and clean exterior wall means that the people living here are still repairing it on time.

Otherwise, the cost of repairing this house alone would probably be higher than Fan Zhen's salary.

Just when he was wondering, a young and beautiful woman came out from the door of the room.

The woman is wearing a gauze dress, shining brightly in the sun.

"Who are you......?"

Yulongyan walked out of the house, originally intending to chat with Shen Hui, but saw a suspicious man standing at the door of her house looking around.

She asked casually, but her right hand had already lightly pinched her sword fingers.

Facing an opponent of this level, Yulongyan is sure to resolve the battle within two seconds, and doesn't even need to use the Wushuang Sword at all.

Although Yulongyan didn't know who was in front of her, Fan Zhen recognized her.

When he saw this face clearly, Fan Zhen couldn't help shivering all over his body.

`々That's right........ I'm sorry, Master Yulongyan! I'm a staff member who was just transferred to the Xilin City Administration Bureau, and I just passed by here when I was doing a task..

The moment he saw Yulongyan, he dispelled his doubts. This is the Valkyrie of the Empire. I heard that killing beasts on the battlefield is like hemp, and the sword will definitely see blood when it comes out of the body.


As an investigator of the Overwatch Council, Fan Zhen had extremely sharp eyes. He saw Yulongyan's pinched sword fingers in an instant, so he hurriedly explained.

Otherwise, if he was really beaten and disabled by this lord, it would only be considered unlucky.

But since he met this lord, Fan Zhen also tentatively asked.

"I don't know my lord, have you seen any strange people around here?"

Out of secrecy, even if the other party was the Valkyrie of the Empire, Fan Zhen still guarded his teeth firmly, and did not reveal the slightest intention of looking for a cartoonist.

"Strange person?" Yulongyan raised her eyebrows, she didn't know what the other person meant.

Seeing this, Fan Zhen quickly explained, "It's the kind of person who doesn't go out very much, or doesn't communicate with others very much, lives near here, and is of a certain age."

When she first heard the first two sentences, Yulongyan thought he was talking about Shen Hui, but when she heard the second two sentences, she instantly dismissed the idea.

After all, although Shen Hui didn't go out very much, he was only a young man in his twenties, and he didn't live around here. The person he was looking for was definitely not Shen Hui.

Yulongyan thought about it for a while, then shook her head lightly.

Fan Zhen was a little disappointed, but this was within his acceptable range.

After all, this manga artist has been hidden for so long, how can he find it by just asking anyone?

After talking for a few words, Yulongyan didn't have the tendency to go out, and returned to the room after waving her hands.

And Fan Zhen could only continue to explore the surroundings for a period of time, and then reluctantly withdrew his team and returned.

"Hey, why is it so hard to find this cartoonist? If he stands up now, our Great Xia Kingdom will definitely do our best to support him. What is that (Wang Lie's) Yang?"

How can Hao have the qualifications to challenge him!"

"Forget it, maybe this person is more free and easy, and doesn't like being entangled in mundane things?"

While chatting with his teammates, Fan Zhen walked past Shen Hui's house again.

And in the room, Shen Hui was still writing vigorously at this time.

His palm almost turned into an afterimage, and he could only see one picture after another continuously being born from his hands, portrayed on the illusory drawing board of the Dao of Heaven.

After several days of fermentation, Shen Hui has not made any reply, even if other people supported him in the comment area, he did not bother to read it.

In the past few days, hundreds of people in the Lighthouse Kingdom have comprehended the skills in "Green Titan".

And not only the lighthouse country, but also other countries have more or less people who have comprehended the skills.

For example, Nanbang Country, their country has always had a group of people who have abandoned their own language, and all their living habits have moved closer to the Beacon Country, who have been reading the comics of the Beacon Country.

Since the release of "Green Titan", this group of people in Nanban has been watching this comic on repeat.

So far, they already have a dozen or so people who have comprehended the green titan's skills.

When the effect of this skill was actually revealed, these people in Nanbang Kingdom were stunned.

"Is this skill really that strong?"

Commander Nanbang looked at the actual demonstration effect of the soldiers in the martial arts field, and opened his mouth in shock.

They originally thought that the content of the lighthouse country's press conference would be somewhat exaggerated.

After all, this can be regarded as a traditional art skill.

However, unexpectedly, when they really realized this ability, they realized that there was no exaggeration at all in the press conference, and this ability is indeed very powerful.

After using this skill, the bodies of these soldiers swelled rapidly, and their physical fitness alone could even touch some third-order beasts.

The senior officials of Nanbang Kingdom also became excited when they saw this scene.

"Master Commander! Is it possible to carry out that plan now?"

"That's right, Lord Commander, we can no longer allow the Great Xia Kingdom to develop so steadily."

Commander Nanbang took a deep breath, and there seemed to be incomparable confidence and hope in his eyes.

"Okay, then get ready!".

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